---@meta |
--- It is intended to be used with VS Code's Lua language server as a library. |
--- Nothing in here is implemented. |
---@alias ObjectRef unknown ObjectRef has not yet been defined in this file |
---@alias NoiseParams unknown NoiseParams has not yet been defined in this file |
---@class VoxelManip VoxelManip has not yet been defined in this file |
---@alias Raycast unknown Raycast has not yet been defined in this file |
---@alias LSystemTreeDefinition table LSystemTreeDefinition has not yet been defined in this file |
---@alias mapgen_aliases |
---|"mapgen_stone" |
---|"mapgen_river_water_source" |
---|"mapgen_water_source" |
---|"mapgen_lava_source" |
---|"mapgen_dirt" |
---|"mapgen_dirt_with_grass" |
---|"mapgen_sand" |
---|"mapgen_gravel" |
---|"mapgen_desert_stone" |
---|"mapgen_desert_sand" |
---|"mapgen_dirt_with_snow" |
---|"mapgen_snowblock" |
---|"mapgen_snow" |
---|"mapgen_ice" |
---|"mapgen_tree" |
---|"mapgen_leaves" |
---|"mapgen_apple" |
---|"mapgen_jungletree" |
---|"mapgen_jungleleaves" |
---|"mapgen_junglegrass" |
---|"mapgen_pine_tree" |
---|"mapgen_pine_needles" |
---|"mapgen_cobble" |
---|"mapgen_stair_cobble" |
---|"mapgen_mossycobble" |
---|"mapgen_stair_desert_stone" |
---@class Vector3 An XYZ coordinate. |
---@field x number |
---@field y number The vertical position. |
---@field z number |
--- The Minetest namespace for **5.5.1**, based entirely on lua_api.txt, with formatting changes. |
minetest = { |
---@return string modname The currently loading mod's name. |
---returns the currently loading mod's name, when loading a mod. |
get_current_modname = function () end, |
---@param modname string |
---@return string|nil modpath Returns nil if the mod is not enabled or does not exist (not installed). |
--- returns the directory path for a mod, e.g. `"/home/user/.minetest/usermods/modname"`. |
--- * Returns nil if the mod is not enabled or does not exist (not installed). |
--- * Works regardless of whether the mod has been loaded yet. |
--- * Useful for loading additional .lua modules or static data from a mod, or checking if a mod is enabled. |
get_modpath = function (modname) end, |
---@return string[] modnames |
--- returns a list of enabled mods, sorted alphabetically. |
--- * Does not include disabled mods, even if they are installed. |
get_modnames = function () end, |
---@return string worldpath e.g. `"/home/user/.minetest/world"` |
--- Useful for storing custom data |
get_worldpath = function () end, |
---@return boolean |
is_singleplayer = function () end, |
--- Table containing API feature flags |
features = { |
-- I was able to conveniently copy-paste this from lua_api.txt. enjoy |
glasslike_framed = true, -- 0.4.7 |
nodebox_as_selectionbox = true, -- 0.4.7 |
get_all_craft_recipes_works = true, -- 0.4.7 |
-- The transparency channel of textures can optionally be used on |
-- nodes (0.4.7) |
use_texture_alpha = true, |
-- Tree and grass ABMs are no longer done from C++ (0.4.8) |
no_legacy_abms = true, |
-- Texture grouping is possible using parentheses (0.4.11) |
texture_names_parens = true, |
-- Unique Area ID for AreaStore:insert_area (0.4.14) |
area_store_custom_ids = true, |
-- add_entity supports passing initial staticdata to on_activate |
-- (0.4.16) |
add_entity_with_staticdata = true, |
-- Chat messages are no longer predicted (0.4.16) |
no_chat_message_prediction = true, |
-- The transparency channel of textures can optionally be used on |
-- objects (ie: players and lua entities) (5.0.0) |
object_use_texture_alpha = true, |
-- Object selectionbox is settable independently from collisionbox |
-- (5.0.0) |
object_independent_selectionbox = true, |
-- Specifies whether binary data can be uploaded or downloaded using |
-- the HTTP API (5.1.0) |
httpfetch_binary_data = true, |
-- Whether formspec_version[<version>] may be used (5.1.0) |
formspec_version_element = true, |
-- Whether AreaStore's IDs are kept on save/load (5.1.0) |
area_store_persistent_ids = true, |
-- Whether minetest.find_path is functional (5.2.0) |
pathfinder_works = true, |
-- Whether Collision info is available to an objects' on_step (5.3.0) |
object_step_has_moveresult = true, |
-- Whether get_velocity() and add_velocity() can be used on players (5.4.0) |
direct_velocity_on_players = true, |
-- nodedef's use_texture_alpha accepts new string modes (5.4.0) |
use_texture_alpha_string_modes = true, |
-- degrotate param2 rotates in units of 1.5° instead of 2° |
-- thus changing the range of values from 0-179 to 0-240 (5.5.0) |
degrotate_240_steps = true, |
-- ABM supports min_y and max_y fields in definition (5.5.0) |
abm_min_max_y = true, |
-- dynamic_add_media supports passing a table with options (5.5.0) |
dynamic_add_media_table = true, |
}, |
---@param arg string|table<string,boolean> |
---@return boolean, table<string,boolean> missing_features |
has_feature = function (arg) end, |
---@param player_name string |
---@return PlayerInformationTable? |
get_player_information = function (player_name) end, |
---@param path string |
---@return boolean success |
--- Creates a directory specified by `path`, creating parent directories |
--- if they don't exist. |
mkdir = function (path) end, |
---@param path string |
---@param recursive boolean |
---@return boolean success |
--- Removes a directory specified by `path`. |
--- * If `recursive` is set to `true`, the directory is recursively removed. |
--- <br/>Otherwise, the directory will only be removed if it is empty. |
rmdir = function (path, recursive) end, |
---@param source string |
---@param destination string |
---@return boolean success |
--- Copies a directory specified by `path` to `destination` |
--- * Any files in `destination` will be overwritten if they already exist. |
cpdir = function (source, destination) end, |
---@param source string |
---@param destination string |
---@return boolean success |
--- Moves a directory specified by `path` to `destination` |
--- * If the `destination` is a non-empty directory, then the move will fail. |
mvdir = function (source, destination) end, |
---@param path string |
---@param is_dir boolean|nil? |
--- * `is_dir` is one of: |
--- * `nil`: return all entries, |
--- * `true`: return only subdirectory names, or |
--- * `false`: return only file names. |
get_dir_list = function (path, is_dir) end, |
---@param path string |
---@param content unknown |
---@return boolean success |
--- Replaces contents of file at path with new contents in a safe (atomic) |
--- way. Use this instead of below code when writing e.g. database files: |
--- ``` |
--- local f = io.open(path, "wb"); f:write(content); f:close() |
--- ``` |
safe_file_write = function (path, content) end, |
---@return GetVersionTable |
--- Use this for informational purposes only. The information in the returned |
--- table does not represent the capabilities of the engine, nor is it |
--- reliable or verifiable. Compatible forks will have a different name and |
--- version entirely. To check for the presence of engine features, test |
--- whether the functions exported by the wanted features exist. For example: |
--- ``` |
--- if minetest.check_for_falling then ... end |
--- ``` |
get_version = function () end, |
---@param data string data to hash |
---@param raw boolean return raw bytes instead of hex digits; default: false |
---@return string # the sha1 hash of `data` |
sha1 = function (data, raw) end, |
--- Converts a ColorSpec to a ColorString. |
--- If the ColorSpec is invalid, returns `nil`. |
---@todo type later |
---@return string colorstring [ColorString](https://...) |
colorspec_to_colorstring = function (colorspec) end, |
--- Converts a ColorSpec to a rawstring of four bytes in an RGBA layout, |
--- returned as a string |
---@todo type colorspec later |
---@return string |
colorspec_to_bytes = function (colorspec) end, |
---@param width integer Width of the image |
---@param height integer Height of the image |
---@param data unknown[]|string Image data, one of: |
---|| * array table of ColorSpec, length must be width\*height |
---|| * string with raw RGBA pixels, length must be width\*height\*4 |
---@param compression integer Optional zlib compression level, number in range 0 to 9. |
--- The data is one-dimensional, starting in the upper left corner of the image |
--- and laid out in scanlines going from left to right, then top to bottom. |
--- |
--- Please note that it's not safe to use string.char to generate raw data, |
--- use `colorspec_to_bytes` to generate raw RGBA values in a predictable way. |
--- |
--- The resulting PNG image is always 32-bit. Palettes are not supported at the moment. |
--- You may use this to procedurally generate textures during server init. |
encode_png = function (width, height, data, compression) end, |
-------------- |
-- Logging -- |
-------------- |
---@param ... any |
--- Equivalent to `minetest.log(table.concat({...}, "\t"))` |
debug = function (...) end, |
---@param level "none"|"error"|"warning"|"action"|"info"|"verbose" default: "none" |
log = function (level, text) end, |
---------------------------- |
-- Registration functions -- |
---------------------------- |
---@param name string in the format `namespace:name`, i.e. `default:dirt` |
---@param definition NodeDefinition |
register_node = function (name, definition) end, |
---@param name string in the format `namespace:name`, i.e. `default:stick` |
---@param definition ItemDefinition |
register_craftitem = function (name, definition) end, |
---@param name string in the format `namespace:name`, i.e. `zr_stone:pick` |
---@param definition ItemDefinition |
register_tool = function (name, definition) end, |
---@param name string in the format `namespace:name`, i.e. `default:mese`. |
---@param redefinition ItemDefinition|NodeDefinition |
--- Overrides fields of an item registered with register_node/tool/craftitem. |
--- |
--- **Note:** Item must already be defined, (opt)depend on the mod defining it. |
--- |
--- Example: |
--- ``` |
--- minetest.override_item("default:mese", |
--- {light_source=minetest.LIGHT_MAX}) |
