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Last active January 20, 2019 13:42
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Hammerspoon HSearch mod
local function openWithSafari(arg)
hs.osascript.applescript('tell window ' .. arg[1] .. ' of application "Safari"\nset current tab to tab ' .. arg[2] .. '\nactivate\nend tell')
local function openWithChrome(arg)
hs.osascript.applescript('tell application "Google Chrome"\nrepeat with win in windows\nif id of win = ' .. arg[1] .. ' then\nset active tab index of win to ' .. arg[2] .. '\nset index of win to 1\nend if\nend repeat\ndelay 0.1\ndo shell script "open -a Google\\\\ Chrome"\nend tell')
-- hs_btabs.lua
local function browserTabsRequest()
local safari_running = hs.application.applicationsForBundleID("")
local chooser_data = {}
if #safari_running > 0 then
local stat, data= hs.osascript.applescript('tell application "Safari"\nset tablist to {}\nrepeat with win in windows\nrepeat with n from 1 to count of tabs of win\nset currenttab to item n of tabs of win\nset tabinfo to {index of win, n, name of currenttab as Unicode text, URL of currenttab}\ncopy tabinfo to the end of tablist\nend repeat\nend repeat\nreturn tablist\nend tell')
-- Notice `output` key and its `arg`. The built-in output contains `browser`, `safari`, `chrome`, `firefon`, `clipboard`, `keystrokes`. You can define new output type if you like.
if stat then
chooser_data = hs.fnutils.imap(data, function(item)
return {text=item[3], subText=item[4], image=hs.image.imageFromPath(obj.spoonPath .. "/resources/safari.png"), output="safari", arg={item[1], item[2]}}
local chrome_running = hs.application.applicationsForBundleID("")
if #chrome_running > 0 then
local stat, data= hs.osascript.applescript('tell application "Google Chrome"\nset tablist to {}\nrepeat with win in windows\nrepeat with n from 1 to count of tabs of win\nset currenttab to item n of tabs of win\nset tabinfo to {id of win, n, title of currenttab as Unicode text, URL of currenttab}\ncopy tabinfo to the end of tablist\nend repeat\nend repeat\nreturn tablist\nend tell')
if stat then
for idx,val in pairs(data) do
-- Usually we want to open chrome tabs in Google Chrome.
table.insert(chooser_data, {text=val[3], subText=val[4], image=hs.image.imageFromPath(obj.spoonPath .. "/resources/chrome.png"), output="chrome", arg={val[1], val[2]}})
-- Return specific table as hs.chooser's data, other keys except for `text` could be optional.
return chooser_data
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