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Created November 3, 2020 16:57
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module Traverse where
import Prelude hiding (Monad, Functor, Either, Left, Right, map, traverse, pure)
-- So, you probably already have a natural intuition for
-- the fact that types are similar to the idea of sets
-- from mathematics.
-- So, lets imagine all of the sets (types) we can describe
-- in Haskell. We understand how to work with the inhabitants
-- of these sets (values of these types). We can write
-- functions, and do all sorts of computations. Here's a
-- trivial example.
x :: Int
x = 3
inc :: Int -> Int
inc a = a + 1
y :: Int
y = inc x
-- All of the above should be really straightfoward. Now, lets
-- introduce a twist. Now say we want to talk about lists of
-- values.
xs :: [Int]
xs = [1..5]
-- So far so good, right? I actually skipped over something
-- there, but for now, we'll move on to a hopefully compelling
-- example. What if I want to use my function `inc` on my
-- list of Int values?
-- inc xs
-- The above statement obviously doesn't compile. Now, because
-- you've been programming for awhile, you probably already
-- know what the answer is. Or, at least, you might assume that
-- what I really want to do is to increment each value in my `xs`
-- list.
-- However, I want you to think a little more broadly. The function
-- you probably wanted to reach for `map`, actually does something
-- profound. It takes a function designed for our 'Haskell'
-- universe, and enables it to work on values inside the 'List`
-- universe. (An astute reader might notice that 'List` is part of
-- the Haskell universe, a point we'll return to later).
-- As with all things Haskell, there's a broader mathematical
-- concept at play here, which relates to the idea of
-- Category Theory.
-- Category theory is all about composition and re-use. I
-- should, as always, caveat that with, this is a basic
-- and flawed explanation, but it should help put you on
-- the path to understanding. :)
-- So, a category is a construct that contains two kinds of
-- things, and some laws that govern those things. The two
-- things that comprise any category are...
-- Objects
-- Arrows (which are relationships between objects)
-- And the rules are...
-- Each object must have an identity arrow (an arrow from
-- that object to itself).
-- Arrows must be able to compose in the natural way. That
-- is to say, if I have objects `a`, `b`, and `c`, and an
-- arrow from `a` to `b` (we'll call that arrow `f`), and
-- another arrow from `b` to `c` (we'll call that arrow
-- `g`), that it is possible to compose `f` and `g` such
-- that I get a new arrow (we'll call that new arrow `h`)
-- that goes from `a` to `c`.
-- That's a lot to take in, but we're close to some practical
-- examples.
-- First, we talked about the `Haskell` universe. Is the
-- `Haskell` universe a category? Lets try and see if we can
-- make such a category.
-- Parts...
-- Object -> Haskell Type (not a value, but a type)
-- Arrow -> Haskell Function (relationship between types)
-- Laws...
-- ID -> id :: a -> a
-- compose -> `.` :: (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> (a -> c)
-- So, with the above, we can see that our `Haskell`
-- universe is a category! We're getting closer, but we're
-- not done yet!
-- Next, is `List` a category?
-- Parts...
-- Object -> [a]
-- Arrow -> All functions of the shape [a] -> [b]
-- Laws...
-- ID -> id :: [a] -> [a]
-- compose -> `lc` :: ([b] -> [c]) -> ([a] -> [b]) -> ([a] -> [c])
-- So far this checks out, but what does this have to do with
-- `map`? Well, we talked about how `map` takes a function
-- from the `Haskell` universe and makes it work in the `List`
-- universe. Turns out that we've discovered a new part of
-- category theory!
-- Part of category theory deals with the relationship between
-- categories (universes). The mathematical term for this
-- relationship is `Functor`. A `Functor` between two categories
-- `A` and `B` is like a portal between universes. A valid
-- `Functor` has to have two key components.
-- A mapping for the objects of the source category to the
-- destination category.
-- A mapping for the arrows of the source category to the
-- destination category.
-- If that second item sounded a lot like `map`, that's because
-- it is! But, before we go there, why don't we just see what
-- a Haskell description of this idea looks like.
class Functor f where
map :: f a -> (a -> b) -> f b
pure :: a -> f a
-- From the type signatures, we can see how this describes
-- exactly the mathematical concept we just discussed. Lets
-- see what an instance of this looks like for our `list`
-- category.
instance Functor [] where
map [] _ = []
map (x:xs) f = (f x):(map xs f)
pure a = [a]
-- Basically, `Functor` describes what it means to map between
-- universes (categories). Even if the destination universe has
-- crazy gravity, or different physics, it preserves the meaning
-- of the stuff we bring in from our universe. We can even try
-- it out!
