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Last active April 4, 2019 20:17
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aws connection helper for python. Allows you to use a single call to get either a client or resource and also has sts support built in. If you use this, I'd appreciate feedback.
#!/usr/bin/env python
import boto3
import sys
Generic AWS Helper call class to setup a boto3 Session. Now with assume role support.
Pass in 'type=' to do either 'client' or 'resource'
ec2 = aws(type='client', service_name='ec2')
sqs_resource = aws(type='resource', service_name='sqs', RoleArn='arn:aws:iam::012345678901:role/example-role',
This will allow for either using your ~/.aws credentials or allow you to override in the function calls.
Python 2 and 3 compatible without six.
def aws(type='client', **kwargs):
This makes boto3 connection. Client is the default.
:param: type (str) - client type. Either "resource" or "client" right now
:param: **kwargs - anything else passed in.
:returns: Your aws object type you requested.
myargs = {}
if 'service_name' not in kwargs:
print("You need to specify a service_name")
if 'RoleArn' in kwargs and 'RoleSessionName' in myargs:
stscreds = __role_arn_to_session(**myargs)
myargs = __stripargs(**myargs)
session = boto3.Session()
client = eval("session." + type)(**myargs)
return client
# sts assume role
# originally from:
# slightly modified.
def __role_arn_to_session(**args):
Pass in at least "RoleArn" and "RoleSessionName" with your args in the 'aws' function above.
clientargs = __stripargs(**args)
stsargs = __stripargs(sts=True, **args)
clientargs['service_name'] = 'sts'
client = boto3.client(**clientargs)
response = client.assume_role(**stsargs)
return {
'aws_access_key_id': response['Credentials']['AccessKeyId'],
'aws_secret_access_key': response['Credentials']['SecretAccessKey'],
'aws_session_token': response['Credentials']['SessionToken']}
# Used to strip out STS arguments.
def __stripargs(sts=False, **args):
stsTuple = ('RoleArn', 'RoleSessionName', 'Policy', 'DurationSeconds', 'ExternalId', 'SerialNumber', 'TokenCode')
clientargs = dict(args)
stsargs = {}
# Check if python 3 or newer. If not, then it's probably 2.
if sys.version_info.major >= 3:
for k,v in args.items():
if k in stsTuple:
stsargs[k] = v
del clientargs[k]
for k, v in args.iteritems():
if k in stsTuple:
stsargs[k] = v
del clientargs[k]
if sts is not True:
return clientargs
return stsargs
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I have updated this to be python2&3 compatible. A little repetition, but doesn't require an additional library installation.

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