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Last active February 22, 2017 14:17
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  • Save blacktwin/a327055da54d7feb3eef10e64a8b661a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save blacktwin/a327055da54d7feb3eef10e64a8b661a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Send an Email notification when a specific show is added to Plex. Add shows to list that you want notifications for.
PlexPy > Settings > Notification Agents > Scripts > Bell icon:
[X] Notify on Recently Added
PlexPy > Settings > Notification Agents > Scripts > Gear icon:
Recently Added:
PlexPy > Settings > Notifications > Script > Script Arguments:
-sn {show_name} -ena {episode_name} -ssn {season_num00} -enu {episode_num00} -srv {server_name} -med {media_type} -pos {poster_url} -tt {title} -sum {summary} -lbn {library_name}
You can add more arguments if you want more details in the email body
from email.mime.text import MIMEText
import email.utils
import smtplib
import sys
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('-sn', '--show_name', action='store', default='',
help='The name of the TV show')
parser.add_argument('-ena', '--episode_name', action='store', default='',
help='The name of the episode')
parser.add_argument('-ssn', '--season_num', action='store', default='',
help='The season number of the TV show')
parser.add_argument('-enu', '--episode_num', action='store', default='',
help='The episode number of the TV show')
parser.add_argument('-srv', '--plex_server', action='store', default='',
help='The name of the Plex server')
parser.add_argument('-med', '--show_type', action='store', default='',
help='The type of media')
parser.add_argument('-pos', '--poster', action='store', default='',
help='The poster url')
parser.add_argument('-tt', '--title', action='store', default='',
help='The title of the TV show')
parser.add_argument('-sum', '--summary', action='store', default='',
help='The summary of the TV show')
parser.add_argument('-lbn', '--library_name', action='store', default='',
help='The name of the TV show')
p = parser.parse_args()
# Edit [email protected] and shows
users = [{'email': '[email protected]',
'shows': ('show1', 'show2')
{'email': '[email protected]',
'shows': ('show1', 'show2', 'show3')
{'email': '[email protected]',
'shows': ('show1', 'show2', 'show3', 'show4')
# Kill script now if show_name is not in lists
too = list('Match' for u in users if p.show_name in u['shows'])
if not too:
print 'Kill script now show_name is not in lists'
# Join email addresses
to = list([u['email'] for u in users if p.show_name in u['shows']])
# Email settings
name = 'PlexPy' # Your name
sender = 'sender' # From email address
email_server = '' # Email server (Gmail:
email_port = 587 # Email port (Gmail: 587)
email_username = 'email' # Your email username
email_password = 'password' # Your email password
email_subject = 'New episode for ' + p.show_name + ' is available on ' + p.plex_server # The email subject
# Detailed body for tv shows
show_html = """\
{p.show_name} S{p.season_num} - E{p.episode_num} -- {p.episode_name} -- was recently added to {p.library_name} on PLEX
<br> {p.summary} <br>
<br><img src="{p.poster}" alt="Poster unavailable" height="150" width="102"><br>
### Do not edit below ###
# Check to see whether it is a tv show
if p.show_type.lower() == 'show' or p.show_type.lower() == 'episode':
message = MIMEText(show_html, 'html')
message['Subject'] = email_subject
message['From'] = email.utils.formataddr((name, sender))
mailserver = smtplib.SMTP(email_server, email_port)
mailserver.login(email_username, email_password)
mailserver.sendmail(sender, to, message.as_string())
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Small improvement. No need to check the shows twice.

# Join email addresses
to = [u['email'] for u in users if p.show_name in u['shows']]

if not to:
    print 'Kill script now show_name is not in lists'

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I'm trying to test this at the command line (outside of plexpy) - when it gets to line 80 it hits the 'else' clause so no email is sent. I'm calling the script with:
./ -sn 'Seinfeld'
and Seinfeld is in my list of shows (line 36)

Is my understanding off on how to run this? How does the script know if a show was just added? (is it something sent as an argument by the 'recently added' part of plexpy?

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blacktwin commented Feb 21, 2017

@oliver-cfc in order test like that you need to include all the arguments listed in line 8. Sorry I forgot the instructions for PlexPy. I'll add them when I get to a PC. PlexPy can be set to trigger a custom script like this whenever something is added, watched, paused, started, stopped, etc.

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