--- ``` |
override_item = function (name, redefinition) end, |
---@param name string |
--- Unregisters the item from the engine, and deletes the entry with key |
--- `name` from `minetest.registered_items` and from the associated item table |
--- according to its nature: `minetest.registered_nodes`, etc. |
unregister_item = function (name) end, |
---@param name string in the format `namespace:name`, i.e. `zr_stone:pick` |
---@param definition unknown |
register_entity = function (name, definition) end, |
---@param definition unknown |
register_abm = function (definition) end, |
---@param definition unknown |
register_lbm = function (definition) end, |
---@param alias string|mapgen_aliases |
---@param original_name string |
--- Also use this to set the 'mapgen aliases' needed in a game for the core mapgens. |
--- See [Mapgen aliases](https://github.com/minetest/minetest/blob/5.5.1/doc/lua_api.txt#L336). |
register_alias = function (alias, original_name) end, |
---@param alias string|mapgen_aliases |
---@param original_name string |
register_alias_force = function (alias, original_name) end, |
---@param definition unknown |
---@return integer handle |
--- Returns an integer object handle uniquely identifying the registered |
--- ore on success. |
--- * The order of ore registrations determines the order of ore generation. |
register_ore = function (definition) end, |
---@param definition unknown |
---@return integer handle |
--- Returns an integer object handle uniquely identifying the registered |
--- biome on success. To get the biome ID, use `minetest.get_biome_id`. |
register_biome = function (definition) end, |
---@param name string |
--- Unregisters the biome from the engine, and deletes the entry with key |
--- `name` from `minetest.registered_biomes` |
unregister_biome = function (name) end, |
---@param definition unknown |
---@return integer handle |
--- Returns an integer object handle uniquely identifying the registered |
--- decoration on success. To get the decoration ID, use |
--- `minetest.get_decoration_id`. |
--- * The order of decoration registrations determines the order of decoration |
--- generation. |
register_decoration = function (definition) end, |
---@param definition unknown |
---@return integer handle |
--- Returns an integer object handle uniquely identifying the registered |
--- schematic on success. |
--- * If the schematic is loaded from a file, the `name` field is set to the |
--- filename. |
--- * If the function is called when loading the mod, and `name` is a relative |
--- path, then the current mod path will be prepended to the schematic |
--- filename. |
register_schematic = function (definition) end, |
--- Clears all biomes currently registered. |
--- * **Warning:** Clearing and re-registering biomes alters the biome to biome ID |
--- correspondences, so any decorations or ores using the 'biomes' field must |
--- afterwards be cleared and re-registered. |
clear_registered_biomes = function () end, |
--- Clears all decorations currently registered. |
clear_registered_decorations = function () end, |
--- Clears all ores currently registered. |
clear_registered_ores = function () end, |
---Clears all schematics currently registered. |
clear_registered_schematics = function () end, |
----------------------------- |
-- Registration / Gameplay -- |
----------------------------- |
---@param recipe unknown |
--- Check recipe table syntax for different types. |
register_craft = function (recipe) end, |
---@param recipe unknown |
---@return boolean |
--- Will erase existing craft based either on output item or on input recipe. |
--- * Specify either output or input only. If you specify both, input will be |
--- ignored. For input use the same recipe table syntax as for |
--- `minetest.register_craft(recipe)`. For output specify only the item, |
--- without a quantity. |
--- * Returns false if no erase candidate could be found, otherwise returns true. |
--- * **Warning**! The type field ("shaped", "cooking" or any other) will be |
--- ignored if the recipe contains output. Erasing is then done independently |
--- from the crafting method. |
clear_craft = function (recipe) end, |
---@param cmd string |
---@param definition unknown |
register_chatcommand = function (cmd, definition) end, |
---@param name string |
---@param redefinition unknown |
--- Overrides fields of a chatcommand registered with `register_chatcommand`. |
override_chatcommand = function (name, redefinition) end, |
---@param name string |
--- Unregisters a chatcommands registered with `register_chatcommand`. |
unregister_chatcommand = function (name) end, |
---@param name string |
---@param definition string|unknown |
--- If `definition` is a description, the priv will be granted to singleplayer and admin by default. |
--- * To allow players with `basic_privs` to grant, see the `basic_privs` minetest.conf setting. |
register_privilege = function (name, definition) end, |
---@param definition unknown |
--- Registers an auth handler that overrides the builtin one. |
--- * This function can be called by a single mod once only. |
register_authentication_handler = function (definition) end, |
---------------------------------------------------------- |
-- Registraton / Global callback registration functions -- |
---------------------------------------------------------- |
---@param handler fun(dtime:number) |
--- Called every server step, usually interval of 0.1s |
register_globalstep = function (handler) end, |
---@param handler fun() |
--- Called after mods have finished loading and before the media is cached |
--- or the aliases handled. |
register_on_mods_loaded = function (handler) end, |
---@param handler fun() |
--- Called before server shutdown |
--- * **Warning**: If the server terminates abnormally (i.e. crashes), the |
--- registered callbacks **will likely not be run**. Data should be saved at |
--- semi-frequent intervals as well as on server shutdown. |
register_on_shutdown = function (handler) end, |
---@param handler fun(pos, newnode, placer, oldnode, itemstack, pointed_thing): boolean? |
--- Called when a node has been placed |
--- * If return `true` no item is taken from `itemstack` |
--- * `placer` may be any valid ObjectRef or nil. |
--- * **Not recommended**; use `on_construct` or `after_place_node` in node |
--- definition whenever possible. |
---@deprecated use `on_construct` or `after_place_node` in node definition whenever possible. |
register_on_placenode = function (handler) end, |
---@param handler fun(pos, oldnode, digger) |
--- Called when a node has been dug. |
--- * **Not recommended**; use `on_destruct` or `after_dig_node` in node |
--- definition whenever possible. |
---@deprecated use `on_destruct` or `after_dig_node` in node definition whenever possible. |
register_on_dignode = function (handler) end, |
---@param handler fun(pos, node, puncher, pointed_thing) |
--- Called when a node is punched. |
register_on_punchnode = function (handler) end, |
---@param handler fun(minp, maxp, blockseed) |
--- Called after generating a piece of world. Modifying nodes inside the area |
--- is a bit faster than usually. |
register_on_generated = function (handler) end, |
---@param handler fun(player: unknown) |
register_on_newplayer = function (handler) end, |
---@param handler fun(player: unknown, hitter, time_from_last_punch, tool_capabilities, dir, damage) |
--- Called when a player is punched |
--- * Note: This callback is invoked even if the punched player is dead. |
--- * `player`: ObjectRef - Player that was punched |
--- * `hitter`: ObjectRef - Player that hit |
--- * `time_from_last_punch`: Meant for disallowing spamming of clicks |
--- (can be nil). |
--- * `tool_capabilities`: Capability table of used item (can be nil) |
--- * `dir`: Unit vector of direction of punch. Always defined. Points from |
--- the puncher to the punched. |
--- * `damage`: Number that represents the damage calculated by the engine |
--- * should return `true` to prevent the default damage mechanism |
register_on_punchplayer = function (handler) end, |
---@param handler fun(player: unknown, clicker: unknown) |
--- Called when the 'place/use' key was used while pointing a player |
--- (not neccessarily an actual rightclick) |
--- * `player`: ObjectRef - Player that is acted upon |
--- * `clicker`: ObjectRef - Object that acted upon `player`, may or may not be a player |
register_on_rightclickplayer = function (handler) end, |
---@alias PlayerHPChangeReason {type: "set_hp"|"punch"|"fall"|"node_damage"|"drown"|"respawn", from: "mod"|"engine", object: ObjectRef?, node: string?} |
---@param handler fun(player, hp_change, reason): number? |
---@param modifier boolean when true, the function should return the actual `hp_change`. |
--- * Called when the player gets damaged or healed |
--- * `player`: ObjectRef of the player |
--- * `hp_change`: the amount of change. Negative when it is damage. |
--- * `reason`: a PlayerHPChangeReason table. |
--- * The `type` field will have one of the following values: |
--- * `set_hp`: A mod or the engine called `set_hp` without |
--- giving a type - use this for custom damage types. |
--- * `punch`: Was punched. `reason.object` will hold the puncher, or nil if none. |
--- * `fall` |
--- * `node_damage`: `damage_per_second` from a neighbouring node. |
--- `reason.node` will hold the node name or nil. |
--- * `drown` |
--- * `respawn` |
--- * Any of the above types may have additional fields from mods. |
--- * `reason.from` will be `mod` or `engine`. |
--- * **Note:** modifiers only get a temporary `hp_change` that can be modified by later modifiers. |
--- * Modifiers can return true as a second argument to stop the execution of further functions. |
--- * Non-modifiers receive the final HP change calculated by the modifiers. |
register_on_player_hpchange = function (handler, modifier) end, |
---@param handler fun(player: ObjectRef, reason: PlayerHPChangeReason) |
--- Called when a player dies |
register_on_dieplayer = function (handler) end, |
