FileMerge (opendiff) can really come in handy when you need to visually compare merging conflicts. Other times it's just a nice visual way to review your days work.
The following method works by creating a simple bash script ( that sets us up with the proper command line arguments for Git to pass off files to FileMerge.
Open the bash script for editing:
vi ~/bin/
Paste the following code:
#!/bin/sh /usr/bin/opendiff "$2" "$5" -merge "$1"
Make the bash script executable:
chmod +x ~/bin/
Tell Git (globally) to run our bash script when 'git diff' is issued:
git config --global diff.external ~/bin/
Now head over to your Git-aware project directory and issue a
git diff /path/to/modified/
and FileMerge will pop up showing you the
differences against it and HEAD.
You can also do things like git diff --cached
to review all the changes
against HEAD.
Thanks, yllan. Fixed.