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$ brew install homebrew/apache/httpd24 --with-mpm-event | |
Updating Homebrew... | |
==> Downloading | |
######################################################################## 100.0% | |
==> Pouring portable-ruby-2.3.7.leopard_64.bottle.tar.gz | |
==> Homebrew is run entirely by unpaid volunteers. Please consider donating: | | | |
==> Auto-updated Homebrew! | |
Updated 2 taps (heroku/brew and homebrew/core). | |
==> New Formulae | |
amtk lsusb | |
angle-grinder luarocks | |
annie luit | |
apache-arrow-glib mallet | |
aravis [email protected] | |
ark [email protected] | |
ask-cli mesa | |
aws-es-proxy meson-internal | |
aws-okta micronaut | |
azure-storage-cpp miniserve | |
badtouch mint | |
bat mk-configure | |
bats-core mkcert | |
beagle mkl-dnn | |
bitwarden-cli [email protected] | |
black mysql-client | |
bloaty [email protected] | |
brew-php-switcher netdata | |
bundletool nifi-registry | |
c-blosc nng | |
carla node@10 | |
cash-cli node_exporter | |
cgit nu-smv | |
cglm nwchem | |
circleci objfw | |
click oclgrind | |
clozure-cl openapi-generator | |
cmdshelf opensubdiv | |
cointop opentracing-cpp | |
composer pagmo | |
confluent-oss parallelstl | |
cquery patchelf | |
create-dmg pcapplusplus | |
cuba perltidy | |
cwlogs peru | |
deark petsc | |
density petsc-complex | |
deployer pgweb | |
diceware php-code-sniffer | |
dita-ot php-cs-fixer | |
docker-credential-helper-ecr phplint | |
docker-machine-driver-hyperkit phpmyadmin | |
drafter phpunit | |
eccodes picat | |
eg-examples pijul | |
eless prettier | |
erlang@20 prototool | |
eslint pulumi | |
fauna-shell pygitup | |
flintrock pyside | |
fluxctl python-yq | |
fork-cleaner qsoas | |
fortio range-v3 | |
fx rbspy | |
gambit resin-cli | |
gcc@7 rke | |
geant4 rtptools | |
genact [email protected] | |
geogram safe | |
[email protected] schema-evolution-manager | |
gitlab-gem scrcpy | |
gitmoji serverless | |
[email protected] sfst | |
golang-migrate shellharden | |
goreleaser shellz | |
goto skopeo | |
gptfdisk smimesign | |
gr-osmosdr [email protected] | |
gradio sonarqube-lts | |
graph-tool sonobuoy | |
hapi-fhir-cli soundpipe | |
hcloud sourcedocs | |
healpix squashfuse | |
helmfile ssh-permit-a38 | |
howard-hinnant-date stanford-corenlp | |
hyperfine stm32flash | |
hyperkit taskell | |
i2pd tdlib | |
i386-elf-binutils tealdeer | |
i386-elf-gcc template-glib | |
imageoptim-cli thors-serializer | |
inadyn topgrade | |
infrakit tox | |
jrtplib trezor-agent | |
json11 triton | |
jsonrpc-glib tunnel | |
jthread ucloud | |
kakoune um | |
keepkey-agent unp64 | |
kubecfg util-linux | |
kubernetes-service-catalog-client vfuse | |
kustomize vsts-cli | |
latexdiff wcslib | |
lf weaver | |
libbitcoin-client wireguard-go | |
libbitcoin-protocol wiremock-standalone | |
libcerf woff2 | |
libdazzle wp-cli | |
libde265 wsk | |
libheif wskdeploy | |
libimagequant xcodegen | |
libplctag xidel | |
libpsl xsimd | |
libsignal-protocol-c yamllint | |
libvmaf yarn-completion | |
llvm@6 zlog | |
lm4tools | |
==> Updated Formulae | |
cairo ✔ libfaketime | |
fontconfig ✔ libfixbuf | |
freetype ✔ libfixposix | |
gdbm ✔ libfreehand | |
gdk-pixbuf ✔ libgcrypt | |
git ✔ libgda | |
glib ✔ libgdata | |
