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Created January 24, 2015 00:12
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healthbar.dnh - A Danmakufu library for drawing circular healthbars.
Circular Healthbar Library by Fluffy8x
The code in this source file is in public domain.
createHealthbar(enemy, maxLife, innerR, outerR) - Creates a healthbar for a non-boss.
createBossHealthbar(bossScene, innerR, outerR) - Creates a healthbar for a boss scene.
boss() - Gets the boss set for drawing the healthbar.
setBoss(boss) - Sets the boss to use as the center for drawing a boss healthbar.
delBoss() - Same as setBoss(ID_INVALID).
let smoothness = 45;
let points = 8 * smoothness;
let hvcount = points + 1;
let vcount = 2 * hvcount;
function createHealthbar(obj, maxLife, innerR, outerR) {
let hb = createHealthbarXY(ObjMove_GetX(obj), ObjMove_GetY(obj), innerR, outerR);
task follow(hb, obj, origX, origY) {
while (!Obj_IsDeleted(obj)) {
ObjRender_SetPosition(hb, ObjMove_GetX(obj) - origX, ObjMove_GetY(obj) - origY, 0);
setHealthbarPercentage(hb, ObjEnemy_GetInfo(obj, INFO_LIFE) / maxLife);
follow(hb, obj, ObjMove_GetX(obj), ObjMove_GetY(obj));
return hb;
function createBossHealthbar(bs, innerR, outerR) {
while (boss == ID_INVALID) {yield;}
let hb = createHealthbarXY(ObjMove_GetX(boss), ObjMove_GetY(boss), innerR, outerR);
task follow(hb, bs, origX, origY) {
while (!Obj_IsDeleted(bs)) {
if (boss != ID_INVALID) {
ObjRender_SetPosition(hb, ObjMove_GetX(boss) - origX, ObjMove_GetY(boss) - origY, 0);
ObjEnemyBossScene_GetInfo(bs, INFO_ACTIVE_STEP_TOTAL_LIFE) /
ObjEnemyBossScene_GetInfo(bs, INFO_ACTIVE_STEP_TOTAL_MAX_LIFE));
task updateNotches(bs, origX, origY, outerR) {
task followN(bs, notch, origX, origY) {
while (ObjEnemyBossScene_GetInfo(bs, INFO_ACTIVE_STEP_TOTAL_LIFE) > 0) {
ObjRender_SetPosition(notch, ObjMove_GetX(boss) - origX, ObjMove_GetY(boss) - origY, 0);
while (!Obj_IsDeleted(bs)) {
while (boss == ID_INVALID) {yield;}
let rates = [0] ~ ObjEnemyBossScene_GetInfo(bs, INFO_ACTIVE_STEP_LIFE_RATE_LIST);
let len = length(rates);
ascent (i in 0 .. len) {
let rate = rates[i];
let notch = createNotch(origX, origY, outerR, rate);
followN(bs, notch, origX, origY);
while (ObjEnemyBossScene_GetInfo(bs, INFO_ACTIVE_STEP_TOTAL_LIFE) > 0) {yield;}
while (!Obj_IsDeleted(bs) &&
ObjEnemyBossScene_GetInfo(bs, INFO_ACTIVE_STEP_TOTAL_LIFE) <= 0) {yield;}
follow(hb, bs, ObjMove_GetX(boss), ObjMove_GetY(boss));
updateNotches(bs, ObjMove_GetX(boss), ObjMove_GetY(boss), outerR);
return hb;
function createHealthbarXY(x, y, innerR, outerR) {
let hb = ObjPrim_Create(OBJ_PRIMITIVE_2D);
ObjPrim_SetPrimitiveType(hb, PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLESTRIP);
ObjPrim_SetVertexCount(hb, vcount);
ascent (i in 0 .. smoothness) { // 0 .. 45 in this case
let angle = 45 * i / smoothness;
let c = cos(angle); // +1
let s = sin(angle); // +0
let oc = c * outerR;
let ic = c * innerR;
let os = s * outerR;
let is = s * innerR;
// lots of copy and paste for speed
ObjPrim_SetVertexPosition(hb, 2 * i, x - os, y - oc, 0);
ObjPrim_SetVertexPosition(hb, 2 * i + 1, x - is, y - ic, 0);
ObjPrim_SetVertexPosition(hb, 4 * smoothness - 2 * i, x - oc, y - os, 0);
ObjPrim_SetVertexPosition(hb, 4 * smoothness - 2 * i + 1, x - ic, y - is, 0);
