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Last active April 28, 2018 01:55
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#!/usr/bin/env python
import socket
import struct
import time
import random
ip = ""
pixel_channels_start = 0
pixel_channels_end = 15
rgb_channels_start = 31
rgb_channels_end = 35
max_channels = 35
channels = []
for i in range(0,max_channels):
channels.append([i, 0])
class ArtNet(object):
PORT = 6454 # 0x1936
def __init__(self, port=PORT):
self._socket = None
self.port = port
def socket(self):
if self._socket is None:
self._socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
self._socket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_BROADCAST, 1)
return self._socket
def _make_message(self, data, port=None):
signature = struct.pack("!cccccccx", *list("Art-Net"))
opcode = struct.pack("<H", 0x5000) # low byte first
protocol = struct.pack("!H", 14) # high byte first
head = signature + opcode + protocol
sequence = struct.pack("!x") # 0x00 to disable
pyhsical = struct.pack("!x") # for information only
# 15 bit port address:
# - a universe 0-3 (16 universes in 1 subnet, 256 universes in 1 net)
# - b subnet 4-7 (16 subnets in 1 net)
# - c net 8-14 (128 nets)
# - d 0 15
# total of 16*16*128 = 32768 universes/port addresses
if port is None:
# aaaabbbbcccccccd
port = struct.pack("!H", 0b0000000000000000)
length = struct.pack("!H", len(data))
return head + sequence + pyhsical + port + length + data
def encode_channels(*args):
channels = [0] * 512
for index, value in args:
channels[index] = value
fmt = "!" + "B" * len(channels)
return struct.pack(fmt, *channels)
def sendArtDMX(self, ip, data):
msg = self._make_message(data)
return self.socket.sendto(msg, (ip, self.port))
def render():
a = ArtNet()
d = ArtNet.encode_channels(*channels)
c = a.sendArtDMX(ip, d)
print "%s bytes sent to %s" % (c, ip)
for x, y in channels:
print "channel %s: %s" % (x, y)
def flood(r, g, b):
for i in range(pixel_channels_start,pixel_channels_end,3):
channels[i] = [i,r]
channels[i+1] = [i+1,g]
channels[i+2] = [i+2,b]
def chase(r, g, b):
for i in range(pixel_channels_start,pixel_channels_end,3):
channels[i] = [i,r]
channels[i+1] = [i+1,g]
channels[i+2] = [i+2,b]
def setRGB(channelStart, r, g, b):
channels[channelStart] = [channelStart, r]
channels[channelStart+1] = [channelStart+1, g]
channels[channelStart+2] = [channelStart+2, b]
if __name__ == "__main__":
for i in range(0,512):
channels[i] = [255]
for i in range(0,512):
channels[i] = [0]
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