gobject-introspection ✔ libgee | |
graphicsmagick ✔ libgit2 | |
graphite2 ✔ libgit2-glib | |
harfbuzz ✔ libglade | |
heroku/brew/heroku ✔ libglademm | |
heroku/brew/heroku-node ✔ libgnomecanvas | |
icu4c ✔ libgnomecanvasmm | |
ios-webkit-debug-proxy ✔ libgosu | |
libimobiledevice ✔ libgpg-error | |
libplist ✔ libgphoto2 | |
libpng ✔ libgsf | |
libtiff ✔ libgsm | |
libusb ✔ libgtop | |
mysql ✔ libgweather | |
node ✔ libhdhomerun | |
openssl ✔ libhttpseverywhere | |
pango ✔ libical | |
pcre ✔ libidn | |
python ✔ libidn2 | |
readline ✔ libinfinity | |
sqlite ✔ libiscsi | |
xz ✔ libjson-rpc-cpp | |
abcde liblas | |
abcl liblcf | |
abcm2ps liblo | |
abcmidi liblwgeom | |
abnfgen libmaa | |
abyss libmagic | |
ace libmatio | |
ack libmatroska | |
acme libmonome | |
acpica libmpdclient | |
activemq libmspub | |
adplug libmtp | |
adr-tools libmwaw | |
advancecomp libmxml | |
advancemame libmypaint | |
adwaita-icon-theme libngspice | |
afflib libnice | |
afsctool libnotify | |
agda libofx | |
agedu libomp | |
aha libopendkim | |
aircrack-ng libopkele | |
akamai libopusenc | |
alexjs libosinfo | |
algernon libosmium | |
allegro libpcap | |
allure libpeas | |
alluxio libphonenumber | |
alot libpq | |
amazon-ecs-cli libpqxx | |
ammonite-repl libproxy | |
amqp-cpp libpst | |
angband libqalculate | |
angular-cli libraw | |
anjuta librdkafka | |
ansible libre | |
ansible-cmdb librealsense | |
ansible-lint librem | |
ansifilter libressl | |
ansiweather librest | |
ant librsvg | |
[email protected] librtlsdr | |
antlr libsass | |
antlr@2 libsecret | |
apache-arrow libsigc++ | |
apache-drill libsoup | |
apache-flink libsoxr | |
apache-geode libspectre | |
apache-opennlp libspectrum | |
apache-spark libssh | |
apache-zeppelin libstfl | |
apibuilder-cli libswiften | |
apktool libtensorflow | |
apm-server libtomcrypt | |
app-engine-java libtorrent-rasterbar | |
app-engine-python libtrace | |
appscale-tools libu2f-host | |
apr libu2f-server | |
aptly libucl | |
arangodb libuninameslist | |
arcade-learning-environment libunistring | |
archey libuv | |
archivemount libvirt | |
argus-clients libvisio | |
argyll-cms libvoikko | |
aria2 libvorbis | |
arm-linux-gnueabihf-binutils libwbxml | |
armadillo libwebsockets | |
armor libwps | |
arp-scan libxc | |
arpack libxkbcommon | |
artifactory libxlsxwriter | |
arx libxml2 | |
asciidoc libxmlsec1 | |
asciidoctor libxo | |
asciinema libyaml | |
asdf libzdb | |
asio libzip | |
aspectj libzzip | |
assh lighttpd | |
at-spi2-atk link-grammar | |
at-spi2-core linkerd | |
atari800 links | |
atdtool liquibase | |
atk liquigraph | |
atkmm livestreamer | |
atlassian-cli lldpd | |
atomicparsley llnode | |
ats2-postiats llvm | |
aubio llvm@5 | |
audacious lmdb | |
auditbeat lmod | |
augeas lnav | |
augustus log4cplus | |
aurora-cli logcheck | |
automake logentries | |
autopep8 logstalgia | |
autossh logstash | |
avfs logtalk | |
avimetaedit lolcat | |
avrdude loudmouth | |
avro-c lrzsz | |
awf lsof | |
awk lsyncd | |
aws-elasticbeanstalk lua | |
aws-sdk-cpp [email protected] | |
aws-shell luaradio | |
awscli lumo | |
awslogs luvit | |
azure-cli lxc | |
b2-tools lynis | |
babel lynx | |
babeld lysp | |
babl lz4 | |
bacula-fd mackup | |
ballerina macvim | |
bandcamp-dl mafft | |
