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Last active April 21, 2021 23:01
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Translate all locale strings with missing translations in a Sanity dataset -
/* eslint-disable no-console */
import client from 'part:@sanity/base/client'
import reduce from 'json-reduce'
// see for an example
import {SUPPORTED_LANGUAGES} from '../schemas/languages'
import Translate from '@google-cloud/translate'
const translateAPI = new Translate({
projectId: '<your google cloud project id>',
key: '<your google cloud api key>'
// This example shows how you may write a migration script that recursively collects all values of a certain type.
// In this case it collects all localeStrings that has missing translations, calls the Google Translate API and
// patches these localeStrings.
// NOTE: We're using the export api, which fetches and traverses *all* documents in the dataset. This may go well
// if the dataset contains a relatively limited number of documents, but if the dataset is large, some kind of
// streaming with backpressure should be applied
// This script will exit if any of the mutations fail due to a revision mismatch (which means the
// document was edited between fetch => update) (See the ifRevisionID key in each patch)
// Fetch all documents in the dataset
const fetchDocuments = () =>
url: `/data/export/${client.config().dataset}`
.then(res =>
.map(line => JSON.parse(line))
const serializePath = path => {
return path.reduce((target, part, i) => {
const isIndex = typeof part === 'number'
const separator = i === 0 ? '' : '.'
const add = isIndex ? `[${part}]` : `${separator}${part}`
return `${target}${add}`
}, '')
// For a given document, collect a list of all locale strings, and their keypath
const collectLocaleStringNodes = document =>
(prev, value, keyPath) =>
value._type === 'localeString'
? [
path: serializePath(keyPath),
current: value
: prev,
const hasMissingTranslations = localeString =>
SUPPORTED_LANGUAGES.some(lang => lang.googleTranslateCode && !( in localeString))
const hasPossibleSourceLang = localeString =>
SUPPORTED_LANGUAGES.some(lang => lang.googleTranslateCode && in localeString)
const isFixable = localeString =>
hasMissingTranslations(localeString) && hasPossibleSourceLang(localeString)
const translateLang = async (text, targetLang) => {
return (await translateAPI.translate(text, targetLang.googleTranslateCode))[0]
const translateLocaleString = async localeString => {
const missingLangs = SUPPORTED_LANGUAGES.filter(
lang => lang.googleTranslateCode && !( in localeString)
const sourceLang = SUPPORTED_LANGUAGES.find(lang => (localeString[] || '').trim())
if (!sourceLang) {
// no source to translate from
return localeString
const sourceText = localeString[]
const translated = await Promise.all( lang => {
try {
return {[]: await translateLang(sourceText, lang)}
} catch (err) {
console.log(`Could not translate "${sourceText}" to ${lang.title}`)
return {}
return Object.assign({}, localeString, ...translated)
const translateAll = fixableDocs => {
return Promise.all( fixable => ({
localeStringNodes: await Promise.all( node => ({
translated: await translateLocaleString(node.current)
const batch = (array, batchSize) => {
if (array.length === 0) {
return array
if (array.length <= batchSize) {
return [array]
return [array.slice(0, batchSize), ...batch(array.slice(batchSize), batchSize)]
const createSetPatches = localeStrings =>
(patches, node) => ({
[node.path]: node.translated
const createPatch = doc => ({
id: doc._id,
ifRevisionID: doc._rev,
set: createSetPatches(doc.localeStringNodes)
const createTransaction = patches =>
patches.reduce((tx, patch) => {
const {id,} = patch
return tx.patch(id, rest)
}, client.transaction())
const logTodo = fixable => {
const stringsCount = fixable.reduce(
(count, fixableItem) => count + fixableItem.localeStringNodes.length,
console.log(`Fixing ${stringsCount} localeString field(s) in ${fixable.length} document(s)`)
const logResults = results => {
const count = results.reduce((total, res) => total + res.documentIds.length, 0)
console.log(`Translated localeStrings in ${count} document(s) (${results.length} transaction(s))`)
const runMigration = async () => {
const fixableDocs = (await fetchDocuments())
.map(document => ({
// for each document we collect all locale strings recursively together with
// their keypath (i.e. the location in the document)
_id: document._id,
_rev: document._rev,
localeStringNodes: collectLocaleStringNodes(document)
.filter(document => document.localeStringNodes.some(node => isFixable(node.current)))
// Now fixableDocs is an array of
// {id: string, localeStringsNodes: [{path: string, current: LocaleString}]}
// Translate all fixable docs
const fixedDocs = await translateAll(fixableDocs)
// Now fixedDocs is an array of
// {id: string, localeStringsNodes: [{path: string, current: LocaleString, translated: LocaleString}]}
// Convert to Sanity patches
const patches = fixedDocs.reduce((acc, fixedDoc) => acc.concat(createPatch(fixedDoc)), [])
// Create transactions from patches in batches of n
const transactions = batch(patches, 10).map(createTransaction)
// Commit each batch in sequence
const results = await transactions.reduce(
async (prev, tx) => [...(await prev), await tx.commit()],
runMigration().catch(err => {
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