---@param handler fun(player: ObjectRef): boolean? |
--- Called when a player is to be respawned |
--- * Called _before_ repositioning of player occurs |
--- * return true in func to disable regular player placement |
register_on_respawnplayer = function (handler) end, |
---@param handler fun(name: string, ip: string) |
--- Called before a player joins the server. |
--- * `name`: Name of the player |
--- * `ip`: IP of the player |
register_on_prejoinplayer = function (handler) end, |
---@param handler fun(player: ObjectRef, last_login) |
--- Called when a player joins the game |
--- * `last_login`: The timestamp of the previous login, or nil if player is new |
register_on_joinplayer = function (handler) end, |
---@param handler fun(player: ObjectRef, timed_out: boolean) |
--- Called when a player leaves the game |
--- * `timed_out`: True for timeout, false for other reasons. |
register_on_leaveplayer = function (handler) end, |
---@param handler fun(name: string, ip: string, is_success: boolean) |
--- Called when a client attempts to log into an account. |
--- `name`: The name of the account being authenticated. |
--- * `ip`: The IP address of the client |
--- * `is_success`: Whether the client was successfully authenticated |
--- * For newly registered accounts, `is_success` will always be true |
register_on_authplayer = function (handler) end, |
---@deprecated use `minetest.register_on_authplayer(name, ip, is_success)` instead. |
---@param handler fun(name: string, ip: string) |
register_on_auth_fail = function (handler) end, |
---@param handler fun(player: ObjectRef, cheat: "moved_too_fast"|"interacted_too_far"|"interacted_with_self"|"interacted_while_dead"|"finished_unknown_dig"|"dug_unbreakable"|"dug_too_fast") |
--- Called when a player cheats |
register_on_cheat = function (handler) end, |
---@param handler fun(name: string, message: string) |
--- Called always when a player says something. |
--- |
--- Return `true` to mark the message as handled, which means that it will |
--- not be sent to other players. |
register_on_chat_message = function (handler) end, |
---@param handler fun(player_name: string, command: string, params: unknown[]) |
--- Called always when a chatcommand is triggered, before `minetest.registered_chatcommands` |
--- is checked to see if the command exists, but after the input is parsed. |
--- |
--- Return `true` to mark the command as handled, which means that the default |
--- handlers will be prevented. |
register_on_chatcommand = function (handler) end, |
---@param handler fun(player, formname, fields) |
--- Called when the server received input from `player` in a formspec with |
--- the given `formname`. Specifically, this is called on any of the |
--- following events: |
--- * a button was pressed, |
--- * Enter was pressed while the focus was on a text field |
--- * a checkbox was toggled, |
--- * something was selected in a dropdown list, |
--- * a different tab was selected, |
--- * selection was changed in a textlist or table, |
--- * an entry was double-clicked in a textlist or table, |
--- * a scrollbar was moved, or |
--- * the form was actively closed by the player. |
--- --- |
--- * Fields are sent for formspec elements which define a field. `fields` |
--- is a table containing each formspecs element value (as string), with |
--- the `name` parameter as index for each. The value depends on the |
--- formspec element type: |
--- * `animated_image`: Returns the index of the current frame. |
--- * `button` and variants: If pressed, contains the user-facing button |
--- text as value. If not pressed, is `nil` |
--- * `field`, `textarea` and variants: Text in the field |
--- * `dropdown`: Either the index or value, depending on the `index event` |
--- dropdown argument. |
--- * `tabheader`: Tab index, starting with `"1"` (only if tab changed) |
--- * `checkbox`: `"true"` if checked, `"false"` if unchecked |
--- * `textlist`: See `minetest.explode_textlist_event` |
--- * `table`: See `minetest.explode_table_event` |
--- * `scrollbar`: See `minetest.explode_scrollbar_event` |
--- * Special case: `["quit"]="true"` is sent when the user actively |
--- closed the form by mouse click, keypress or through a button_exit[] |
--- element. |
--- * Special case: `["key_enter"]="true"` is sent when the user pressed |
--- the Enter key and the focus was either nowhere (causing the formspec |
--- to be closed) or on a button. If the focus was on a text field, |
--- additionally, the index `key_enter_field` contains the name of the |
--- text field. See also: `field_close_on_enter`. |
--- * Newest functions are called first |
--- * If function returns `true`, remaining functions are not called |
register_on_player_receive_fields = function (handler) end, |
---@param handler fun(itemstack, player, old_craft_grid, craft_inv) |
--- Called when `player` crafts something |
--- * `itemstack` is the output |
--- * `old_craft_grid` contains the recipe (Note: the one in the inventory is |
--- cleared). |
--- * `craft_inv` is the inventory with the crafting grid |
--- * Return either an `ItemStack`, to replace the output, or `nil`, to not |
--- modify it. |
register_on_craft = function (handler) end, |
---@param handler fun(itemstack, player, old_craft_grid, craft_inv) |
--- The same as before, except that it is called before the player crafts, to |
--- make craft prediction, and it should not change anything. |
register_craft_predict = function (handler) end, |
---@param handler fun(player, action, inventory, inventory_info) |
--- Determines how much of a stack may be taken, put or moved to a |
--- player inventory. |
--- * `player` (type `ObjectRef`) is the player who modified the inventory |
--- `inventory` (type `InvRef`). |
--- * List of possible `action` (string) values and their |
--- `inventory_info` (table) contents: |
--- * `move`: `{from_list=string, to_list=string, from_index=number, to_index=number, count=number}` |
--- * `put`: `{listname=string, index=number, stack=ItemStack}` |
--- * `take`: Same as `put` |
--- * Return a numeric value to limit the amount of items to be taken, put or |
--- moved. A value of `-1` for `take` will make the source stack infinite. |
register_allow_player_inventory_action = function (handler) end, |
---@param handler fun(player, action, inventory, inventory_info) |
--- Called after a take, put or move event from/to/in a player inventory |
--- * Function arguments: see `minetest.register_allow_player_inventory_action` |
--- * Does not accept or handle any return value. |
register_on_player_inventory_action = function (handler) end, |
---@param handler fun(pos: Vector3, name: string) |
--- Called by `builtin` and mods when a player violates protection at a |
--- position (eg, digs a node or punches a protected entity). |
--- * The registered functions can be called using |
--- `minetest.record_protection_violation`. |
--- * The provided function should check that the position is protected by the |
--- mod calling this function before it prints a message, if it does, to |
--- allow for multiple protection mods. |
register_on_protection_violation = function (handler) end, |
---@param handler fun(hp_change: number, replace_with_item, itemstack, user, pointed_thing) |
--- Called when an item is eaten, by `minetest.item_eat` |
--- * Return `itemstack` to cancel the default item eat response (i.e.: hp increase). |
register_on_item_eat = function (handler) end, |
---@param handler fun(name: string, granter: string, priv: string) |
--- Called when `granter` grants the priv `priv` to `name`. |
--- * Note that the callback will be called twice if it's done by a player, |
--- once with granter being the player name, and again with granter being nil. |
register_on_priv_grant = function (handler) end, |
---@param handler fun(name: string, revoker: string, priv: string) |
--- Called when `revoker` revokes the priv `priv` from `name`. |
--- * Note that the callback will be called twice if it's done by a player, |
--- once with revoker being the player name, and again with revoker being nil. |
register_on_priv_revoke = function (handler) end, |
---@param handler fun(name: string, ip: string) |
--- Called when `name` user connects with `ip`. |
--- * Return `true` to by pass the player limit |
register_can_bypass_userlimit = function (handler) end, |
---@param handler fun(channel_name: string, sender: string, message: string) |
--- Called when an incoming mod channel message is received |
--- * You should have joined some channels to receive events. |
--- * If message comes from a server mod, `sender` field is an empty string. |
register_on_modchannel_message = function (handler) end, |
---@alias ItemStack unknown TODO: document ItemStack |
---@param handler fun(pos_list: Vector3[], node_list: ItemStack[]) |
--- Called after liquid nodes (`liquidtype ~= "none"`) are modified by the |
--- engine's liquid transformation process. |
--- * `pos_list` is an array of all modified positions. |
--- * `node_list` is an array of the old node that was previously at the position |
--- with the corresponding index in pos_list. |
register_on_liquid_transformed = function (handler) end, |
--------------------- |
-- Setting-related -- |
--------------------- |
---@type table<string, any> |
--- Settings object containing all of the settings from the |
--- main config file (`minetest.conf`). |
settings = {}, |
---@param name string The name of the setting to get. |
--- Loads a setting from the main settings and |
--- parses it as a position (in the format `(1,2,3)`). Returns a position or nil. |
---@return Vector3 |
setting_get_pos = function (name) end, |
---@param str string |
---@param delim? string String separating the privs. Defaults to `","`. |
---@return table<string, boolean> privs A table of privs. |
--- Converts string representation of privs into table form |
string_to_privs = function (str, delim) end, |
---@param privs table<string, boolean> |
---@param delim? string String to delimit privs. Defaults to `","`. |
---@return string |