baobab magic-wormhole | |
bareos-client makeself | |
baresip mame | |
bartycrouch mandoc | |
basex mapcrafter | |
bash mapnik | |
bash-completion@2 mapserver | |
bash-snippets mariadb | |
batik [email protected] | |
bazel [email protected] | |
bcal mas | |
bcftools math-comp | |
bcpp maven | |
bde maxwell | |
bdw-gc mbedtls | |
bear mcabber | |
beast mdcat | |
bedops mdds | |
bench mdk | |
bento4 mdp | |
berkeley-db mdv | |
bettercap media-info | |
bgpstream mediaconch | |
bibtex2html mednafen | |
bibtexconv megacmd | |
bibutils megatools | |
binaryen memcached | |
bind memcacheq | |
binutils menhir | |
binwalk mercurial | |
biogeme meson | |
bison mesos | |
bit metabase | |
bitcoin metaproxy | |
bitrise metashell | |
blackbox metricbeat | |
blink1 mftrace | |
blockhash mg | |
bluepill mgba | |
blueutil micro | |
bmake micropython | |
bnd midnight-commander | |
bochs mighttpd2 | |
bogofilter mikutter | |
boost mill | |
boost-bcp miller | |
boost-build mimic | |
boost-mpi minbif | |
boost-python minetest | |
boost-python3 mingw-w64 | |
[email protected] minidlna | |
botan minimal-racket | |
bower minimesos | |
bowtie2 minio | |
braid minio-mc | |
brew-cask-completion minisat | |
brew-gem miniupnpc | |
bro minizinc | |
brogue mitie | |
brotli mitmproxy | |
btfs mkdocs | |
buildifier mkvtoolnix | |
buku mlkit | |
bullet mlt | |
bup mm-common | |
burp mmark | |
bwfmetaedit mmseqs2 | |
byacc moc | |
byobu modd | |
byteman modules | |
bzt monax | |
c-ares monero | |
c10t monetdb | |
c14-cli mongo-c-driver | |
cabal-install mongo-cxx-driver | |
cabextract mongo-orchestration | |
caddy mongodb | |
caf [email protected] | |
caffe [email protected] | |
cake mongoose | |
calabash monit | |
calc mono | |
calicoctl mosh | |
camlp4 mosquitto | |
camlp5 mozjpeg | |
capnp mp3gain | |
capstone mpc | |
cargo-completion mpd | |
carrot2 mpfi | |
carthage mpich | |
cask mpop | |
cassandra mps-youtube | |
castxml mpv | |
cataclysm mpw | |
cattle mr | |
cayley mrboom | |
ccache mrtg | |
ccextractor mruby | |
cclive mscgen | |
ccm msgpack | |
ccrypt msitools | |
cdrdao mujs | |
ceres-solver multimarkdown | |
cern-ndiff muparser | |
certbot mupdf | |
ceylon mupdf-tools | |
cfengine mutt | |
cfitsio mvtools | |
cfr-decompiler mydumper | |
cfssl mypy | |
cgal mysql++ | |
cgrep mysql-connector-c++ | |
chaiscript mysql-sandbox | |
chakra [email protected] | |
chamber [email protected] | |
chapel mysqltuner | |
charm mytop | |
cheat n | |
check_postgres nagios | |
checkbashisms nailgun | |
checkstyle nano | |
chicken nanomsg | |
chisel nanomsgxx | |
choose nanopb-generator | |
chrome-cli nasm | |
chrome-export natalie | |
chronograf nativefier | |
chruby-fish nats-streaming-server | |
cimg naturaldocs | |
citus ncmpc | |
cjdns ncmpcpp | |
ckan nco | |
clac ncview | |
clamav ndpi | |
clang-format ne | |
clblast neko | |
clearlooks-phenix neo4j | |
clhep neofetch | |
cliclick neomutt | |
clinfo neovim | |
cling nesc | |
clingo nestopia-ue | |
clipper net-snmp | |
cloc netcdf | |
clojure nethack | |
clojurescript netpbm | |
closure-compiler newsboat | |
clutter nexus | |
clutter-gst nfdump | |
clutter-gtk nghttp2 | |
cmake nginx | |
cmark-gfm ngspice | |
cmocka nicotine-plus | |
cnats nifi | |
cockroach nim | |
