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Last active February 4, 2022 21:10
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Fullscreen Background Video Slideshow on iOS devices - note currently uses jquery :)
{% for video in site.static_files %}
{% if video.path contains 'img/videos' %}
<video muted playsinline>
<source src="{{ site.baseurl }}{{ video.path }}" type="video/mp4">
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
window.__next_video = 0;
function playNextVideo() {
if (window.__next_video === $('video').length) {
window.__next_video = 0;
function playVideoAtIndex(index) {
$('video').each(function(i, video) {
var $vid = $(video);
var vid = $vid[0];
if (index === i) {
$vid.on('ended', playNextVideo);
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Blair! What's happening man? Thanks so much for making this magic-sauce of a script you wrote available. It works awesome when I'm using one instance of the script on a page. However, I'm running into an issue when using multiple instances? For example. My hero banner has video as well as a separate row farther down the page.

I've added specific IDs (#hero video) or (#row-2 video) as an example. That got me part of the way there.

If only one clip is added to each instance on the page, everything works great. But once I add a second clip to any of the instances on the page, as soon as the second clip plays through, they all go blank.

Any insight on how I might solve for that would be massively appreciated.

Thanks in advance. Hope you see this. :)

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@KevinFremon i also hope you see this. You should post some code here otherwise I cannot tell what you have added/changed.

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KevinFremon commented Sep 27, 2019

@blairanderson - That would be helpful, wouldn't it. :)

Here is my very minimal re-write:

    window.__next_video = 0;

      function playNextVideo() {
          if (window.__next_video === $('#hs_cos_wrapper_{{ name }} video').length) {
            window.__next_video = 0;

        function playVideoAtIndex(index) {
          $('#hs_cos_wrapper_{{ name }} video').each(function(i, video) {
            var $vid = $(video);
            var vid = $vid[0];
            if (index === i) {
              $vid.on('ended', playNextVideo);


The only main difference is the #hs_cos_wrapper_{{ name }} proceeding VIDEO. This is basically generates a unique ID and helped me at least get as far as to have the videos play on multiple rows.

Thanks man! You're a lifesaver.

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blairanderson commented Sep 27, 2019 via email

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@blairanderson Thank you so much for pointing that out! I'll adjust that and give it a try.

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