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Last active March 1, 2018 00:02
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Checks to see if two regexes match the same language (low error but no guarantee)
### Author: Blake Hurlburt
### This program takes in two regular expressions and tries to determine
### whether they recognize the same language.
### If the universe is small enough, it tests the entire universe;
### otherwise, it tests a random sample from the universe.
import itertools as it
import re
import random
import threading
# Inputs #
alphabet = 'ab' # Alphabet for the language
maxlen = 21 # Maximum word length
r1 = re.compile(r'(a*b*)*') # Regex 1
r2 = re.compile(r'(a|b)*') # Regex 2
bound = int(5E6) # 5 million ~ 1 minute
total = len(alphabet) ** (maxlen+1) - 1
if total <= bound:
# test every string in the universe
length = total
strings = it.chain.from_iterable(
it.product(alphabet, repeat=i) for i in range(maxlen+1)
# universe too large, try 10 million random strings in the universe
print('Warning: universe too large, trying random sample of universe')
length = bound + len(alphabet) + 1
Returns the string in the universe at the specified index
def stringOf(index, base=len(alphabet)+1):
base = len(alphabet)
res = ''
index = (index - 1) % total + 1
while index > 1:
res += alphabet[index % base]
index //= base
return res[::-1]
strings = it.chain.from_iterable([
[''], # ensure we test epsilon
alphabet, # ensure we test each single-character string
(stringOf(i) for i in random.sample(range(total), k=bound)), # random sample
i=0 # need forward declaration of i for progress function
check progress every 3 seconds
def progress():
print('Progress: {}%'.format(round(100 * i / length)))
global timer
timer = threading.Timer(3.0, progress)
except Exception as e:
timer = threading.Timer(3.0, progress)
# check each string
for i,s in enumerate(strings): # i used in progress function
s=''.join(s) # convert from tuple of chars to string
m1 = r1.fullmatch(s) # check regex 1
m2 = r2.fullmatch(s) # check regex 2
if bool(m1) != bool(m2): # if one matched but not the other
yes,no = (r1,r2) if m1 else (r2,r1)
print("'{}' matches \"{}\", but '{}' does not".format(
yes.pattern, s, no.pattern
break # no need to check further
# stop progress function
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