cocoapods nmap | |
codec2 nnn | |
codemod node-build | |
codequery node@6 | |
coffeescript node@8 | |
cogl nodebrew | |
collectd nodeenv | |
collector-sidecar nomad | |
commandbox noti | |
compcert notmuch | |
conan npth | |
configen nsd | |
confuse nspr | |
conjure-up nsq | |
conserver nss | |
console_bridge ntl | |
consul ntopng | |
consul-backinator ntp | |
consul-template nudoku | |
container-diff nuget | |
convmv numpy | |
convox nuxeo | |
cookiecutter nvc | |
coq nvi | |
coreos-ct nvm | |
coreutils nyancat | |
corsixth nyx | |
couchdb nzbget | |
cp2k ocaml | |
cpanminus ocaml-findlib | |
cpmtools ocaml-num | |
cppcheck ocamlbuild | |
cppcms ocamlsdl | |
cpprestsdk ocrmypdf | |
crc32c octave | |
credstash odpi | |
creduce offlineimap | |
cromwell ohcount | |
crosstool-ng ola | |
crowdin ompl | |
cryptol oniguruma | |
cryptopp opam | |
crystal-icr open-cobol | |
csvkit open-mesh | |
csvprintf open-mpi | |
csvtomd open-scene-graph | |
ctl openblas | |
cucumber-cpp opencascade | |
curaengine opencoarrays | |
curl opencv | |
cvs2svn opencv@2 | |
cython opendetex | |
czmq openexr | |
dar openfortivpn | |
darcs openh264 | |
darksky-weather openimageio | |
dartsim openjazz | |
dash openldap | |
datamash openrct2 | |
datetime-fortran openrtsp | |
dateutils opensaml | |
davix opensc | |
davmail openshift-cli | |
dbhash openslide | |
dbus openssh | |
dbxml [email protected] | |
dcd opentsdb | |
dcm2niix openttd | |
dcos-cli openvdb | |
dcraw openvpn | |
ddclient optipng | |
ddgr opus | |
debianutils opus-tools | |
dehydrated opusfile | |
dep orc-tools | |
dependency-check orocos-kdl | |
derby ortp | |
dfix osc | |
dfmt osm-gps-map | |
dhall-json osm-pbf | |
di osm2pgrouting | |
dialog osm2pgsql | |
diamond osmfilter | |
dict osmium-tool | |
diff-pdf osquery | |
diffoscope osrm-backend | |
diffuse ott | |
digdag overmind | |
direnv oysttyer | |
discount p11-kit | |
dislocker pacapt | |
distcc packer | |
django-completion packetbeat | |
dlib packmol | |
dmd paket | |
dmtx-utils pam-u2f | |
dnscrypt-proxy pam_yubico | |
dnsdist pandoc | |
dnsmasq pandoc-citeproc | |
dnstwist pandoc-crossref | |
docfx pangomm | |
docker paps | |
docker-completion parallel | |
docker-compose pari | |
docker-compose-completion parquet-tools | |
docker-credential-helper pass | |
docker-ls passenger | |
docker-machine passpie | |
docker-machine-completion payara | |
docker-machine-driver-xhyve pazpar2 | |
docker-machine-nfs pbrt | |
docker-squash pc6001vx | |
docker-swarm pcb | |
docker2aci pcb2gcode | |
dockviz pcl | |
doctl pcre2 | |
docutils pdal | |
doitlive pdf2htmlex | |
dosbox pdf2svg | |
double-conversion pdfgrep | |
dovecot pdfpc | |
draco pdfsandwich | |
dropbear pdftoedn | |
druid pdftoipe | |
dscanner pdns | |
dspdfviewer pdnsrec | |
dtc pdsh | |
dub pegtl | |
duc percol | |
duck percona-server | |
dungeon percona-server-mongodb | |
duo_unix [email protected] | |
duplicity percona-toolkit | |
duply percona-xtrabackup | |
duti perkeep | |
dvm perl | |
dwarfutils perl-build | |
dwdiff [email protected] | |
dxpy pgbadger | |
dynamips pgbouncer | |
dynare pgcli | |
e2fsprogs pgformatter | |
easy-tag pgloader | |
editorconfig pgpdump | |
efl pgplot | |
eiffelstudio pgpool-ii | |
eigen pgroonga | |
ejabberd pgrouting | |
