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Jordan Arentsen blissdev

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blissdev / init.lua
Created May 6, 2022 22:40 — forked from nriley/init.lua
Hammerspoon script for ensuring Sidecar is active when iPad is plugged in (macOS 10.15)
spoon.SpoonInstall.use_syncinstall = true
Install = spoon.SpoonInstall
log ='init', 5)
-- function debugUI(msg, table)
-- log:d(msg)
-- log:d(hs.inspect(table))
-- end
blissdev / config
Created February 4, 2021 23:20 — forked from boj/config
VMWare NixOS
// .config/termite/config
font = Liberation Mono 10
foreground = #FFFFFF
background = #000000
blissdev / gist:6350d7d1bdc3f8be094c
Created December 30, 2015 22:18
clojure indentation in emacs
@blissdev: I believe you want to set `clojure-defun-style-default-indent` to a non-nil value to achieve this
blissdev /
Created December 22, 2015 00:02 — forked from mpiotrowicz/
getting started with VoiceOver

A messy intro into VoiceOver - OS X's built-in screen reader


  • works best with Safari!

Getting Started

  • cmd+f5 to turn on
  • Remember the "VoiceOver Key" (VO) opt + control
  • To navigate into a page, VO + shift + down arrow
  • To navigate all page links, hit tab throughout
The following directories are used by znc-1.0 and
have the wrong ownership and/or permissions:
/opt/local/etc/znc (m=755, o=root, g=root)
blissdev / error.txt
Last active August 29, 2015 14:12
transit-js writer issue
{ [Error: Cannot write ]
data: { obj: { property_id: 25, label: 'Age', key: 'age' }, type: '' },
{ domain: null,
_events: { error: [Function] },
_maxListeners: 10,
members: [] },
domainThrown: true }
Error: Cannot write
(defn subscribe-to-match [owner match-id]
(let [pusher (om/get-shared owner :pusher)
previous-channel (om/get-state owner :match-pusher-chan)
new-channel (.subscribe pusher (str "match-" match-id))
events-chan (om/get-shared owner :match-events-chan)
events-list ["draft_character" "begin" "update_score"
"set_turn_number" "add_target" "remove_target"
"change_round" "change_turn" "update_health"]]
(when previous-channel (.unbind previous-channel))
(doseq [event-name events-list]
function (meta,cnt,arr,__hash){
this.meta = meta;
this.cnt = cnt;
this.arr = arr;
this.__hash = __hash;
this.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition0$ = 16647951;
this.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition1$ = 8196;
(let [c (om/get-props owner)
v (deref c)]
(log v))
; Uncaught Error: Cannot manipulate cursor outside of render phase, only om.core/transact!, om.core/update!, and cljs.core/deref operations allowed
; from line 2
blissdev / client-id-gen.php
Created October 27, 2014 21:51
Client ID Generator
echo substr(hash('sha256', time()), 0, 32);