--- Returns the string representation of `privs` |
privs_to_string = function (privs, delim) end, |
---@param name string The name of the player. |
--- * *Calls the authentication handler.* |
---@return table<string, boolean> |
get_player_privs = function (name) end, |
---@param player_or_name string|ObjectRef Either a Player object or the name of a player. |
---@param ... string|table<string, boolean> Either a list of strings, e.g. `"priva", "privb"` or a table, e.g. `{ priva = true, privb = true }`. |
---@return boolean, table<string, boolean> missing_privs |
check_player_privs = function (player_or_name, ...) end, |
---@param name string |
---@param entry unknown |
---@param password string |
--- Returns true if the "password entry" for a player with name matches given |
--- password, false otherwise. |
--- * The "password entry" is the password representation generated by the |
--- engine as returned as part of a `get_auth()` call on the auth handler. |
--- * **Only** use this function for making it possible to log in via password from |
--- external protocols such as IRC, other uses are frowned upon. |
---@return boolean |
---@deprecated Only use this function for making it possible to log in via password from external protocols such as IRC, other uses are frowned upon. |
check_password_entry = function (name, entry, password) end, |
---@param name string |
---@param raw_password string |
--- Convert a name-password pair to a password hash that Minetest can use. |
--- * The returned value alone is not a good basis for password checks based |
--- on comparing the password hash in the database with the password hash |
--- from the function, with an externally provided password, as the hash |
--- in the db might use the new SRP verifier format. |
--- * For this purpose, use `minetest.check_password_entry` instead. |
---@return string |
get_password_hash = function (name, raw_password) end, |
---@param name string |
--- returns an IP address string for the player `name`. |
--- * The player needs to be online for this to be successful. |
get_player_ip = function (name) end, |
--- Return the currently active auth handler |
--- * See the [Authentication handler definition](https://github.com/minetest/minetest/blob/5.5.1/doc/lua_api.txt#L8828) |
--- * Use this to e.g. get the authentication data for a player: |
--- ``` |
--- local auth_data = minetest.get_auth_handler().get_auth(playername) |
--- ``` |
---@return unknown authentication_handler |
get_auth_handler = function () end, |
---@param name? string if omitted, all auth data should be considered modified |
--- Must be called by the authentication handler for privilege changes. |
notify_authentication_modified = function (name) end, |
---@param name string |
---@param password_hash string |
--- Set password hash of player `name`. |
--- * *Calls the authentication handler.* |
set_player_password = function (name, password_hash) end, |
---@param name string |
---@param privs table<string, boolean> |
--- Set privileges of player `name`. |
--- * *Calls the authentication handler.* |
set_player_privs = function (name, privs) end, |
--- See `reload()` in authentication handler definition |
--- * *Calls the authentication handler.* |
auth_reload = function () end, |
---------- |
-- Chat -- |
---------- |
---@param text string |
chat_send_all = function (text) end, |
---@param name string |
---@param text string |
chat_send_player = function (name, text) end, |
---@param name string |
---@param message string |
--- Used by the server to format a chat message, based on the setting `chat_message_format`. |
--- Refer to the documentation of the setting for a list of valid placeholders. |
--- * Takes player name and message, and returns the formatted string to be sent to players. |
--- * Can be redefined by mods if required, for things like colored names or messages. |
--- * **Only** the first occurrence of each placeholder will be replaced. |
format_chat_message = function (name, message) end, |
------------------------ |
-- Environment access -- |
------------------------ |
---@alias NodeWithMetadata {name: string, param1: number?, param2: number?, [string]: any} |
---@param pos Vector3 |
---@param node NodeWithMetadata |
--- Set node at position `pos` |
--- * If param1 or param2 is omitted, it's set to `0`. |
--- ``` |
--- minetest.set_node({x=0, y=10, z=0}, {name="default:wood"})` |
--- ``` |
set_node = function (pos, node) end, |
add_node = minetest.set_node, -- alias to `minetest.set_node` |
---@param pos Vector3[] |
---@param node NodeWithMetadata |
--- Set node on all positions set in the first argument. |
--- * For node specification or position syntax see `minetest.set_node` call |
--- * Faster than set_node due to single call, but still considerably slower |
--- than Lua Voxel Manipulators (LVM) for large numbers of nodes. |
--- Unlike LVMs, this will call node callbacks. It also allows setting nodes |
--- in spread out positions which would cause LVMs to waste memory. |
--- For setting a cube, this is 1.3x faster than set_node whereas LVM is 20 |
--- times faster. |
--- ``` |
--- minetest.bulk_set_node({{x=0, y=1, z=1}, {x=1, y=2, z=2}}, {name="default:stone"})` |
--- ``` |
bulk_set_node = function (pos, node) end, |
---@param pos Vector3 |
---@param node NodeWithMetadata |
--- Set node at position, but don't remove metadata |
swap_node = function (pos, node) end, |
---@param pos Vector3 |
--- By default it does the same as `minetest.set_node(pos, {name="air"})` |
remove_node = function (pos) end, |
---@param pos Vector3 |
--- Returns the node at the given position as table in the format |
--- `{name="node_name", param1=0, param2=0}`, |
--- returns `{name="ignore", param1=0, param2=0}` for unloaded areas. |
---@return NodeWithMetadata |
get_node = function (pos) end, |
---@param pos Vector3 |
--- Same as `get_node` but returns `nil` for unloaded areas. |
get_node_or_nil = function (pos) end, |
---@param pos Vector3 The position where to measure the light. |
---@param timeofday number|nil `nil` for current time, `0` for night, `0.5` for day |
--- Gets the light value at the given position. Note that the light value |
--- "inside" the node at the given position is returned, so you usually want |
--- to get the light value of a neighbor. |
--- * `nil` is returned e.g. when the map isn't loaded at `pos` |
---@return number|nil light_level A number between `0` and `15` or `nil` |
get_node_light = function (pos, timeofday) end, |
---@param pos Vector3 The position of the node |
---@param timeofday number|nil? `nil` for current time, `0` for night, `0.5` for day |
--- Figures out the sunlight (or moonlight) value at pos at the given time of |
--- day. |
--- This function tests 203 nodes in the worst case, which happens very |
--- unlikely |
---@return number|nil light_level A number between `0` and `15` or `nil` |
get_natural_light = function (pos, timeofday) end, |
---@param param1 number The param1 value of a `paramtype= "light"` node. |
--- Calculates the artificial light (light from e.g. torches) value from the |
--- `param1` value. |
--- * Currently it's the same as `math.floor(param1 / 16)`, except that it |
--- ensures compatibility. |
---@return number light_level A number between `0` and `15` |
get_artificial_light = function (param1) end, |
---@param pos Vector3 |
---@param node NodeWithMetadata --TODO: does this need to be a string? |
--- Place node with the same effects that a player would cause |
place_node = function (pos, node) end, |
---@param pos Vector3 |
--- Dig node with the same effects that a player would cause |
---@return boolean # `true` if successful, `false` on failure (e.g. protected location) |
dig_node = function (pos) end, |
---@param pos Vector3 |
--- Punch node with the same effects that a player would cause |
punch_node = function (pos) end, |
---@param pos Vector3 |
--- Change node into falling node |
---@return boolean, ObjectRef? spawned_entity `true` and the ObjectRef of the spawned entity if successful, `false` on failure |
spawn_falling_node = function (pos) end, |
---@param pos1 Vector3 |
---@param pos2 Vector3 |
--- Get a table of positions of nodes that have metadata within a region {pos1, pos2}. |
---@return table<Vector3, NodeWithMetadata> --TODO: does this actually return a table, or just an array? |
find_nodes_with_meta = function (pos1, pos2) end, |
---@param pos Vector3 |
--- Get a `NodeMetaRef` at that position |
---@todo return NodeMetaRef |
get_meta = function (pos) end, |
---@param pos Vector3 |
--- Get `NodeTimerRef` |
---@todo return NodeTimerRef |
get_node_timer = function (pos) end, |
---@param pos Vector3 |
---@param name string |
---@param staticdata table<string, any> --TODO: check this |
--- Spawn Lua-defined entity at position. |
---@return ObjectRef|nil # `nil` if failed |
add_entity = function (pos, name, staticdata) end, |
---@param pos Vector3 |
---@param item string (assuming an itemstring) |
--- Spawn item |
---@return ObjectRef|nil |
add_item = function (pos, item) end, |
---@param name string |
--- Get an `ObjectRef` to a player |
---@return ObjectRef player |
get_player_by_name = function (name) end, |
---@param pos Vector3 |
---@param radius number using an euclidean metric |
---@return ObjectRef[] |
get_objects_inside_radius = function (pos, radius) end, |
---@param pos1 Vector3 min position of the area to search |
---@param pos2 Vector3 max position of the area to search |
---@return ObjectRef[] |
get_objects_in_area = function (pos1, pos2) end, |
---@param timeofday number between `0` and `1`; `0` for midnight, `0.5` for midday |
set_timeofday = function (timeofday) end, |
---@return number timeofday between `0` and `1`; `0` for midnight, `0.5` for midday |
get_timeofday = function () end, |
---@return number gametime the time, in seconds, since the world was created. |
get_gametime = function () end, |
---@return number days the number of days elapsed since world was created. |
--- * accounts for time changes. |
get_day_count = function () end, |
