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Created July 15, 2022 15:18
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* Methods required by a custom player for `react-player`
export interface Player {
load(url?: string): void;
seekTo(amount: number, type?: 'seconds' | 'fraction'): void;
getCurrentTime(): number;
getDuration(): number;
getSecondsLoaded(): number | null;
stop?(): void;
export interface IkWidget {
embed: (targetId: string, settings: KalturaSettings) => boolean | null;
export type KalturaSettings = {
targetId?: string;
wid: string;
uiconf_id?: string;
entry_id: string;
flashvars: object;
params: object;
cache_st?: string;
readyCallback?: () => void;
export interface KalturaPlayerElement extends HTMLElement {
kBind: (
eventName: KalturaPlayerEvents,
callback: (data: string | number | KalturaMediaPlayState, id?: string) => void
) => void;
evaluate: (property: string) => string | number;
sendNotification: (notificationName: KalturaNotificationName, notificationData?: any) => void;
export type KalturaMediaPlayState =
| 'uninitialized'
| 'loading'
| 'ready'
| 'playing'
| 'paused'
| 'buffering'
| 'playbackError';
export enum KalturaPlayerEvents {
MEDIA_READY = 'mediaReady',
FIRST_PLAY = 'firstPlay',
PLAYER_PLAY_END = 'playerPlayEnd',
PLAYER_PLAYED = 'playerPlayed',
PLAYER_PAUSED = 'playerPaused',
BUFFER_START_EVENT = 'bufferStartEvent',
MEDIA_ERROR = 'mediaError'
// List -
export enum KalturaNotificationName {
DO_PAUSE = 'doPause',
DO_PLAY = 'doPlay',
DO_STOP = 'doStop',
DO_SEEK = 'doSeek',
CHANGE_VOLUME = 'changeVolume',
DO_SWITCH = 'doSwitch',
CHANGE_PREFERRED_BITRATE = 'changePreferredBitrate',
DO_REPLAY = 'doReplay',
ALERT = 'alert',
SHOW_UI_ELEMENT = 'showUiElement',
REMOVE_ALERTS = 'removeAlerts',
ENABLE_GUI = 'enableGui',
CANCEL_ALERTS = 'cancelAlerts',
LIVE_ENTRY = 'liveEntry',
SHOW_CLOSED_CAPTIONS = 'showClosedCaptions',
HIDE_CLOSED_CAPTIONS = 'hideClosedCaptions'
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bkwhite commented Jul 15, 2022

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