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Last active January 22, 2016 22:52
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function Get-UpdateList {
Gets an ISearchResult containing updates from Windows Update.
.PARAMETER Computername
The target computer.
Cannot use an array of computernames here.
Defaults to the local PC.
The search criteria, see
Left at default, it will return all software updates that have not yet
been installed. Driver updates are ignored.
Returns an IUpdateCollection ( named IUpdateCollection
IUpdateCollection is type System.__ComObject#{c1c2f21a-d2f4-4902-b5c6-8a081c19a890}
WU error codes:
Shows that there are 5 updates available.
Param (
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true, Position=0)] [string]$Computername = ".",
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$false, Position=1)] [string]$Criteria = "IsInstalled=0 and Type='Software'"
$Searcher = New-Object -ComObject Microsoft.Update.Searcher
$ISearchResult = $Searcher.Search($Criteria)
function Hide-Update {
Hides or un-hides updates as specified by KB article number (KBID).
.PARAMETER ISearchResult
ISearchResult is delivered from Get-UpdateList and is a COM object.
One or more KBIDs to hide or un-hide.
Switch parameter. If used, the specified KBID(s) will be UN-hidden.
Begin {
if ($ISearchResult -eq $null) {$ISearchResult = Get-UpdateList }
if ($ISearchResult.pstypenames -notcontains 'System.__ComObject#{d40cff62-e08c-4498-941a-01e25f0fd33c}') {
Write-Error "$ISearchResult is not an ISearchResult object ("
Process {
foreach ($u in $ISearchResult.Updates){
if ($UnHide) {
if ($KBID -contains $($u.KbArticleIDs)) {$u.isHidden = $false}
} else {
if ($KBID -contains $($u.KbArticleIDs)) {$u.isHidden = $true}
Write-Output "Working ..."
Hide-update -KBID 2483139 #Language packs win7
Write-Output "Done"
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