ObjPrim_SetVertexPosition(hb, 4 * smoothness + 2 * i, x - oc, y + os, 0);
ObjPrim_SetVertexPosition(hb, 4 * smoothness + 2 * i + 1, x - ic, y + is, 0);
ObjPrim_SetVertexPosition(hb, 8 * smoothness - 2 * i, x - os, y + oc, 0);
ObjPrim_SetVertexPosition(hb, 8 * smoothness - 2 * i + 1, x - is, y + ic, 0);
ObjPrim_SetVertexPosition(hb, 8 * smoothness + 2 * i, x + os, y + oc, 0);
ObjPrim_SetVertexPosition(hb, 8 * smoothness + 2 * i + 1, x + is, y + ic, 0);
ObjPrim_SetVertexPosition(hb, 12 * smoothness - 2 * i, x + oc, y + os, 0);
ObjPrim_SetVertexPosition(hb, 12 * smoothness - 2 * i + 1, x + ic, y + is, 0);
ObjPrim_SetVertexPosition(hb, 12 * smoothness + 2 * i, x + oc, y - os, 0);
ObjPrim_SetVertexPosition(hb, 12 * smoothness + 2 * i + 1, x + ic, y - is, 0);
ObjPrim_SetVertexPosition(hb, 16 * smoothness - 2 * i, x + os, y - oc, 0);
ObjPrim_SetVertexPosition(hb, 16 * smoothness - 2 * i + 1, x + is, y - ic, 0);
let a = 0.5 ^ 0.5;
let oa = outerR * a;
let ia = innerR * a;
ObjPrim_SetVertexPosition(hb, 2 * smoothness, x - oa, y - oa, 0);
ObjPrim_SetVertexPosition(hb, 2 * smoothness + 1, x - ia, y - ia, 0);
ObjPrim_SetVertexPosition(hb, 6 * smoothness, x - oa, y + oa, 0);
ObjPrim_SetVertexPosition(hb, 6 * smoothness + 1, x - ia, y + ia, 0);
ObjPrim_SetVertexPosition(hb, 10 * smoothness, x + oa, y + oa, 0);
ObjPrim_SetVertexPosition(hb, 10 * smoothness + 1, x + ia, y + ia, 0);
ObjPrim_SetVertexPosition(hb, 14 * smoothness, x + oa, y - oa, 0);
ObjPrim_SetVertexPosition(hb, 14 * smoothness + 1, x + ia, y - ia, 0);
ObjPrim_SetVertexPosition(hb, vcount - 2, x, y - outerR, 0);
ObjPrim_SetVertexPosition(hb, vcount - 1, x, y - innerR, 0);
ascent (i in 0 .. hvcount) {
ObjPrim_SetVertexColor(hb, 2 * i, 224, 224, 224);
ObjPrim_SetVertexColor(hb, 2 * i + 1, 200, 200, 200);
ObjRender_SetPosition(hb, 0, 0, 0);
Obj_SetValue(hb, "h", points);
return hb;
function setHealthbarPercentage(hb, pct) {
let oldPts = Obj_GetValueD(hb, "h", points);
let newPts = truncate(pct * points);
if (newPts < oldPts) {
ascent (i in newPts .. oldPts) {
ObjPrim_SetVertexColor(hb, 2 * i, 224, 128, 128);
ObjPrim_SetVertexColor(hb, 2 * i + 1, 200, 128, 128);
else if (newPts > oldPts) {
ascent (i in oldPts .. newPts) {
ObjPrim_SetVertexColor(hb, 2 * i, 224, 224, 224);
ObjPrim_SetVertexColor(hb, 2 * i + 1, 200, 200, 200);
Obj_SetValue(hb, "h", newPts);
function createNotch(x, y, outerR, pct) {
let angle = 90 - 360 * pct;
let notch = ObjPrim_Create(OBJ_PRIMITIVE_2D);
ObjPrim_SetPrimitiveType(notch, PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLELIST);
ObjPrim_SetVertexCount(notch, 3);
ObjPrim_SetVertexPosition(notch, 0, x + cos(angle) * outerR, y - sin(angle) * outerR, 0);
outerR *= 1.2;
ObjPrim_SetVertexPosition(notch, 1, x + cos(angle - 3) * outerR, y - sin(angle - 3) * outerR, 0);
ObjPrim_SetVertexPosition(notch, 2, x + cos(angle + 3) * outerR, y - sin(angle + 3) * outerR, 0);
ObjPrim_SetVertexColor(notch, 0, 200, 255, 200);
ObjPrim_SetVertexColor(notch, 1, 100, 255, 100);
ObjPrim_SetVertexColor(notch, 2, 100, 255, 100);
ObjRender_SetPosition(notch, 0, 0, 0);
return notch;
function boss {
return GetCommonData("TheBoss", ID_INVALID);
task setBoss(b) {
SetCommonData("TheBoss", b);
task delBoss {
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