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Błażej Szutenberg blazej222

  • 18:09 (UTC +01:00)
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blazej222 /
Last active December 1, 2023 20:10
Barony game quicksave app
# This is a simple script that enables quicksaving/quickloading save files for Barony game.
# Place this script inside barony_folder/savegames.
# Create a directory named backup inside barony_folder/savegames.
# Start game & adjust save_file variable with a name of savefile you want to backup.
# You must do this after game autosaves at least once
# In case of multiplayer games, all players must create backup independently - otherwise there will be troubles with loading game.
# After changing save_file and game autosaving at least once, start the app.
# Quicksave on F5, Quickload on F7, exit app on =
import os