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Last active October 23, 2020 07:11
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Datacamp - - Machine Translation in Python

Understanding one-hot vectors

from tensorflow.python.keras.utils import to_categorical

# Create a list of words and convert them to indices
words = ["I", "like", "cats"]
word_ids = [word2index[w] for w in words]
from tensorflow.python.keras.utils import to_categorical

# Create a list of words and convert them to indices
words = ["I", "like", "cats"]
word_ids = [word2index[w] for w in words]

# Create onehot vectors using to_categorical function
onehot_1 = to_categorical(word_ids)
from tensorflow.python.keras.utils import to_categorical

# Create a list of words and convert them to indices
words = ["I", "like", "cats"]
word_ids = [word2index[w] for w in words]

# Create onehot vectors using to_categorical function
onehot_1 = to_categorical(word_ids)
# Print words and their corresponding onehot vectors
print([(w,ohe.tolist()) for w,ohe in zip(words, onehot_1)])

# Create onehot vectors with a fixed number of classes
onehot_2 = to_categorical(word_ids, num_classes=5)
print([(w,ohe.tolist()) for w,ohe in zip(words, onehot_2)])

Part 1: Exploring the to_categorical() function

def compute_onehot_length(words, word2index):
  # Create word IDs for words
  word_ids = [word2index[w] for w in words]
  # Convert word IDs to onehot vectors
  onehot = to_categorical(word_ids)
  # Return the length of a single one-hot vector
  return onehot.shape[1]

word2index = {"He":0, "drank": 1, "milk": 2}
# Compute and print onehot length of a list of words
print(compute_onehot_length(["He", "drank", "milk"], word2index))

Part 2: Exploring the to_categorical() function

words_1 = ["I", "like", "cats", "We", "like", "dogs", "He", "hates", "rabbits"]
# Call compute_onehot_length on words_1
length_1 = compute_onehot_length(words_1, word2index)

words_2 = ["I", "like", "cats", "We", "like", "dogs", "We", "like", "cats"]
# Call compute_onehot_length on words_2
length_2 = compute_onehot_length(words_2, word2index)

# Print length_1 and length_2
print("length_1 =>", length_1, " and length_2 => ", length_2)

Part 1: Text reversing model - Encoder

import numpy as np

def words2onehot(word_list, word2index):
  # Convert words to word IDs
  word_ids = [word2index[w] for w in word_list]
  # Convert word IDs to onehot vectors and return the onehot array
  onehot = to_categorical(word_ids, num_classes=3)
  return onehot

words = ["I", "like", "cats"]
# Convert words to onehot vectors using words2onehot
onehot = words2onehot(words, word2index)
# Print the result as (<word>, <onehot>) tuples
print([(w,ohe.tolist()) for w,ohe in zip(words, onehot)])

Part 2: Text reversing model - Encoder

def encoder(onehot):
  # Get word IDs from onehot vectors and return the IDs
  word_ids = np.argmax(onehot, axis=1)
  return word_ids

# Define "we like dogs" as words
words = ["We", "like", "dogs"]
# Convert words to onehot vectors using words2onehot
onehot = words2onehot(words, word2index)
# Get the context vector by using the encoder function
context = encoder(onehot)

Complete text reversing model

# Define the onehot2words function that returns words for a set of onehot vectors
def onehot2words(onehot, index2word):
  ids = np.argmax(onehot, axis=1)
  res = [index2word[id] for id in ids]
  return res
# Define the decoder function that returns reversed onehot vectors
def decoder(context_vector):
  word_ids_rev = context_vector[::-1]
  onehot_rev = to_categorical(word_ids_rev, num_classes=3)
  return onehot_rev
# Define the onehot2words function that returns words for a set of onehot vectors
def onehot2words(onehot, index2word):
  ids = np.argmax(onehot, axis=1)
  res = [index2word[id] for id in ids]
  return res
# Define the decoder function that returns reversed onehot vectors
def decoder(context_vector):
  word_ids_rev = context_vector[::-1]
  onehot_rev = to_categorical(word_ids_rev, num_classes=3)
  return onehot_rev
# Convert context to reversed onehot vectors using decoder
onehot_rev = decoder(context)
# Get the reversed words using the onehot2words function
reversed_words = onehot2words(onehot_rev, index2word)

Part 1: Understanding GRU models

import tensorflow.keras as keras
import numpy as np
# Define an input layer
inp = keras.layers.Input(batch_shape=(2,3,4))
import tensorflow.keras as keras
import numpy as np
# Define an input layer
inp = keras.layers.Input(batch_shape=(2,3,4))
# Define a GRU layer that takes in the input
gru_out = keras.layers.GRU(10)(inp)
import tensorflow.keras as keras
import numpy as np
# Define an input layer
inp = keras.layers.Input(batch_shape=(2,3,4))
# Define a GRU layer that takes in the input
gru_out = keras.layers.GRU(10)(inp)

# Define a model that outputs the GRU output
model = keras.models.Model(inputs=inp, outputs=gru_out)

x = np.random.normal(size=(2,3,4))
# Get the output of the model and print the result
y = model.predict(x)
print("shape (y) =", y.shape, "\ny = \n", y)

Part 2: Understanding GRU models

# Define an input layer
inp = keras.layers.Input(shape=(3,4))
# Define a GRU layer that takes in the input
gru_out = keras.layers.GRU(10)(inp)
# Define a model that outputs the GRU output
model = keras.models.Model(inputs=inp, outputs=gru_out)

x1 = np.random.normal(size=(2,3,4))
x2 = np.random.normal(size=(5,3,4))

# Get the output of the model and print the result
y1 = model.predict(x1)
y2 = model.predict(x2)
print("shape (y1) = ", y1.shape, " shape (y2) = ", y2.shape)

Understanding sequential model output

# Define the Input layer
inp = keras.layers.Input(batch_shape=(3,20,5))
# Define a GRU layer that takes in inp as the input
gru_out1 = keras.layers.GRU(10)(inp)
print("gru_out1.shape = ", gru_out1.shape)
# Define the Input layer
inp = keras.layers.Input(batch_shape=(3,20,5))
# Define a GRU layer that takes in inp as the input
gru_out1 = keras.layers.GRU(10)(inp)
print("gru_out1.shape = ", gru_out1.shape)

# Define the second GRU and print the shape of the outputs
gru_out2, gru_state = keras.layers.GRU(10, return_state=True)(inp)
print("gru_out2.shape = ", gru_out2.shape)
print("gru_state.shape = ", gru_state.shape)
# Define the Input layer
inp = keras.layers.Input(batch_shape=(3,20,5))
# Define a GRU layer that takes in inp as the input
gru_out1 = keras.layers.GRU(10)(inp)
print("gru_out1.shape = ", gru_out1.shape)

# Define the second GRU and print the shape of the outputs
gru_out2, gru_state = keras.layers.GRU(10, return_state=True)(inp)
print("gru_out2.shape = ", gru_out2.shape)
print("gru_state.shape = ", gru_state.shape)

# Define the third GRU layer which will return all the outputs
gru_out3 = keras.layers.GRU(10, return_sequences=True)(inp)
print("gru_out3.shape = ", gru_out3.shape)
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