elasticsearch phoronix-test-suite | |
[email protected] php | |
[email protected] pianobar | |
elektra pianod | |
elixir picard-tools | |
elm pick | |
elm-format pidgin | |
elvish pike | |
emacs pilosa | |
embulk pioneers | |
emscripten pipenv | |
encfs pipes-sh | |
entr pius | |
ephemeralpg pixz | |
eprover pkcs11-helper | |
eralchemy pktanon | |
erlang planck | |
erlang@17 plantuml | |
erlang@18 platformio | |
erlang@19 plenv | |
esniper plowshare | |
etcd plplot | |
etsh pmd | |
euler-py pngquant | |
evince poco | |
exercism pod2man | |
exiftool points2grid | |
exim pony-stable | |
exomizer ponyc | |
expat poppler | |
exploitdb portmidi | |
eye-d3 posh | |
f3 postgis | |
faas-cli postgresql | |
fabio [email protected] | |
fabric [email protected] | |
fades [email protected] | |
fail2ban postgrest | |
fakeroot pound | |
fantom povray | |
fastd ppsspp | |
fastme pqiv | |
fastqc pre-commit | |
fatsort prefixsuffix | |
fb-client prest | |
fbi-servefiles presto | |
fceux primesieve | |
fd prips | |
fdclone profanity | |
fdk-aac-encoder progress | |
fdroidserver proguard | |
feedgnuplot proj | |
feh prometheus | |
ffe proselint | |
ffmbc protobuf | |
ffmpeg protobuf-c | |
ffmpeg2theora protobuf-swift | |
[email protected] [email protected] | |
ffmpegthumbnailer proxychains-ng | |
ffms2 proxytunnel | |
fftw pspg | |
fibjs psqlodbc | |
field3d pstoedit | |
fig2dev ptex | |
file-formula pugixml | |
file-roller pulseaudio | |
filebeat pumba | |
fio purescript | |
firebase-cli pushpin | |
fits puzzles | |
flac pwntools | |
flake8 py2cairo | |
flann py3cairo | |
flashrom pybind11 | |
flatbuffers pycodestyle | |
flatcc pyenv | |
flawfinder pyenv-virtualenv | |
flow pyexiv2 | |
fluent-bit pygobject3 | |
fluid-synth pygtk | |
flyway pygtkglext | |
fmpp pygtksourceview | |
fmsx pyinvoke | |
fmt pypy | |
fn pypy3 | |
fobis pyqt | |
folly python-markdown | |
fontforge python@2 | |
fonttools pytouhou | |
fop pyvim | |
ford q | |
fossil qbs | |
fpc qcachegrind | |
fq qcli | |
freeciv qd | |
freediameter qemu | |
freeimage qjackctl | |
freeipmi qmmp | |
freeling qpdf | |
freeradius-server qpid-proton | |
freeswitch qpm | |
freetds qrencode | |
[email protected] qrupdate | |
freexl qscintilla2 | |
frege qt | |
fribidi qtfaststart | |
frugal qtkeychain | |
fruit quantlib | |
fselect quex | |
fstar quicktype | |
fstrm r | |
fswatch rabbitmq | |
fuego rabbitmq-c | |
fuse-emulator radare2 | |
fuseki raine | |
futhark rakudo-star | |
fwknop rancher-cli | |
fwup ranger | |
fzf ratfor | |
fzy rawtoaces | |
g3log raylib | |
gabedit rclone | |
galen rdesktop | |
gammaray re2 | |
gandi.cli re2c | |
ganglia reattach-to-user-namespace | |
gauche recoverjpeg | |
gauge redis | |
gbdfed [email protected] | |
gcab redo | |
gcc redshift | |
gcc@6 remarshal | |
gcovr remctl | |
gdal reminiscence | |
gdb rename | |
gdcm reposurgeon | |
gdl restic | |
gdmap restview | |
geckodriver rgbds | |
gecode rhash | |
gedit rhino | |
geeqie riemann | |
gegl riemann-client | |
genometools ripgrep | |
geocode-glib rmlint | |
geoipupdate robot-framework | |
geos rocksdb | |
geoserver roll | |
gerbv rom-tools | |
get-flash-videos root | |
get_iplayer roswell | |
getdns rpm | |
getmail rrdtool | |
gexiv2 rsstail | |
gflags rst-lint | |