---@param pos Vector3 |
---@param radius number using a maximum metric |
---@param nodenames string|string[] |
---@param search_center boolean? default: `false`. If true `pos` is also checked for the nodes |
---@return Vector3|nil pos |
find_node_near = function (pos, radius, nodenames, search_center) end, |
---@param pos1 Vector3 min position of the area to search |
---@param pos2 Vector3 max position of the area to search |
---@param nodenames string|string[] |
--- * If `grouped` is true the return value is a table indexed by node name |
--- which contains lists of positions. |
--- * If `grouped` is false or absent the return values are as follows: |
--- first value: Table with all node positions |
--- second value: Table with the count of each node with the node name |
--- as index |
--- * Area volume is limited to 4,096,000 nodes |
---@return Vector3[]|table<string, Vector3[]>, table<string, integer>? |
find_nodes_in_area = function (pos1, pos2, nodenames, grouped) end, |
---@param pos1 Vector3 |
---@param pos2 Vector3 |
---@param nodenames string|string[] |
--- * Area volume is limited to 4,096,000 nodes |
---@return Vector3[] # All node positions with a node air above |
find_nodes_in_area_under_air = function (pos1, pos2, nodenames) end, |
---@todo document PerlinNoiseParams and perlin noise a bit further |
---@param noiseparams NoiseParams |
--- Return world-specific perlin noise. |
--- * The actual seed used is the noiseparams seed plus the world seed. |
---@return unknown # probably a number, but not sure |
---@diagnostic disable-next-line: duplicate-index |
get_perlin = function (noiseparams) end, |
---@deprecated use `minetest.get_perlin(noiseparams)` instead. |
--- Return world-specific perlin noise. |
---@diagnostic disable-next-line: duplicate-index |
get_perlin = function (seeddiff, octaves, persistence, spread) end, |
---@param pos1 Vector3? |
---@param pos2 Vector3? |
--- Return voxel manipulator object. |
--- * Loads the manipulator from the map if positions are passed. |
---@todo document voxel_manip |
get_voxel_manip = function (pos1, pos2) end, |
---@param flags unknown |
---@param deco_ids string[] List of IDs of decorations which notification is requested for. |
--- Set the types of on-generate notifications that should be collected. |
--- * `flags` is a flag field with the available flags: |
--- * dungeon |
--- * temple |
--- * cave_begin |
--- * cave_end |
--- * large_cave_begin |
--- * large_cave_end |
--- * decoration |
set_gen_notify = function (flags, deco_ids) end, |
---@return string, string[] |
get_gen_notify = function () end, |
---@param decoration_name string |
---@return integer|nil the decoration ID number for the provided decoration name string, or `nil` on failure. |
get_decoration_id = function (decoration_name) end, |
---@param objectname string |
--- Return requested mapgen object if available (see [Mapgen objects](https://github.com/minetest/minetest/blob/5.5.1/doc/lua_api.txt#L4366)). |
---@return table<string, any> mapgen_object |
get_mapgen_object = function (objectname) end, |
---@param pos Vector3 |
---@return number|nil heat The heat at the position, or `nil` on failure. |
get_heat = function (pos) end, |
---@param pos Vector3 |
---@return number|nil humidity The humidity at the position, or `nil` on failure. |
get_humidity = function (pos) end, |
---@param pos Vector3 |
--- Returns a table containing: |
--- * `biome` the biome id of the biome at that position |
--- * `heat` the heat at the position |
--- * `humidity` the humidity at the position |
---@return {biome: integer, heat: number, humidity: number} |
get_biome_data = function (pos) end, |
---@param biome_name string |
---@return number biome_id the biome id, as used in the biomemap Mapgen object and returned |
--- by `minetest.get_biome_data(pos)`, for a given biome_name string. |
get_biome_id = function (biome_name) end, |
---@param biome_id integer |
--- * If no biomes have been registered, such as in mgv6, returns `default`. |
---@return string biome_name the biome name string for the provided biome id, or `nil` on failure. |
get_biome_name = function (biome_id) end, |
---@deprecated use `minetest.get_mapgen_setting(name)` instead. |
---@return {mgname: string, seed: number, chunksize: integer, water_level: integer, flags: unknown} |
get_mapgen_params = function () end, |
---@deprecateduse `minetest.set_mapgen_setting(name, value, override)` instead. |
---@param params {mgname: string, seed: number, chunksize: integer, water_level: integer, flags: unknown} |
--- Set map generation parameters. |
--- * Function cannot be called after the registration period; only |
--- initialization and `on_mapgen_init`. |
--- * Takes a table as an argument with the fields: |
--- * `mgname` |
--- * `seed` |
--- * `chunksize` |
--- * `water_level` |
--- * `flags` |
--- * Leave field unset to leave that parameter unchanged. |
--- * `flags` contains a comma-delimited string of flags to set, or if the |
--- prefix `"no"` is attached, clears instead. |
--- * `flags` is in the same format and has the same options as `mg_flags` in |
--- `minetest.conf`. |
set_mapgen_params = function (params) end, |
---@param name string |
--- Gets the *active* mapgen setting (or nil if none exists) in string |
--- format with the following order of precedence: |
--- 1) Settings loaded from map_meta.txt or overrides set during mod |
--- execution. |
--- 2) Settings set by mods without a metafile override |
--- 3) Settings explicitly set in the user config file, minetest.conf |
--- 4) Settings set as the user config default |
---@return any |
get_mapgen_setting = function (name) end, |
---@param name string |
--- Same as above, but returns the value as a NoiseParams table if the |
--- setting `name` exists and is a valid NoiseParams. |
---@return NoiseParams |
get_mapgen_setting_noiseparams = function (name) end, |
---@param name string |
---@param value any |
---@param override_meta boolean? an optional boolean (default: `false`). If this is set to true, the setting will become the active setting regardless of the map metafile contents. |
--- Sets a mapgen param to `value`, and will take effect if the corresponding mapgen setting is not already present in map_meta.txt. |
--- * Note: to set the seed, use `"seed"`, not `"fixed_map_seed"`. |
set_mapgen_setting = function (name, value, override_meta) end, |
---@param name string |
---@param value NoiseParams |
---@param override_meta boolean? an optional boolean (default: `false`). If this is set to true, the setting will become the active setting regardless of the map metafile contents. |
--- Same as `set_mapgen_setting`, except the value is a NoiseParams table. |
set_mapgen_setting_noiseparams = function (name, value, override_meta) end, |
---@param name string |
---@param noiseparams NoiseParams |
---@param set_default any |
set_noiseparams = function (name, noiseparams, set_default) end, |
---@param name string |
--- Returns a table of the noiseparams for name. |
---@return NoiseParams |
get_noise_params = function (name) end, |
---@param vm VoxelManip |
---@param pos1 Vector3? |
---@param pos2 Vector3? |
--- Generate all registered decorations within the VoxelManip `vm` and in the |
--- area from `pos1` to `pos2`. |
--- * `pos1` and `pos2` are optional and default to mapchunk minp and maxp. |
generate_ores = function (vm, pos1, pos2) end, |
---@param options {mode: "full"|"quick"}? |
--- Clear all objects in the environment |
--- * Takes an optional table as an argument with the field `mode`. |
--- * mode = `"full"` : Load and go through every mapblock, clearing |
--- objects (default). |
--- * mode = `"quick"`: Clear objects immediately in loaded mapblocks, |
--- clear objects in unloaded mapblocks only when the |
--- mapblocks are next activated. |
clear_objects = function (options) end, |
---@param pos1 Vector3 |
---@param pos2 Vector3? |
--- Load the mapblocks containing the area from `pos1` to `pos2`. |
--- `pos2` defaults to `pos1` if not specified. |
--- * This function does not trigger map generation. |
load_area = function (pos1, pos2) end, |
---@alias EMERGE_ENUM integer |
---@type EMERGE_ENUM |
---@type EMERGE_ENUM |
---@type EMERGE_ENUM |
---@type EMERGE_ENUM |
---@type EMERGE_ENUM |
---@param pos1 Vector3 |
---@param pos2 Vector3 |
---@param callback fun(blockpos: Vector3, action: EMERGE_ENUM, calls_remaining: integer, param: any)? |
---@param param any? user-defined parameter passed to `callback` |
--- Load the mapblocks containing the area from `pos1` to `pos2`. |
--- Queue all blocks in the area from `pos1` to `pos2`, inclusive, to be |
--- asynchronously fetched from memory, loaded from disk, or if inexistent, |
--- generates them. |
--- * If `callback` is a valid Lua function, this will be called for each block |
--- emerged. |
--- * The function signature of callback is: |
--- `function EmergeAreaCallback(blockpos, action, calls_remaining, param)` |
--- * `blockpos` is the *block* coordinates of the block that had been |
--- emerged. |
--- * `action` could be one of the following constant values: |
--- * `minetest.EMERGE_CANCELLED` |
--- * `minetest.EMERGE_ERRORED` |
--- * `minetest.EMERGE_FROM_MEMORY` |
--- * `minetest.EMERGE_FROM_DISK` |
--- * `minetest.EMERGE_GENERATED` |
--- * `calls_remaining` is the number of callbacks to be expected after |
--- this one. |
--- * `param` is the user-defined parameter passed to emerge_area (or |
--- nil if the parameter was absent). |
emerge_area = function (pos1, pos2, callback, param) end, |
---@param pos1 Vector3 |
---@param pos2 Vector3 |
--- delete all mapblocks in the area from pos1 to pos2, inclusive |
delete_area = function (pos1, pos2) end, |
---@param pos1 Vector3 First position |
---@param pos2 Vector3 Second position |
--- Checks if there is anything other than air between pos1 and pos2. |
--- * Returns false if something is blocking the sight. |
--- * Returns the position of the blocking node when `false` |
---@return boolean, Vector3? |
line_of_sight = function (pos1, pos2) end, |
