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Last active December 23, 2020 08:13
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from __future__ import annotations
from collections import defaultdict
from os import path
from typing import DefaultDict, List, NamedTuple, Optional, Sequence, Set, Tuple, cast
import requests
import re
from copy import copy
from pyrsistent import m, s, v, PMap, PSet, PVector
COOKIE_PATH = path.expanduser("~/.advent_cookie")
def to_int_or_str(x: str):
return int(x)
return x
class Input:
content: str
def __init__(self, day: int, year: int = 2020, sample: bool = False, strip: Optional[str] = "\n"):
if sample:
input_path = path.join(path.dirname(__file__), "{:02d}/sample.txt".format(day))
with open(input_path, "r") as f:
self.content =
input_path = path.join(path.dirname(__file__), "{:02d}/input.txt".format(day))
if not path.exists(input_path):
print("Downloading input file...")
with open(COOKIE_PATH) as f:
cookie =
r = requests.get( # type: ignore
"{}/day/{}/input".format(year, day),
headers={ "Cookie": "session={}".format(cookie) }
with open(input_path, "w") as f:
self.content = r.text
with open(input_path, "r") as f:
self.content =
if strip is not None:
self.content = self.content.strip(strip)
print(f"\x1b[33mLoaded input: {len(self.content.splitlines())} lines\x1b[0m")
def all(self) -> str:
return self.content
def ints(self) -> Sequence[int]:
return [int(x) for x in self.content.split()]
def lines(self) -> Sequence[str]:
return self.content.splitlines()
def tokens(self, sep: str = r"[\s\n]+") -> Sequence[str]:
return re.compile(sep).split(self.content)
def line_tokens(self, sep: str = r"[\s]+", line_sep: str = r"\n") -> Sequence[Sequence[str]]:
return [
for line in re.compile(line_sep).split(self.content)
def program(self) -> Program:
return Program([
Instruction(line[0], [int(x) for x in line[1:]]) # change this to to_int_or_str if need be (and cry)
for line in self.line_tokens()
class BadPc(Exception):
execution: Execution
def __init__(self, execution: Execution):
super().__init__(f"Bad program counter at {execution}")
self.execution = execution
class BadInstruction(Exception):
execution: Execution
def __init__(self, execution: Execution):
super().__init__(f"Bad instruction at {execution}")
self.execution = execution
class InfiniteLoop(Exception):
execution: Execution
def __init__(self, execution: Execution):
super().__init__(f"Infinite loop at {execution}")
self.execution = execution
class ExecutionComplete(Exception):
execution: Execution
def __init__(self, execution: Execution):
super().__init__(f"Execution complete at {execution}")
self.execution = execution
class Instruction(NamedTuple):
operation: str
arguments: List[int]
def __repr__(self):
arg_str = "".join([str(arg) for arg in self.arguments])
return f"\x1b[36m{self.operation} \x1b[33m{arg_str}\x1b[39m"
class Program:
instructions: List[Instruction]
def __init__(self, instructions: List[Instruction]):
self.instructions = instructions
def replace(self, index: int, instruction: Instruction) -> Program:
return Program([
self.instructions[i] if i != index else instruction
for i in range(len(self.instructions))
def create_execution(self):
return Execution(self)
def execute(self):
return self.create_execution().execute()
def show(self):
for i, instr in enumerate(self.instructions):
print(f"\x1b[90m{i:4d} " + repr(instr))
Position = int
default_acc = 0
class Execution:
program: Program
pc: int
acc: PMap[int, int]
visited: PSet[Position]
history: PVector[Execution]
def __init__(
program: Program,
pc: int = 0,
acc: Optional[PMap[int, int]] = None,
visited: Optional[PSet[Position]] = None,
history: Optional[PVector[Execution]] = None
self.program = program
self.pc = pc
self.acc = acc or cast("PMap[int, int]", m()).set(default_acc, 0)
self.visited = visited or s()
self.history = history or v()
def get_position(self) -> Position:
return self.pc
def step(self) -> Execution:
position = self.get_position()
if self.pc == len(self.program.instructions):
raise ExecutionComplete(self)
elif self.pc < 0 or self.pc > len(self.program.instructions):
raise BadPc(self)
elif position in self.visited:
raise InfiniteLoop(self)
visited = self.visited.add(position)
history = self.history.append(self)
op, args = self.program.instructions[self.pc]
if op == "nop":
return Execution(
self.pc + 1,
elif op == "acc":
new_value = cast(int, self.acc.get(default_acc)) + args[0]
acc = self.acc.set(0, new_value)
return Execution(
self.pc + 1,
elif op == "jmp":
return Execution(
self.pc + args[0],
raise BadInstruction(self)
def execute(self) -> Execution:
state = self
while True:
state = state.step()
def show(self):
min_instr = max(self.pc - 4, 0)
max_instr = min(self.pc + 4, len(self.program.instructions) - 1)
instructions_to_show = self.program.instructions[min_instr:max_instr+1]
print(f" pc: \x1b[34m\x1b[1m{self.pc:5d}\x1b[0m")
print(f"acc: \x1b[35m\x1b[1m{self.acc[0]:5d}\x1b[22m {dict(self.acc)}\x1b[0m")
for i, instruction in enumerate(instructions_to_show):
pointer = "\x1b[48;5;236m\x1b[32m>>>" if min_instr + i == self.pc else " "
to_print = f"{pointer} \x1b[38;5;243m{min_instr+i:4d} {instruction}"
print(to_print + " " * (80 - len(to_print)), end = "\x1b[0m\n")
def __repr__(self):
return f"<Execution pc={self.pc} acc={self.acc}>"
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