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Created April 16, 2015 02:31
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Alon Bassok BIO
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Alon Bassok, Ph.D., is an urban planner with a focus on real estate
and sustainable transportation. Alon currently works for the Runstad
Center for Real Estate Studies at the University of Washington where
he conducts research on Washington's housing market, green building
values, and parking requirements. Alon also teaches in the Sustainable
Transportation program through the department of Civil and
Environmental Engineering. He has worked with national and local
organizations to address the issues of balancing car and bicycle
traffic and on urban freight issues.
Prior to returning to the University of Washington where he previously
earned a PhD and Masters in Urban Planning and a bachelors degree in
economics, Alon worked for the Puget Sound Regional Council, where he
was fortunate to work on diverse topics including food policy, goods
movement, and transportation project prioritization. Alon served as
the vice-chair of the City of Seattle's freight advisory board when
the board was first created.
Since moving to Seattle in 1997, Alon has lived in multiple Seattle
neighborhoods and managed small businesses in Ballard and Queen
Anne. Since 2006, Alon and his wife Beverly have lived in West
Seattle's Delridge neighborhood. They are the proud parents of two
daughters, Adah and Shai, who attend public school in West Seattle.
When not engaged with planning and transportation issues, Alon can
occasionally be found playing upright bass or in the kitchen,
returning to his roots of a decade managing restaurants.
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