One Paragraph of project description goes here
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
Scientific Pitch Notation (SPN):MIDI Notation | |
D8:98 | |
-C8:97- | |
B7:96 | |
-A7:95- | |
G7:94 | |
-F7:93- | |
E7:92 | |
-D7:91- |
function PowerURL(url) { | |
var powerURL = this; | |
powerURL.protocol = ""; | | = ""; | |
powerURL.path = []; | |
powerURL.get = {}; | |
if(typeof url === 'string') { | |
powerURL.parse(url); |
# First Part | |
bar = 2.0 | |
half = bar/2.0 | |
quarter = bar/4.0 | |
eighth = bar/8.0 | |
sixteenth = bar/16.0 | |
use_synth :piano |
in_thread(name: :basic) do | |
use_synth :mod_fm | |
#sleep (bar * 2) | |
bar = 2.25 | |
half = bar/2.0 | |
quarter = bar/4.0 | |
eighth = bar/8.0 | |
2.times do |
import sublime, sublime_plugin | |
class MoreViewCommand(sublime_plugin.WindowCommand): | |
def run(self): | |
# sublime.active_window().show_input_panel("Name your project", "", self.inputCallback,None, None) | |
sublime.active_window().run_command("toggle_side_bar") | |
sublime.active_window().run_command("toggle_minimap") | |
sublime.active_window().run_command("toggle_status_bar") | |
sublime.active_window().run_command("toggle_tabs") |
<input type="text" id="searchBox" style="width:300px" class="input-xlarge" /> | |
<div id='resultContainer'></div> | |
<script type="text/javascript" scr='/search.js'></script> | |
<script type="text/javascript"> | |
FundSearch.Presenter.create('#searchBox', '#resultContainer', '/search.php'); | |
</script> |
set duetApps to {"Mail", "HipChat", "Console", "iTerm"} | |
set laptopApps to {"Safari", "Google Chrome", "Tower"} | |
set topApps to {"Sublime"} | |
-- toggle full screen | |
on toggleFullScreen() | |
set isFullScreenAfter to false | |
tell application "System Events" |
import sublime, sublime_plugin, os.path | |
class ModelViewPresenterCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand): | |
def run(self, edit): | |
mvpNames = ['model','view','presenter'] | |
newthing = self.view.file_name().split("/") | |
newNewthing = newthing[len(newthing)-1].split(".") | |
win = self.view.window() | |
if (newNewthing[1] in s for s in mvpNames): | |
if os.path.isfile(newNewthing[0] + ".view." + newNewthing[2]): |