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Last active December 11, 2015 07:48
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A paltry attempt to understand lambda calculus...
def apply(l: LAMBDA): LAMBDA = f(l)
object Functions {
val identity = new LAMBDA(l => l)
val zero = new LAMBDA(f => identity)
val succ = new LAMBDA(n => new LAMBDA(f => new LAMBDA(x => f((n(f)(x))))))
val pred = new LAMBDA(n => new LAMBDA(f => new LAMBDA(x => n(new LAMBDA(g => new LAMBDA(h => h(g(f)))))(new LAMBDA(u => x))(new LAMBDA(u => u)))))
val one = succ(zero)
val two = succ(one)
val three = succ(two)
val four = succ(three)
val FALSE = zero
val TRUE = new LAMBDA(l => new LAMBDA(r => r))
val isZero = new LAMBDA(f => f(new LAMBDA(x => FALSE))(TRUE))
val IF = new LAMBDA(l => new LAMBDA(r => new LAMBDA(t => t(l)(r))))
def g(n: LAMBDA): Int = if(isZero(n) == TRUE) 0 else 1 + g(pred(n))
object Program1 {
import Functions._
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
println(isZero(zero) == TRUE)
println(isZero(one) == FALSE)
println(IF(one)(zero)(TRUE) == one)
println(IF(one)(zero)(FALSE) == zero)
pred(two)(new LAMBDA(f => {
println("1"); identity
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This code currently doesn't work. I'll update it once I spot the mistake.

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Fixed now, but probably could be expressed better.

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Minor syntax enhancement... can't go all the way due to what appear to be limitations in Scala's type system.

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Thanks to my friend @crkirkendall I have finally gained some understanding.

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