-- Here are some values from our universe wandering around the
-- `List` universe.
myList :: [Int]
myList = [1..5]
-- Remember that 'inc' function from before? We can just use
-- it in our new universe, thanks to our portal (functor).
changedList :: [Int]
changedList = map myList inc
-- In the case of list, the new universe is pretty familiar to
-- us. The only "new" thing is that each inhabitant (value) of
-- each set (type) is really zero or more things. To make sure
-- this is clear, think of these two definitions.
-- Int in our universe.
universeInt :: Int
universeInt = 3
-- Int in `List` universe.
listInt :: [Int]
listInt = [] -- Note that there's no Int here at all!
-- That is, of course, just one possible value of 'listInt'. It
-- could also just as easily have been...
-- listInt = [1..5]
-- listInt = [1..]
-- listInt = [1..1000000]
-- See how that differs from `Int` in our normal universe? So, the
-- `Functor` idea allows me to take stuff from my normal universe
-- and use it in a new universe. Don't worry, I haven't forgotten
-- about traverse, but we have a few more concepts to go over before
-- we get there.
-- Just to show you how powerful this universe concept is, lets
-- imagine a new universe. `Haskell` doesn't have a concept of
-- `null`, right? But sometimes we might want to think about a
-- universe where sometimes a value doesn't exist. So, first, lets
-- define that universe.
data Optional a =
Some a
| None
deriving (Show,Eq)
-- Much like the `List` universe, our new `Optional` universe has
-- a new, interesting rule that doesn't exist in our `Haskell` universe.
-- Now we just need to open a portal...
instance Functor Optional where
map None _ = None
map (Some a) f = Some $ f a
pure a = Some a
-- Something important here that I didn't point out last time. It's
-- the job of the portal to make sure that the mapping is correct.
-- So, as you can see above, the portal (functor) has to make a decision
-- about how functions from our `Haskell` universe should operate in
-- the new universe. Specifically, our `Haskell` universe doesn't have the
-- concept of a missing value (no null). That means functions from our
-- universe don't work in the new universe in all cases.
-- In the above code, the functor makes the decision that, if there wasn't
-- a value to go into the function from our universe, we'll just say that
-- we don't get a value out of the function from our universe.
-- With that, we can now use 'inc' in this new universe too!
presentInt :: Optional Int
presentInt = Some 3
nowIncremented :: Optional Int
nowIncremented = map presentInt inc
absentInt :: Optional Int
absentInt = None
nowIncremented' :: Optional Int
nowIncremented' = map absentInt inc
-- We're nearing the home stretch here, but we have to talk about one
-- more thing. Our category theory laws state that arrows in our category
-- must compose, and all of our categories we've defined so far satisfy
-- that law. But we're missing one important compositional tool.
-- Imagine we wanted to use our new universe to help us define a useful
-- function that will safely divide integer values by two. What I mean
-- by "safely" here, is that we want our function to return an integer
-- value, and you can't represent the result of dividing an odd number by
-- two with an integer correctly.
-- So, because we now have a way to represent the absence of a value, we'll
-- define our new function to return the integer result of the division by
-- two for even numbers, and return the absence of a value when asked to
-- divide an odd number.
safeDivideByTwo :: Int -> Optional Int
safeDivideByTwo n = if ((rem n 2) == 0) then (Some $ quot n 2) else None
-- This function is obviously kind of silly, but hopefully simple enough
-- to make understanding the following a little easier. So, we can
-- easily use this function, but we have an issue. To demonstrate this
-- issue, lets see what this function looks like in our normal universe.
divideByTwo :: Int -> Int
divideByTwo n = if ((rem n 2) == 0) then (quot n 2) else -9999999
-- Note the sentinel value above of -9999999. This illustrates how our
-- new universe is helping us, but what about the problem I mentioned.
-- Well, for our Haskell universe function, we can easily compose it.
divideByFour :: Int -> Int
divideByFour = divideByTwo . divideByTwo
-- But, as stated above, this function is problematic. Why don't we
-- instead compose our new "safe" function?
-- safeDivideByFour :: Int -> MaybeInt
-- safeDivideByFour = safeDivideByTwo . safeDivideByTwo
-- As you might have guessed due to the fact that it's commented
-- out, the above code doesn't compile. If we look at the inputs and
-- outputs of 'safeDivideByTwo', we can easily see why. The function
-- accepts an 'Int' as an input, and returns an 'Optional Int' as an
-- output. Obviously we can't feed an 'Optional Int` into the function.