---@param pos1 Vector3 start of the ray |
---@param pos2 Vector3 end of the ray |
---@param objects boolean if false, only nodes will be returned. Default is `true`. |
---@param liquids boolean if false, liquid nodes (`liquidtype ~= "none"`) won't be returned. Default is `false`. |
--- Creates a `Raycast` object. |
---@return Raycast |
raycast = function (pos1, pos2, objects, liquids) end, |
---@param pos1 Vector3 start position |
---@param pos2 Vector3 end position |
---@param searchdistance number maximum distance from the search positions to search in.<br/>In detail: Path must be completely inside a cuboid. The minimum `searchdistance` of 1 will confine search between `pos1` and `pos2`. Larger values will increase the size of this cuboid in all directions |
---@param max_jump number maximum height difference to consider walkable |
---@param max_drop number maximum height difference to consider droppable |
---@param algorithm "A*_noprefetch"|"A*"|"Dijkstra" Difference between `"A*"` and `"A*_noprefetch"` is that `"A*"` will pre-calculate the cost-data, the other will calculate it on-the-fly |
--- * returns table containing path that can be walked on |
--- * returns a table of 3D points representing a path from `pos1` to `pos2` or |
--- `nil` on failure. |
--- * Reasons for failure: |
--- * No path exists at all |
--- * No path exists within `searchdistance` (see below) |
--- * Start or end pos is buried in land |
---@return Vector3[]|nil |
find_path = function (pos1, pos2, searchdistance, max_jump, max_drop, algorithm) end, |
---@param pos Vector3 |
---@param treedef LSystemTreeDefinition |
--- spawns L-system tree at given `pos` with definition in `treedef` table |
spawn_tree = function (pos, treedef) end, |
---@param pos Vector3 |
--- add node to liquid flow update queue |
transforming_liquid_add = function (pos) end, |
---@param pos Vector3 |
--- get max available level for leveled node |
get_node_max_level = function (pos) end, |
---@param pos Vector3 |
--- get level of leveled node (water, snow) |
get_node_level = function (pos) end, |
---@param pos Vector3 |
---@param level integer |
--- set level of leveled node, default `level` equals `1` |
--- * if `totallevel > maxlevel`, returns rest (`total-max`) |
--- * `level` must be between -127 and 127 |
---@return integer? |
set_node_level = function (pos, level) end, |
---@param pos Vector3 |
---@param level integer |
--- increase level of leveled node by level, default `level` equals `1` |
--- * if `totallevel > maxlevel`, returns rest (`total-max`) |
--- * `level` must be between -127 and 127 |
add_node_level = function (pos, level) end, |
---@param pos1 Vector3 |
---@param pos2 Vector3 |
--- resets the light in a cuboid-shaped part of |
--- the map and removes lighting bugs. |
--- * Loads the area if it is not loaded. |
--- * `pos1` is the corner of the cuboid with the least coordinates |
--- (in node coordinates), inclusive. |
--- * `pos2` is the opposite corner of the cuboid, inclusive. |
--- * The actual updated cuboid might be larger than the specified one, |
--- because only whole map blocks can be updated. |
--- The actual updated area consists of those map blocks that intersect |
--- with the given cuboid. |
--- * However, the neighborhood of the updated area might change |
--- as well, as light can spread out of the cuboid, also light |
--- might be removed. |
---@return boolean # `false` if the area is not fully generated, `true` otherwise |
fix_light = function (pos1, pos2) end, |
---@param pos Vector3 |
--- causes an unsupported `group:falling_node` node to fall and causes an |
--- unattached `group:attached_node` node to fall. |
--- * does not spread these updates to neighbours. |
check_single_for_falling = function (pos) end, |
---@param pos Vector3 |
--- causes an unsupported `group:falling_node` node to fall and causes an |
--- unattached `group:attached_node` node to fall. |
--- * spread these updates to neighbours and can cause a cascade |
--- of nodes to fall. |
check_for_falling = function (pos) end, |
---@param x number |
---@param z number |
--- Returns a player spawn y co-ordinate for the provided (x, z) |
--- co-ordinates, or `nil` for an unsuitable spawn point. |
--- * For most mapgens a 'suitable spawn point' is one with y between |
--- `water_level` and `water_level + 16`, and in mgv7 well away from rivers, |
--- so `nil` will be returned for many (x, z) co-ordinates. |
--- * The spawn level returned is for a player spawn in unmodified terrain. |
--- * The spawn level is intentionally above terrain level to cope with |
--- full-node biome 'dust' nodes. |
---@return number|nil y |
get_spawn_level = function (x, z) end, |
------------------ |
-- Mod channels -- |
------------------ |
---@param channel_name string |
--- Server joins channel `channel_name`, and creates it if necessary. You |
--- should listen for incoming messages with |
--- `minetest.register_on_modchannel_message` |
mod_channel_join = function (channel_name) end, |
} |
---------------------------- |
--#region Response tables -- |
---------------------------- |
---@class PlayerInformationTable |
--- The response type of `minetest.get_player_information` |
local PlayerInformationTable = { |
---@type string |
address = "", -- IP address of client |
---@type 4|6 |
ip_version = 4, -- IPv4 / IPv6 |
---@type integer |
connection_uptime = 200, -- seconds since client connected |
---@type integer |
protocol_version = 32, -- protocol version used by client |
---@type integer |
formspec_version = 2, -- supported formspec version |
---@type string |
lang_code = "fr", -- Language code used for translation |
---@type number? |
min_rtt = 0.01, -- minimum round trip time (can be missing if no stats have been collected yet) |
---@type number? |
max_rtt = 0.2, -- maximum round trip time (can be missing if no stats have been collected yet) |
---@type number? |
avg_rtt = 0.02, -- average round trip time (can be missing if no stats have been collected yet) |
---@type number? |
min_jitter = 0.01, -- minimum packet time jitter (can be missing if no stats have been collected yet) |
---@type number? |
max_jitter = 0.5, -- maximum packet time jitter (can be missing if no stats have been collected yet) |
---@type number? |
avg_jitter = 0.03, -- average packet time jitter (can be missing if no stats have been collected yet) |
---@deprecated Available in a debug build only!!! DO NOT USE IN MODS |
ser_vers = 26, -- serialization version used by client (available in a debug build only!!! DO NOT USE IN MODS) |
---@deprecated Available in a debug build only!!! DO NOT USE IN MODS |
major = 0, -- major version number (available in a debug build only!!! DO NOT USE IN MODS) |
---@deprecated Available in a debug build only!!! DO NOT USE IN MODS |
minor = 4, -- minor version number (available in a debug build only!!! DO NOT USE IN MODS) |
---@deprecated Available in a debug build only!!! DO NOT USE IN MODS |
patch = 10, -- patch version number (available in a debug build only!!! DO NOT USE IN MODS) |
---@deprecated Available in a debug build only!!! DO NOT USE IN MODS |
vers_string = "0.4.9-git", -- full version string (available in a debug build only!!! DO NOT USE IN MODS) |
---@deprecated Available in a debug build only!!! DO NOT USE IN MODS |
state = "Active" -- current client state (available in a debug build only!!! DO NOT USE IN MODS) |
} |
---@class GetVersionTable |
--- The response type of `minetest.get_version` |
local GetVersionTable = { |
---@type string |
project = "Minetest", -- Name of the project, eg, "Minetest" |
---@type string |
string = "5.5.1", -- Simple version, eg, "1.2.3-dev" |
---@type string? |
hash = "5.5.1-dev-44c2e33c-dirty", -- Full git version (only set if available) |
} |
--#endregion |
------------------------------ |
--#region Definition tables -- |
------------------------------ |
---@class ItemDefinition |
local ItemDefinition = { |
-- Can contain new lines. "\n" has to be used as new line character. |
-- See also: `get_description` in [`ItemStack`] |
description = "", |
-- Must not contain new lines. |
-- Defaults to nil. |
-- Use an [`ItemStack`] to get the short description, e.g.: |
-- ItemStack(itemname):get_short_description() |
short_description = "", |
-- key = name, value = rating; rating = <number>. |
-- If rating not applicable, use 1. |
-- e.g. {wool = 1, fluffy = 3} |
-- {soil = 2, outerspace = 1, crumbly = 1} |
-- {bendy = 2, snappy = 1}, |
-- {hard = 1, metal = 1, spikes = 1} |
groups = {}, |
-- Texture shown in the inventory GUI |
-- Defaults to a 3D rendering of the node if left empty. |
inventory_image = "", |
-- An overlay texture which is not affected by colorization |
inventory_overlay = "", |
-- Texture shown when item is held in hand |
-- Defaults to a 3D rendering of the node if left empty. |
wield_image = "", |
-- Like inventory_overlay but only used in the same situation as wield_image |
wield_overlay = "", |
-- Scale for the item when held in hand |
wield_scale = {x = 1, y = 1, z = 1}, |
-- An image file containing the palette of a node. |
-- You can set the currently used color as the "palette_index" field of |
-- the item stack metadata. |
-- The palette is always stretched to fit indices between 0 and 255, to |
-- ensure compatibility with "colorfacedir" and "colorwallmounted" nodes. |
palette = "", |
-- Color the item is colorized with. The palette overrides this. |
color = "#ffffffff", |
-- Maximum amount of items that can be in a single stack. |
-- The default can be changed by the setting `default_stack_max` |
stack_max = 99, |
-- Range of node and object pointing that is possible with this item held |
range = 4.0, |
-- If true, item can point to all liquid nodes (`liquidtype ~= "none"`), |
-- even those for which `pointable = false` |
liquids_pointable = false, |
-- When used for nodes: Defines amount of light emitted by node. |
-- Otherwise: Defines texture glow when viewed as a dropped item |
-- To set the maximum (14), use the value 'minetest.LIGHT_MAX'. |
-- A value outside the range 0 to minetest.LIGHT_MAX causes undefined |