ghc rsyslog | |
ghex rtags | |
ghostscript rtf2latex2e | |
gibo rtv | |
giflib rubberband | |
giflossy ruby | |
gifski ruby-build | |
gimme ruby-install | |
gist [email protected] | |
git-annex rust | |
git-archive-all rustup-init | |
git-cinnabar s-nail | |
git-cola s-search | |
git-credential-manager s3-backer | |
git-extras s3cmd | |
git-fixup s3fs | |
git-ftp s6 | |
git-lfs sagittarius-scheme | |
git-open saldl | |
git-quick-stats samtools | |
git-recent sane-backends | |
git-review saxon | |
git-secret sbcl | |
git-sizer sbt | |
git-standup [email protected] | |
git-subrepo sbtenv | |
git-town scala | |
gitbucket [email protected] | |
giter8 scalaenv | |
gitfs scalapack | |
gitg scale2x | |
gitlab-runner scamper | |
gitless sccache | |
gitup sceptre | |
gitversion schismtracker | |
gjs scipy | |
gkrellm scm-manager | |
glade scour | |
glances scw | |
glib-networking sdb | |
glibmm sdcc | |
glide sdl2_gfx | |
glm sdl2_image | |
global sdl2_mixer | |
globjects sdlpop | |
globus-toolkit sec | |
gloox securefs | |
glslang selenium-server-standalone | |
glslviewer seqtk | |
gmime ser2net | |
gmp sfcgal | |
gmsh sfk | |
gmt shadowsocks-libev | |
gmt@4 shairport-sync | |
gnatsd shared-mime-info | |
gnome-autoar shc | |
gnome-builder shellcheck | |
gnome-recipes shfmt | |
gnome-themes-standard shibboleth-sp | |
gnu-cobol shml | |
gnu-indent shocco | |
gnu-prolog shogun | |
gnu-sed shpotify | |
gnu-smalltalk shyaml | |
gnu-units sile | |
gnumeric silk | |
gnupg simgrid | |
[email protected] simple-amqp-client | |
gnuplot simple-tiles | |
gnuradio simutrans | |
gnutls singular | |
go sip | |
go-bindata sipp | |
go-jira siril | |
go-statik sjk | |
[email protected] skaffold | |
goaccess skafos | |
gobby skinny | |
gobuster skipfish | |
gocr skktools | |
gocryptfs sleuthkit | |
godep slimerjs | |
goenv smali | |
goffice smlnj | |
gollum snakemake | |
gom snapcraft | |
gomplate snappystream | |
goocanvas snapraid | |
google-benchmark sngrep | |
google-java-format snownews | |
googler softhsm | |
goolabs solr | |
goose sonar-scanner | |
gopass sonarqube | |
gosu sops | |
gource sord | |
gowsdl source-highlight | |
gpa source-to-image | |
gpac sourcekitten | |
gperftools sourcery | |
gpgme sox | |
gphoto2 spades | |
gpredict sparse | |
gprof2dot spdlog | |
gqview speedtest-cli | |
gradle sphinx-doc | |
grafana spigot | |
grails spotbugs | |
grakn spring-roo | |
graphene sqldiff | |
grc sqlite-analyzer | |
grib-api sqliteodbc | |
grip sqlmap | |
gromacs sqlparse | |
gron sqoop | |
groonga squid | |
groovy sratoolkit | |
groovysdk src | |
groovyserv srt | |
grpc srtp | |
grsync ssh-copy-id | |
grunt-cli ssh-vault | |
grunt-completion sshconfigfs | |
grv sshguard | |
gsettings-desktop-schemas sshrc | |
gsl sshtrix | |
gsmartcontrol sshuttle | |
gsoap sslmate | |
gspell sslscan | |
gssdp sslsplit | |
gssh sslyze | |
gst-editing-services stanford-ner | |
gst-libav stanford-parser | |
gst-plugins-bad statik | |
gst-plugins-base stdman | |
gst-plugins-good stella | |
gst-plugins-ugly stellar-core | |
gst-python stern | |
gst-rtsp-server stgit | |
gst-validate stlink | |
gstreamer stone-soup | |
gstreamermm storm | |
gtk+ stormpath-cli | |
gtk+3 stormssh | |
gtk-chtheme streamlink | |
