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Last active November 6, 2017 19:07
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Simplified PSWU
#requires -version 2.0
function Get-UpdateList {
Gets list of updates from Windows Update.
The search criteria, see
Left at default, it will return all updates that have not yet
been installed, whether software or driver. Including Hidden
Returns an ISearchResult object ( named $ISearchResult
ISearchresult type - System.__ComObject#{d40cff62-e08c-4498-941a-01e25f0fd33c}
$ISearchResult.Updates contains an IUpdateCollection -
WU error codes:
Get-UpdateList | ft -AutoSize
ResultCode RootCategories Updates Warnings
---------- -------------- ------- --------
2 System.__ComObject System.__ComObject System.__ComObject
Shows that there are 40 updates available.
(Get-UpdateList).Updates | select maxdownloadsize, title | ft -AutoSize
MaxDownloadSize Title
--------------- -----
10123467 Update for Windows Server 2012 R2 (KB2884846)
948931 Security Update for Windows Server 2012 R2 (KB2876331)
517819 Security Update for Windows Server 2012 R2 (KB2892074)
376647 Update for Windows Server 2012 R2 (KB2917993)
([Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$false, Position=0)] $Criteria = "IsInstalled=0")
try {
$Searcher = New-Object -ComObject Microsoft.Update.Searcher
$ISearchResult = $Searcher.Search($Criteria)
} catch {
Write-Error "ERROR in Get-UpdateList"
return $_
Function Show-UpdateList {
Print a nice table of Updates not installed with some attribute info.
|||||- "E" if EULA accepted, "-" if not
||||-- "R" if reboot required, "-" if not (frequently wrong!)
|||--- "D" if the update has been downloaded, "-" if not
||---- "H" if the update is hiden, "-" if not
|----- "S" if software, "D" if driver
They don't sort properly;
if ($ISearchResult.pstypenames -notcontains 'System.__ComObject#{d40cff62-e08c-4498-941a-01e25f0fd33c}') {
Write-Error "$ISearchResult is not an ISearchResult object ("
Write-Output "$($ISearchResult.Updates.Count) updates available:"
$ISearchResult.Updates |
Select @{n='KB';e={$_.KbArticleIds}},
#Update type 1 is software, type 2 is driver.
@{n='T';e={if ($_.Type -eq 1) {"S"} ElseIf ($_.Type -eq 2) {"D"}}},
@{n='H';e={if ($_.isHidden) {"H"} Else {"-"}}},
@{n='D';e={if ($_.isDownloaded) {"D"} Else {"-"}}},
@{n='R';e={if ($_.Rebootrequired) {"R"} Else {"-"}}},
@{n='E';e={if ($_.EulaAccepted) {"E"} Else {"-"}}},
@{n='MB';e={'{0:N0}' -f ($_.MaxDownloadSize/1MB)}},
#truncate title to 40 chars
@{n='Title';e={ if ($($_.Title.Length) -lt 40) {$_.Title} else {$($_.Title.Substring(0,37)) + "..."}}} |
Sort -Property $_.LastDeploymentChangeTime | ft -AutoSize |out-string
function Install-Update {
Downloads and installs updates
Uses IUpdateDownloader
and IUpdateInstaller
WU error codes:
Param (
[parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]$ISearchResult,
[parameter(Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)][switch]$OneByOne
if ($ISearchResult.pstypenames -notcontains 'System.__ComObject#{d40cff62-e08c-4498-941a-01e25f0fd33c}') {
Write-Error "$ISearchResult is not an ISearchResult object ("
$DesiredUpdates = New-Object -ComObject Microsoft.Update.UpdateColl
$counter = 0
foreach ($u in $ISearchResult.Updates) {
if (!$($u.IsHidden) -and !$($u.Rebootrequired)) {
$DesiredUpdates.Add($u) |out-null
#Used for debugging. One update at a time.
if ($OneByOne) {
if ($counter -gt 1) {break}
If ($DesiredUpdates.Count -lt 1) {
Write-Verbose "No updates to install!"
} else {
Write-Verbose "Downloading and installing $($DesiredUpdates.Count) updates"
$Downloader = New-Object -ComObject Microsoft.Update.Downloader
$Downloader.Updates = $DesiredUpdates
$DownloadResult = $Downloader.Download()
#Resultcode 2-success, 3-success with errors.
#Using -contains instead of -in for PS v2 compat
if (2,3 -notcontains $DownloadResult.ResultCode) {
Write-Error "Downloader error HResult $($DownloadResult.HResult), resultcode $($DownloadResult.ResultCode)"
} else {
if ($DownloadResult.ResultCode -eq 3) {Write-Verbose "Downloaded with errors; beginning install."}
if ($DownloadResult.ResultCode -eq 2) {Write-Verbose "Downloaded successfully; beginning install."}
$Installer = New-Object -ComObject Microsoft.Update.Installer
$Installer.Updates = $DesiredUpdates
$InstallResult = $Installer.Install()
switch ($InstallResult.ResultCode) {
2 {Write-Verbose "Installed updates successfully."}
3 {Write-Verbose "Installed updates swith errors."}
default {Write-Error "Installer error $($InstallResult.HResult),resultcode $($InstallResult.ResultCode)"}
Get-UpdateList -Criteria "IsInstalled=0 AND RebootRequired=0 AND BrowseOnly=0 AND Type='Software'" | Install-Update
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this version of PSWU only downloads and installs those updates which claim they won't need a reboot.

see for better understanding of the criteria on last line

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