-- behavior. |
light_source = 0, |
-- See "Tool Capabilities" section for an example including explanation |
tool_capabilities = { |
full_punch_interval = 1.0, |
max_drop_level = 0, |
groupcaps = { |
-- For example: |
choppy = {times = {2.50, 1.40, 1.00}, uses = 20, maxlevel = 2}, |
}, |
-- Damage values must be between -32768 and 32767 (2^15) |
damage_groups = {groupname = 0}, |
punch_attack_uses = nil, |
-- Amount of uses this tool has for attacking players and entities |
-- by punching them (0 = infinite uses). |
-- For compatibility, this is automatically set from the first |
-- suitable groupcap using the forumla "uses * 3^(maxlevel - 1)". |
-- It is recommend to set this explicitly instead of relying on the |
-- fallback behavior. |
}, |
node_placement_prediction = nil, |
-- If nil and item is node, prediction is made automatically. |
-- If nil and item is not a node, no prediction is made. |
-- If "" and item is anything, no prediction is made. |
-- Otherwise should be name of node which the client immediately places |
-- on ground when the player places the item. Server will always update |
-- with actual result shortly. |
node_dig_prediction = "air", |
-- if "", no prediction is made. |
-- if "air", node is removed. |
-- Otherwise should be name of node which the client immediately places |
-- upon digging. Server will always update with actual result shortly. |
sound = { |
-- Definition of item sounds to be played at various events. |
-- All fields in this table are optional. |
---@alias SimpleSoundSpec unknown |
---@type SimpleSoundSpec |
breaks = {}, |
-- When tool breaks due to wear. Ignored for non-tools |
---@type SimpleSoundSpec |
eat = {}, |
-- When item is eaten with `minetest.do_item_eat` |
}, |
-- When the 'place' key was pressed with the item in hand |
-- and a node was pointed at. |
-- Shall place item and return the leftover itemstack |
-- or nil to not modify the inventory. |
-- The placer may be any ObjectRef or nil. |
-- default: minetest.item_place |
on_place = function (itemstack, placer, pointed_thing) end, |
-- Same as on_place but called when not pointing at a node. |
-- Function must return either nil if inventory shall not be modified, |
-- or an itemstack to replace the original itemstack. |
-- The user may be any ObjectRef or nil. |
-- default: nil |
on_secondary_use = function (itemstack, user, pointed_thing) end, |
-- Shall drop item and return the leftover itemstack. |
-- The dropper may be any ObjectRef or nil. |
-- default: minetest.item_drop |
on_drop = function (itemstack, dropper, pos) end, |
-- default: nil |
-- When user pressed the 'punch/mine' key with the item in hand. |
-- Function must return either nil if inventory shall not be modified, |
-- or an itemstack to replace the original itemstack. |
-- e.g. itemstack:take_item(); return itemstack |
-- Otherwise, the function is free to do what it wants. |
-- The user may be any ObjectRef or nil. |
-- The default functions handle regular use cases. |
on_use = function (itemstack, user, pointed_thing) end, |
-- default: nil |
-- If defined, should return an itemstack and will be called instead of |
-- wearing out the item (if tool). If returns nil, does nothing. |
-- If after_use doesn't exist, it is the same as: |
-- function (itemstack, user, node, digparams) |
-- itemstack:add_wear(digparams.wear) |
-- return itemstack |
-- end |
-- The user may be any ObjectRef or nil. |
after_use = function (itemstack, user, node, digparams) end, |
--_custom_field = whatever, |
-- Add your own custom fields. By convention, all custom field names |
-- should start with `_` to avoid naming collisions with future engine |
-- usage. |
} |
---@class NodeDefinition: ItemDefinition |
local NodeDefinition = { |
-- <all fields allowed in item definitions> |
drawtype = "normal", -- See "Node drawtypes" |
-- Supported for drawtypes "plantlike", "signlike", "torchlike", |
-- "firelike", "mesh", "nodebox", "allfaces". |
-- For plantlike and firelike, the image will start at the bottom of the |
-- node. For torchlike, the image will start at the surface to which the |
-- node "attaches". For the other drawtypes the image will be centered |
-- on the node. |
visual_scale = 1.0, |
-- Textures of node; +Y, -Y, +X, -X, +Z, -Z |
-- List can be shortened to needed length. |
tiles = {}, --{tile definition 1, def2, def3, def4, def5, def6}, |
-- Same as `tiles`, but these textures are drawn on top of the base |
-- tiles. You can use this to colorize only specific parts of your |
-- texture. If the texture name is an empty string, that overlay is not |
-- drawn. Since such tiles are drawn twice, it is not recommended to use |
-- overlays on very common nodes. |
overlay_tiles = {}, --{tile definition 1, def2, def3, def4, def5, def6}, |
-- Special textures of node; used rarely. |
-- List can be shortened to needed length. |
special_tiles = {}, --{tile definition 1, Tile definition 2}, |
-- The node's original color will be multiplied with this color. |
-- If the node has a palette, then this setting only has an effect in |
-- the inventory and on the wield item. |
---@alias ColorSpec unknown |
---@type ColorSpec |
color = {}, |
-- Specifies how the texture's alpha channel will be used for rendering. |
-- possible values: |
-- * "opaque": Node is rendered opaque regardless of alpha channel |
-- * "clip": A given pixel is either fully see-through or opaque |
-- depending on the alpha channel being below/above 50% in value |
-- * "blend": The alpha channel specifies how transparent a given pixel |
-- of the rendered node is |
-- The default is "opaque" for drawtypes normal, liquid and flowingliquid; |
-- "clip" otherwise. |
-- If set to a boolean value (deprecated): true either sets it to blend |
-- or clip, false sets it to clip or opaque mode depending on the drawtype. |
use_texture_alpha = ..., |
-- The node's `param2` is used to select a pixel from the image. |
-- Pixels are arranged from left to right and from top to bottom. |
-- The node's color will be multiplied with the selected pixel's color. |
-- Tiles can override this behavior. |
-- Only when `paramtype2` supports palettes. |
palette = "", |
-- Screen tint if player is inside node, see "ColorSpec" |
post_effect_color = "#00000000", |
paramtype = "none", -- See "Nodes" |
paramtype2 = "none", -- See "Nodes" |
-- Value for param2 that is set when player places node |
place_param2 = 0, |
-- If false, the cave generator and dungeon generator will not carve |
-- through this node. |
-- Specifically, this stops mod-added nodes being removed by caves and |
-- dungeons when those generate in a neighbor mapchunk and extend out |
-- beyond the edge of that mapchunk. |
is_ground_content = true, |
-- If true, sunlight will go infinitely through this node |
sunlight_propagates = false, |
walkable = true, -- If true, objects collide with node |
pointable = true, -- If true, can be pointed at |
diggable = true, -- If false, can never be dug |
climbable = false, -- If true, can be climbed on like a ladder |
move_resistance = 0, |
-- Slows down movement of players through this node (max. 7). |
-- If this is nil, it will be equal to liquid_viscosity. |
-- Note: If liquid movement physics apply to the node |
-- (see `liquid_move_physics`), the movement speed will also be |
-- affected by the `movement_liquid_*` settings. |
buildable_to = false, -- If true, placed nodes can replace this node |
-- If true, liquids flow into and replace this node. |
-- Warning: making a liquid node 'floodable' will cause problems. |
floodable = false, |
-- specifies liquid flowing physics |
-- * "none": no liquid flowing physics |
-- * "source": spawns flowing liquid nodes at all 4 sides and below; |
-- recommended drawtype: "liquid". |
-- * "flowing": spawned from source, spawns more flowing liquid nodes |
-- around it until `liquid_range` is reached; |
-- will drain out without a source; |
-- recommended drawtype: "flowingliquid". |
-- If it's "source" or "flowing" and `liquid_range > 0`, then |
-- both `liquid_alternative_*` fields must be specified |
liquidtype = "none", |
-- Node that represents the flowing version of the liquid |
liquid_alternative_flowing = "", |
-- Node that represents the source version of the liquid |
liquid_alternative_source = "", |
-- Controls speed at which the liquid spreads/flows (max. 7). |
-- 0 is fastest, 7 is slowest. |
-- By default, this also slows down movement of players inside the node |
-- (can be overridden using `move_resistance`) |
liquid_viscosity = 0, |
-- If true, a new liquid source can be created by placing two or more |
-- sources nearby |
liquid_renewable = true, |
-- specifies movement physics if inside node |
-- * false: No liquid movement physics apply. |
-- * true: Enables liquid movement physics. Enables things like |
-- ability to "swim" up/down, sinking slowly if not moving, |
-- smoother speed change when falling into, etc. The `movement_liquid_*` |
-- settings apply. |
-- * nil: Will be treated as true if `liquidype ~= "none"` |
-- and as false otherwise. |
liquid_move_physics = nil, |
-- Only valid for "nodebox" drawtype with 'type = "leveled"'. |
-- Allows defining the nodebox height without using param2. |
-- The nodebox height is 'leveled' / 64 nodes. |
-- The maximum value of 'leveled' is `leveled_max`. |
leveled = 0, |
-- Maximum value for `leveled` (0-127), enforced in |
-- `minetest.set_node_level` and `minetest.add_node_level`. |
-- Values above 124 might causes collision detection issues. |
leveled_max = 127, |
-- Maximum distance that flowing liquid nodes can spread around |
-- source on flat land; |
-- maximum = 8; set to 0 to disable liquid flow |
liquid_range = 8, |
-- Player will take this amount of damage if no bubbles are left |
drowning = 0, |
-- If player is inside node, this damage is caused |
damage_per_second = 0, |
node_box = {type = "regular"}, -- See "Node boxes" |
-- Used for nodebox nodes with the type == "connected". |
-- Specifies to what neighboring nodes connections will be drawn. |