gtk-doc strongswan | |
gtk-engines stubby | |
gtk-gnutella stunnel | |
gtk-mac-integration subnetcalc | |
gtk-murrine-engine subversion | |
gtk-vnc suil | |
gtkdatabox suite-sparse | |
gtkextra sundials | |
gtkmm supersonic | |
gtkmm3 suricata | |
gtksourceview svgcleaner | |
gtksourceview3 svgo | |
gtksourceviewmm svtplay-dl | |
gtksourceviewmm3 swift | |
gtkspell3 swift-protobuf | |
gucharmap swiftformat | |
guile swiftgen | |
gupnp swiftlint | |
gupnp-av swimat | |
gupnp-tools sylpheed | |
gutenberg sync_gateway | |
gws syncthing | |
gwyddion synfig | |
gx sysbench | |
gx-go sysdig | |
gxml talloc | |
h2 tarantool | |
h2o tarsnap-gui | |
hackrf tarsnapper | |
hadolint tbb | |
hadoop tbox | |
hana tcpflow | |
handbrake tcpreplay | |
haproxy tectonic | |
hashcat tee-clc | |
hashpump telegraf | |
haskell-stack teleport | |
haste-client telnet | |
hbase tenyr | |
hdf5 tepl | |
[email protected] termbox | |
headphones terminator | |
heartbeat termius | |
hebcal termrec | |
help2man terraform | |
hesiod terraform-docs | |
hevea terraform_landscape | |
hexgui terragrunt | |
hfstospell tesseract | |
hg-fast-export testssl | |
hh texmath | |
highlight tgui | |
hiredis the_platinum_searcher | |
hive the_silver_searcher | |
hledger thefuck | |
hlint tig | |
hmmer tiger-vnc | |
homebank tika | |
homeshick tile38 | |
honcho timelimit | |
hopenpgp-tools tinc | |
howdoi tinyproxy | |
hss tinyxml2 | |
html-xml-utils tippecanoe | |
htmldoc titlecase | |
htop tj | |
htslib tkdiff | |
http-parser tmate | |
httpd tmux | |
httpie tmux-xpanes | |
hub tmuxinator-completion | |
hugo todo-txt | |
hunspell todolist | |
hwloc todoman | |
hydra tokei | |
hyperscan tomcat | |
hypre tomcat-native | |
i2p tomcat@7 | |
iamy tomcat@8 | |
icarus-verilog tor | |
icdiff tracebox | |
ice traefik | |
icecream trafficserver | |
idris transcrypt | |
igv translate-shell | |
ii translate-toolkit | |
ilmbase transmission | |
imagemagick trash | |
imagemagick@6 trash-cli | |
imageworsener travis | |
imake tree | |
imapfilter treefrog | |
imapsync ttfautohint | |
imlib2 tty-solitaire | |
immortal ttyd | |
inetutils tundra | |
infer tup | |
influxdb tvnamer | |
innoextract twarc | |
innotop twine-pypi | |
inspectrum twoping | |
inspircd twtxt | |
instead txr | |
internetarchive typescript | |
ioping u-boot-tools | |
ios-deploy ubertooth | |
ios-sim uftp | |
iozone uhd | |
iperf unbound | |
iperf3 uncrustify | |
ipfs unixodbc | |
iproute2mac unoconv | |
ipv6calc unpaper | |
ipython unrar | |
ipython@5 unshield | |
ircd-hybrid unyaffs | |
isl upscaledb | |
iso-codes uptimed | |
ispc upx | |
itex2mml urbit | |
ivykis urdfdom_headers | |
jabba urh | |
jack uriparser | |
jadx urweb | |
jags utf8proc | |
jansson uwsgi | |
jbake v8 | |
jbig2enc vagrant-completion | |
jboss-forge vala | |
jdupes valabind | |
jemalloc valgrind | |
jena vapoursynth | |
jenkins varnish | |
jenkins-job-builder varnish@4 | |
jenkins-lts vault | |
jerasure vcftools | |
jetty vdirsyncer | |
jetty-runner veclibfort | |
jflex vegeta | |
jfrog-cli-go verilator | |
jhiccup vert.x | |
jhipster vice | |
jigdo vim | |
jlog [email protected] | |
jmeter vips | |
jooby-bootstrap virtuoso | |
joplin vis | |
jpeg-archive visp | |
jpeg-turbo vnu | |
jpegoptim voldemort | |