-- Thankfully, category theory has the solution for this as well.
-- Enter the 'monad'. Now, this is a word that causes a lot of
-- consternation amongst functional programming neophytes, but don't
-- let that deter you. I'm not even going to try and tell you what
-- "it" is. Instead, I'm just going to show you what it does.
class Monad m where
bind :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
-- For the astute Haskeller, you might note that we put 'pure' on
-- 'Functor' above, whereas in the stdlib, 'pure' goes here. This
-- is merely for teaching sake. :)
-- If you compare the above to our definition of 'map' for 'Functor'
-- you might notice a startling similarity. (Here's 'map' again
-- for reference).
-- map :: (Functor f) => f a -> (a -> b) -> f b
-- But, what should be more interesting is that the signature of
-- 'bind' here is exactly the thing we were trying to do with our
-- 'safeDivideByTwo' before.
-- So, first, obviously, we need to define 'Monad' for our
-- 'Optional' universe.
instance Monad Optional where
bind None _ = None
bind (Some a) f = f a
-- And now we can define 'safeDivideByFour' using this new
-- operation!
safeDivideByFour :: Int -> Optional Int
safeDivideByFour n = bind (safeDivideByTwo n) safeDivideByTwo
-- While this isn't exactly as elegant as '.' in our Haskell
-- universe, this does enable us to get our desired result.
-- Now, at last, we can finally get to traverse.
-- Honestly, you might be able to understand 'traverse' from
-- the signature, now that you understand 'monad' and
-- 'functor'.
traverse :: (Monad m, Functor m) => [a] -> (a -> m b) -> m [b]
traverse [] _ = pure []
traverse (x:xs) f = bind (f x) (\y -> map (traverse xs f) (\ys -> y:ys))
-- Lets see it in action!
evenInts :: [Int]
evenInts = [2,4..10]
divByTwo :: Optional [Int]
divByTwo = traverse evenInts safeDivideByTwo
-- If this helps, maybe it's useful to think of our 'Functor' portal
-- a little bit like time travel. When you use it to hop universes, you
-- are really creating a divergent timeline. We can see that in action
-- if we try to use map instead of traverse.
-- divByTwo :: [Optional Int]
-- divByTwo = map evenInts safeDivideByTwo
-- In this version, each of our `Int` values is in its own divergent
-- timeline. If one of those `Int` values failed to safely divide, we'd
-- still get back a List. Some of the values would be absent, and some
-- would be present. Now, this is useful for some applications!
-- However, there are also times where we want continuity. If, instead of
-- 'safeDivideByTwo' this was 'depositMoney', and the absence of a value
-- indicated a failed transaction. We might expect or want the whole
-- transaction to fail if any part of it failed.
-- In this analogy, 'traverse' is like 'map', but it instead will keep
-- the timelines from diverging. This might be more easily evident if
-- we used a more down to earth example, so here...
-- First, we'll introduce a new universe. In this universe, all values
-- are either a useful computational value, or a value that indicates
-- an incomplete computation.
data Either l r =
Right r
| Left l
deriving (Show, Eq)
-- We'll need our portal, of course.
instance Functor (Either l) where
map (Left lv) _ = Left lv
map (Right rv) f = Right $ f rv
pure rv = Right rv
-- And we might as well 'monad' it up
instance Monad (Either l) where
bind (Left lv) _ = Left lv
bind (Right rv) f = f rv
-- setting power over 5 or below 0 will cause the next
-- power setting to fry the circuit
setPower :: Int -> Either String Int
setPower plevel = if (0 <= plevel && plevel <= 5) then Right plevel else Left "Danger!"
-- Using traverse, our function will "automagically" stop
-- sending power commands after the first "out of bounds" setting
powerInputs :: [Int]
powerInputs = [1,2,3,10,5,-4]
powerResults = traverse powerInputs setPower
-- Compare this to using map
powerResults' = map powerInputs setPower
-- *Traverse> :load Traverse
-- [1 of 1] Compiling Traverse ( Traverse.hs, interpreted )
-- Ok, one module loaded.
-- *Traverse> powerResults
-- Left "Danger!"
-- *Traverse> powerResults'
-- [Right 1,Right 2,Right 3,Left "Danger!",Right 5,Left "Danger!"]
-- In the first example, we get back the first "Danger!" that is
-- computed, saving our circuit (no further calls to set power occur).
-- In the second example, we see that we have in fact called 'setPower'
-- after getting a "Danger!", thereby ensuring our circuit is destroyed.
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