-- e.g. `{"group:fence", "default:wood"}` or `"default:stone"` |
connects_to = {}, |
-- Tells connected nodebox nodes to connect only to these sides of this |
-- node. possible: "top", "bottom", "front", "left", "back", "right" |
connect_sides = {}, |
-- File name of mesh when using "mesh" drawtype |
mesh = "", |
-- Custom selection box definition. Multiple boxes can be defined. |
-- If "nodebox" drawtype is used and selection_box is nil, then node_box |
-- definition is used for the selection box. |
selection_box = { |
-- see [Node boxes] for possibilities |
}, |
-- Custom collision box definition. Multiple boxes can be defined. |
-- If "nodebox" drawtype is used and collision_box is nil, then node_box |
-- definition is used for the collision box. |
collision_box = { |
-- see [Node boxes] for possibilities |
}, |
-- Support maps made in and before January 2012 |
legacy_facedir_simple = false, |
legacy_wallmounted = false, |
-- Valid for drawtypes: |
-- mesh, nodebox, plantlike, allfaces_optional, liquid, flowingliquid. |
-- 1 - wave node like plants (node top moves side-to-side, bottom is fixed) |
-- 2 - wave node like leaves (whole node moves side-to-side) |
-- 3 - wave node like liquids (whole node moves up and down) |
-- Not all models will properly wave. |
-- plantlike drawtype can only wave like plants. |
-- allfaces_optional drawtype can only wave like leaves. |
-- liquid, flowingliquid drawtypes can only wave like liquids. |
waving = 0, |
-- Definition of node sounds to be played at various events. |
-- All fields in this table are optional. |
sounds = { |
-- If walkable, played when object walks on it. If node is |
-- climbable or a liquid, played when object moves through it |
---@type SimpleSoundSpec |
footstep = {}, |
-- While digging node. |
-- If `"__group"`, then the sound will be |
-- `default_dig_<groupname>`, where `<groupname>` is the |
-- name of the item's digging group with the fastest digging time. |
-- In case of a tie, one of the sounds will be played (but we |
-- cannot predict which one) |
-- Default value: `"__group"` |
---@type SimpleSoundSpec|"__group" |
dig = {}, |
-- Node was dug |
---@type SimpleSoundSpec |
dug = {}, |
-- Node was placed. Also played after falling |
---@type SimpleSoundSpec |
place = {}, |
-- When node placement failed. |
-- Note: This happens if the _built-in_ node placement failed. |
-- This sound will still be played if the node is placed in the |
-- `on_place` callback manually. |
---@type SimpleSoundSpec |
place_failed = {}, |
-- When node starts to fall or is detached |
---@type SimpleSoundSpec |
fall = {}, |
}, |
-- Name of dropped item when dug. |
-- Default dropped item is the node itself. |
-- Using a table allows multiple items, drop chances and item filtering: |
---@type table|string |
---@todo make drop items a class |
drop = { |
max_items = 1, |
-- Maximum number of item lists to drop. |
-- The entries in 'items' are processed in order. For each: |
-- Item filtering is applied, chance of drop is applied, if both are |
-- successful the entire item list is dropped. |
-- Entry processing continues until the number of dropped item lists |
-- equals 'max_items'. |
-- Therefore, entries should progress from low to high drop chance. |
items = { |
-- Examples: |
{ |
-- 1 in 1000 chance of dropping a diamond. |
-- Default rarity is '1'. |
rarity = 1000, |
items = {"default:diamond"}, |
}, |
{ |
-- Only drop if using an item whose name is identical to one |
-- of these. |
tools = {"default:shovel_mese", "default:shovel_diamond"}, |
rarity = 5, |
items = {"default:dirt"}, |
-- Whether all items in the dropped item list inherit the |
-- hardware coloring palette color from the dug node. |
-- Default is 'false'. |
inherit_color = true, |
}, |
{ |
-- Only drop if using an item whose name contains |
-- "default:shovel_" (this item filtering by string matching |
-- is deprecated, use tool_groups instead). |
tools = {"~default:shovel_"}, |
rarity = 2, |
-- The item list dropped. |
items = {"default:sand", "default:desert_sand"}, |
}, |
{ |
-- Only drop if using an item in the "magicwand" group, or |
-- an item that is in both the "pickaxe" and the "lucky" |
-- groups. |
tool_groups = { |
"magicwand", |
{"pickaxe", "lucky"} |
}, |
items = {"default:coal_lump"}, |
}, |
}, |
}, |
-- Node constructor; called after adding node. |
-- Can set up metadata and stuff like that. |
-- Not called for bulk node placement (i.e. schematics and VoxelManip). |
-- default: nil |
on_construct = function (pos) end, |
-- Node destructor; called before removing node. |
-- Not called for bulk node placement. |
-- default: nil |
on_destruct = function (pos) end, |
-- Node destructor; called after removing node. |
-- Not called for bulk node placement. |
-- default: nil |
after_destruct = function (pos, oldnode) end, |
-- Called when a liquid (newnode) is about to flood oldnode, if it has |
-- `floodable = true` in the nodedef. Not called for bulk node placement |
-- (i.e. schematics and VoxelManip) or air nodes. If return true the |
-- node is not flooded, but on_flood callback will most likely be called |
-- over and over again every liquid update interval. |
-- Default: nil |
-- Warning: making a liquid node 'floodable' will cause problems. |
on_flood = function (pos, oldnode, newnode) end, |
-- Called when oldnode is about be converted to an item, but before the |
-- node is deleted from the world or the drops are added. This is |
-- generally the result of either the node being dug or an attached node |
-- becoming detached. |
-- oldmeta are the metadata fields (table) of the node before deletion. |
-- drops is a table of ItemStacks, so any metadata to be preserved can |
-- be added directly to one or more of the dropped items. See |
-- "ItemStackMetaRef". |
-- default: nil |
preserve_metadata = function (pos, oldnode, oldmeta, drops) end, |
-- Called after constructing node when node was placed using |
-- minetest.item_place_node / minetest.place_node. |
-- If return true no item is taken from itemstack. |
-- `placer` may be any valid ObjectRef or nil. |
-- default: nil |
after_place_node = function (pos, placer, itemstack, pointed_thing) end, |
-- oldmetadata is in table format. |
-- Called after destructing node when node was dug using |
-- minetest.node_dig / minetest.dig_node. |
-- default: nil |
after_dig_node = function (pos, oldnode, oldmetadata, digger) end, |
-- Returns true if node can be dug, or false if not. |
-- default: nil |
can_dig = function (pos, player) end, |
-- default: minetest.node_punch |
-- Called when puncher (an ObjectRef) punches the node at pos. |
-- By default calls minetest.register_on_punchnode callbacks. |
on_punch = function (pos, node, puncher, pointed_thing) end, |
-- default: nil |
-- Called when clicker (an ObjectRef) used the 'place/build' key |
-- (not neccessarily an actual rightclick) |
-- while pointing at the node at pos with 'node' being the node table. |
-- itemstack will hold clicker's wielded item. |
-- Shall return the leftover itemstack. |
-- Note: pointed_thing can be nil, if a mod calls this function. |
-- This function does not get triggered by clients <=0.4.16 if the |
-- "formspec" node metadata field is set. |
on_rightclick = function (pos, node, clicker, itemstack, pointed_thing) end, |
-- default: minetest.node_dig |
-- By default checks privileges, wears out item (if tool) and removes node. |
-- return true if the node was dug successfully, false otherwise. |
-- Deprecated: returning nil is the same as returning true. |
on_dig = function (pos, node, digger) end, |
-- default: nil |
-- called by NodeTimers, see minetest.get_node_timer and NodeTimerRef. |
-- elapsed is the total time passed since the timer was started. |
-- return true to run the timer for another cycle with the same timeout |
-- value. |
on_timer = function (pos, elapsed) end, |
-- fields = {name1 = value1, name2 = value2, ...} |
-- Called when an UI form (e.g. sign text input) returns data. |
-- See minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields for more info. |
-- default: nil |
on_receive_fields = function (pos, formname, fields, sender) end, |
-- Called when a player wants to move items inside the inventory. |
-- Return value: number of items allowed to move. |
allow_metadata_inventory_move = function (pos, from_list, from_index, to_list, to_index, count, player) end, |
-- Called when a player wants to put something into the inventory. |
-- Return value: number of items allowed to put. |
-- Return value -1: Allow and don't modify item count in inventory. |
allow_metadata_inventory_put = function (pos, listname, index, stack, player) end, |
-- Called when a player wants to take something out of the inventory. |
-- Return value: number of items allowed to take. |
-- Return value -1: Allow and don't modify item count in inventory. |
allow_metadata_inventory_take = function (pos, listname, index, stack, player) end, |
on_metadata_inventory_move = function (pos, from_list, from_index, to_list, to_index, count, player) end, |
on_metadata_inventory_put = function (pos, listname, index, stack, player) end, |
on_metadata_inventory_take = function (pos, listname, index, stack, player) end, |
-- Called after the actual action has happened, according to what was |
-- allowed. |
-- No return value. |
-- intensity: 1.0 = mid range of regular TNT. |
-- If defined, called when an explosion touches the node, instead of |
-- removing the node. |
on_blast = function (pos, intensity) end, |
-- stores which mod actually registered a node |
-- If the source could not be determined it contains "??" |
-- Useful for getting which mod truly registered something |
-- example: if a node is registered as ":othermodname:nodename", |
-- nodename will show "othermodname", but mod_orgin will say "modname" |
mod_origin = "modname", |
} |
--#endregion |
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--#region Class reference -- |
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-- Put some classes |
--#endregion |