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Last active November 25, 2022 01:22
An implementation of ARC4 for Nim
## Nim implementation of ARC4 stream cipher
import future
type ARC4* = object
S: seq[int]
keystream: iterator(S: var seq[int]): int
proc KSA(key: string): seq[int] =
## RC4 key scheduling algorithm, returns a state array based on the key
let keylength = key.len
j = 0
S = lc[x | (x <- 0..255), int] # intialize to identity permutation
for i in 0..255:
j = (j + S[i] + ord(key[i %% keylength])) %% 256
swap S[i], S[j]
return S
iterator PRGA(S: var seq[int]): int {.closure.} =
## Pseudo-random generation algorithm. This iterator modifies the state and
## outputs a byte of the keystream, the yeild of this iterator must be xor'ed with
## a byte of the plaintext in order to produce a byte of ciphertext
var i, j = 0
while true:
i = (i + 1) %% 256
j = (j + S[i]) %% 256
swap S[i], S[j]
yield S[(S[i] + S[j]) %% 256]
proc newARC4*(key: string, drop: int = 0): ARC4 =
## Constructor for a new ARC4 object, specify a key and optionally a drop int
## for RC4-drop[(nbytes)] based on "(Not So) Random Shuffles of RC4" by
## Ilya Mironov. 768 bytes drop is recommended as a "as reasonable a precaution"
## see:
i = drop
result = ARC4(S: KSA(key), keystream: PRGA)
while i > 0:
discard result.keystream(result.S)
dec i
proc crypt*(self: var ARC4, text: string): string =
## Performs encryption/decryption when passed an initialized ARC4 object.
result = ""
for c in text:
result.add(chr(ord(c) xor self.keystream(self.S)))
# Example use
when isMainModule:
import strutils
test_vec1 = "Attack at dawn"
test_vec2 = "Whatever you do take care of your shoes"
stdout.write "Test vector 1 plaintext: '" & test_vec1 & "'\n"
stdout.write "Eencrypted (hex): "
var foo = newARC4("Secret")
# should produce the ciphertext: 45A01F645FC35B383552544B9BF5
for c in foo.crypt(test_vec1):
stdout.write c.toHex
# example using RC4-drop[n], see newARC4 comments above
stdout.write "\n\nTest vector 2 plaintext: '" & test_vec2 & "'\n"
stdout.write "Encrypted (hex): "
bar = newARC4("Secret", 768) # drop 768 bytes
tmp = bar.crypt(test_vec2)
for c in tmp:
stdout.write c.toHex
stdout.write "\n"
# decryption example
stdout.write "Decryption result: "
bar = newARC4("Secret", 768)
for c in bar.crypt(tmp):
stdout.write c
stdout.write "\n\n"
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blark commented Feb 9, 2018

Constructive criticism more than welcome, this was done for fun and learning only!

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