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Created October 24, 2016 09:08
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Simple port scanner in python
# Visit
# Importing the modules
# socket :=> This is what we use to create a socket connection
# argparse is used to parse arguments. This is not important now
# and it is out of the scope of this post
import socket,sys,time,datetime,argparse,os
flag = 0 # we're gonna use this flag later. Just keep it in mind
os.system('clear') # Clear the console window
line = "+" * 80 # Just a fancy line consisting '+'
desc = line+'''\nA Simple port scanner that works!! (c)
Example usage: python 1 1000
The above example will scan the host \'\' from port 1 to 1000
To scan most common ports, use: python\n'''+line+"\n"
# Just a description about the script and how to use it
# I would suggest you to read about "argparse", it comes in handy
# when you want to parse arguments
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description = desc, formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter)
parser.add_argument('host', metavar='H', help='Host name you want to scan')
parser.add_argument('startport', metavar='P1', nargs='?', help='Start scanning from this port')
parser.add_argument('endport', metavar='P2', nargs='?',help='Scan until this port')
args = parser.parse_args()
host = # The host name to scan for open ports
ip = socket.gethostbyname(host) # Converts the host name into IP address
# args.startpoint corresponds to the first port we will scan
# args.endport corresponds to the last port
# Here, we're checking if both starting port and ending port is defined
# If it is not defined, we will do a scan over most popular TCP ports.
if (args.startport) and args.endport :
# If this condition is true, the script will scan over this port range
start_port = int(args.startport)
end_port = int(args.endport)
# In this case, the script will scan the most common ports.
# that is, if you did not give any ports as argument.
flag = 1
open_ports = [] # This list is used to hold the open ports
# This dictionary contains the most popular ports used
# You can add ports here.
# The key is the port number and the values is the service used by that port
common_ports = {
'21': 'FTP',
'22': 'SSH',
'23': 'TELNET',
'25': 'SMTP',
'53': 'DNS',
'69': 'TFTP',
'80': 'HTTP',
'109': 'POP2',
'110': 'POP3',
'123': 'NTP',
'137': 'NETBIOS-NS',
'138': 'NETBIOS-DGM',
'139': 'NETBIOS-SSN',
'143': 'IMAP',
'156': 'SQL-SERVER',
'389': 'LDAP',
'443': 'HTTPS',
'546': 'DHCP-CLIENT',
'547': 'DHCP-SERVER',
'995': 'POP3-SSL',
'993': 'IMAP-SSL',
'2086': 'WHM/CPANEL',
'2087': 'WHM/CPANEL',
'2082': 'CPANEL',
'2083': 'CPANEL',
'3306': 'MYSQL',
'8443': 'PLESK',
starting_time = time.time() # Get the time at which the scan was started
print "+" * 40
print "\tSimple Port Scanner..!!!"
print "+" * 40
if (flag): # The flag is set, that means the user did not provide any ports as argument
print "Scanning for most common ports on %s" % (host)
# The user did specify a port range to scan
print "Scanning %s from port %s - %s: " % (host, start_port, end_port)
print "Scanning started at %s" %(time.strftime("%I:%M:%S %p"))
# This is the function that will connect to a port and will check
# if it is open or closed
def check_port(host, port, result = 1):
# The function takes 3 arguments
# host : the IP to scan
# port : the port number to connect
# Creating a socket object named 'sock'
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
# Setting socket timeout so that the socket does not wait forever to complete a connection
# Connect to the socket
# if the connection was successful, that means the port
# is open, and the output 'r' will be zero
r = sock.connect_ex((host, port))
if r == 0:
result = r
sock.close() # closing the socket
except Exception, e:
return result # returns the result of the scan.
# This function reads the dictonary of ports and services and
# Checks for the service name corresponding to a port.
def get_service(port):
port = str(port) # converts the int to string
if port in common_ports: # check if the port is available in the common ports dictionary
return common_ports[port] # returns the service name if available
return 0 # return 0 if no service is identified
print "Scan in progress.."
print "Connecting to Port: ",
if flag: # The flag is set, means the user did not give any port range
for p in sorted(common_ports): # So we will scan the common ports.
sys.stdout.flush() # flush the stdout buffer.
p = int(p)
print p,
response = check_port(host, p) # call the function to connect to the port
if response == 0: # The port is open
open_ports.append(p) # append it to the list of open ports
#if not p == end_port:
sys.stdout.write('\b' * len(str(p))) # This is just used to clear the port number displayed. This is not important at all
# The user did provide a port range, now we have to scan through that range
for p in range(start_port, end_port+1):
print p,
response = check_port(host, p) # Call the function to connect to the port
if response == 0: # Port is open
open_ports.append(p) # Append to the list of open ports
if not p == end_port:
sys.stdout.write('\b' * len(str(p)))
print "\nScanning completed at %s" %(time.strftime("%I:%M:%S %p"))
ending_time = time.time()
total_time = ending_time - starting_time # Calculating the total time used to scan
print "=" * 40
print "\tScan Report: %s" %(host)
print "=" * 40
if total_time <= 60:
total_time = str(round(total_time, 2))
print "Scan Took %s seconds" %(total_time)
total_time = total_time / 60
print "Scan Took %s Minutes" %(total_time)
if open_ports: # There are open ports available
print "Open Ports: "
for i in sorted(open_ports):
service = get_service(i)
if not service: # The service is not in the disctionary
service = "Unknown service"
print "\t%s %s: Open" % (i, service)
# No open ports were found
print "Sorry, No open ports found.!!"
except KeyboardInterrupt: # This is used in case the user press "Ctrl+C", it will show the following error instead of a python's scary error
print "You pressed Ctrl+C. Exiting "
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