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Last active February 28, 2017 19:01
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PatternFly Web Components / Framework-Native Proposal

PatternFly Web Components / Framework-Native Proposal

Where we stand

The PatternFly roadmap outlines a proposal to scale framework support by adopting a Web Component based solution for implementing pattern behaviours to support multiple web frameworks.

By building prototypes for PatternFly-webcomponents, we have shown that framework integration of web components is possible, but benefits from the introduction of framework-specific shims to provide application developers with a framework-native experience when consuming the web components.

The problem

Front-end developers are by-and-large in favor of the web component approach for implementing pattern behaviours. However, we need to achieve a critical mass of pattern implementations in order for developers to adopt the solution and begin contributing back their own implementations.

A possible solution

As a means of bootstrapping the webcomponent effort, we are considering that we start our framework integrations with a mix of web component and framework-native implementations. As community members want to implement patterns in a PatternFly-framework component library, they are encouraged to submit a PR with either a wrapped-web-component implementation, or with a framework-native implementation. At a later point, the framework-native implementation would be replaced when the web-component implementation is available.

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                          | PatternFly-design |
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                          |  PatternFly-css  |
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                      | PatternFly-webcomponents |
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| PatternFly-Angular  <---+   |         |   +----> PatternFly-jQuery |
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           | PatternFly-Angular2 |   | PatternFly-React |
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Web Components as the Reference Implementation

Web components would serve as the reference implementation of our patterns, and would be integrated in the various PatternFly-framework libraries. Application UX would benefit from a consistent pattern behaviour implementation across frameworks.

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kahboom commented Feb 24, 2017

Any word on the Angular 2 - PatternFly repository? Sorry hopefully not being too pushy, but I have a few people on my team asking if this is going to be possible prior to RH Summit.

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