- Create a ssh-key in host machine
ssh-keygen -f ~/.ssh/blgnksy-key-rsa -t rsa -b 4096
- Add key to ssh
ssh-add ~/.ssh/blgnksy-key-rsa
''' | |
Adopted from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/19504350/how-to-convert-numbers-to-words-without-using-num2word-library for Turkish | |
''' | |
import re | |
ones = { | |
0: '', 1: 'bir', 2: 'iki', 3: 'üç', 4: 'dört', 5: 'beş', 6: 'altı', | |
7: 'yedi', 8: 'sekiz', 9: 'dokuz', 10: 'on', 11: 'onbir', 12: 'oniki', |
#include <chrono> | |
#include <iostream> | |
#include <thread> | |
class Timer { | |
private: | |
std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::high_resolution_clock> mStart; | |
public: | |
Timer() { mStart = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); } |
[Desktop Entry] | |
Encoding=UTF-8 | |
Version=1.0 | |
Type=Application | |
Terminal=false | |
Exec=/path/to/executable | |
Name=Name of Application | |
Icon=/path/to/icon | |
# Store in ~/.local/share/applications |
#include <iostream> | |
#include <string> | |
#include <curl/curl.h> | |
static size_t WriteCallback(void *contents, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void *userp) | |
{ | |
((std::string*)userp)->append((char*)contents, size * nmemb); | |
return size * nmemb; | |
} |