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Created October 1, 2013 21:16
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Save blockloop/6785223 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Control Rdio with key combinations using autohotkey. NOTE: this works with either the Rdio desktop app or a Chrome application shortcut but I've noticed that the Chrome shortcut works better and since the Rdio desktop application is basically just a Site-specific browser I just use Chrome.
#SingleInstance force
SetTitleMatchMode 2
RControl & UP::
Send {Volume_Up}
RControl & DOWN::
Send {Volume_Down}
RControl & Left::
DetectHiddenWindows, On
WinGet, rdioid, ID, Rdio ; Gets the rdio window id
IfWinExist Rdio
ControlSend,,{Left}, ahk_id %rdioid%
Send {Media_Prev}
DetectHiddenWindows, Off
RControl & Right::
DetectHiddenWindows, On
WinGet, rdioid, ID, Rdio ; Gets the rdio window id
IfWinExist Rdio
ControlSend,,{Right}, ahk_id %rdioid% ;sends the hotkey to play/pause
Send {Media_Next}
DetectHiddenWindows, Off
RControl & Enter::
DetectHiddenWindows, On
WinGet, rdioid, ID, Rdio ; Gets the rdio window id
IfWinExist Rdio
ControlSend,,{space}, ahk_id %rdioid% ;sends the hotkey to play/pause
Send {Media_Play_Pause}
DetectHiddenWindows, Off
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Thanks for this... Works perfectly and I have been looking for a working Autohotkey for rdio for a while.

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