jq vorbis-tools | |
jrnl vowpal-wabbit | |
jruby vrpn | |
json-c vte | |
json-fortran vte3 | |
json-glib vtk | |
jsonnet wabt | |
jsonpp wakatime-cli | |
juju wallpaper | |
juju-wait wandio | |
jump wartremover | |
jupyter watch | |
just watchexec | |
jvgrep watchman | |
kafka watson | |
kaitai-struct-compiler wdiff | |
kallisto webalizer | |
kapacitor webdis | |
kedge webp | |
keepassc webpack | |
kerl webtorrent-cli | |
kettle weechat | |
keychain wesnoth | |
khal wget | |
khard when | |
kibana whois | |
[email protected] widelands | |
kitchen-sync wildfly-as | |
klavaro wine | |
knot winetricks | |
knot-resolver wiredtiger | |
kobalt wireguard-tools | |
kompose wireshark | |
konoha wla-dx | |
kontena wolfssl | |
kops wpscan | |
kore wrangler | |
kotlin wslay | |
krakend wtf | |
krb5 wxmac | |
kube-aws x265 | |
kubectx xapian | |
kubeless xboard | |
kubernetes-cli xctool | |
kubernetes-helm xdot | |
kumo xerces-c | |
lablgtk xmake | |
lammps xml-security-c | |
landscaper xml-tooling-c | |
languagetool xmount | |
lapack xmrig | |
lasi xonsh | |
lasso xqilla | |
lastpass-cli xrootd | |
laszip xsane | |
latex2rtf xsv | |
launch xtensor | |
launch4j xxhash | |
lbdb yaf | |
lcdf-typetools yafc | |
lcm yaml-cpp | |
ldc yank | |
lean yara | |
lean-cli yarn | |
ledger yash | |
legit yasm | |
lego yaws | |
lensfun yaz | |
leptonica ydcv | |
lftp yelp-tools | |
lgogdownloader ykman | |
libarchive ykpers | |
libatomic_ops yle-dl | |
libbi yosys | |
libbitcoin you-get | |
libbitcoin-blockchain youtube-dl | |
libbitcoin-database yq | |
libbitcoin-explorer yubico-piv-tool | |
libbitcoin-network z3 | |
libbitcoin-node zabbix | |
libbitcoin-server zanata-client | |
libbpg zbackup | |
libbtbb zbar | |
libccd zebra | |
libcdr zenity | |
libcec zero-install | |
libchamplain zeromq | |
libcouchbase zig | |
libcue zim | |
libdca zimg | |
libdill zita-convolver | |
libdmtx zmap | |
libdvbpsi znapzend | |
libdvdcss znc | |
libebml zookeeper | |
libedit zopfli | |
libepoxy zorba | |
liberasurecode zpython | |
libetonyek zsh | |
libetpan zsh-autosuggestions | |
libewf zsh-completions | |
libextractor zstd | |
libfabric | |
==> Renamed Formulae | |
cdiff -> ydiff php56 -> [email protected] | |
crystal-lang -> crystal php70 -> [email protected] | |
geth -> ethereum php71 -> [email protected] | |
gtksourceview@4 -> gtksourceview4 rebar@3 -> rebar3 | |
latexila -> gnome-latex saltstack -> salt | |
mat -> mat2 wpcli-completion -> wp-cli-completion | |
==> Deleted Formulae | |
heroku ✔ hachoir-metadata onepass | |
arm i3 open-vcdiff | |
artifactory-cli-go i3status opensyobon | |
asciinema2gif ib pxz | |
aws-cloudsearch juju-quickstart [email protected] | |
bokken [email protected] queequeg | |
boot2docker [email protected] reclass | |
boot2docker-completion lsh [email protected] | |
casperjs luciddb [email protected] | |
corebird [email protected] sary | |
datomic [email protected] sickbeard | |
dirmngr mediatomb sonarlint | |
ecj mimms submarine | |
[email protected] monotone taylor | |
gjstest nesemu2 tcptrack | |
[email protected] nethack4 wry | |
gpg-agent node@4 | |
Error: homebrew/apache was deprecated. This tap is now empty as all its formulae were migrated. |
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