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Last active September 6, 2018 10:39
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Telegram Swift Native load language file
-- Telegram Native Swift 汉化脚本
-- 制作:Eana Hufwe
set zh_cn to "简体中文语言文件,来自 @zh_CN 的 GitHub Repo"
set zh_tw to "正體中文化文件(台灣),尚未收录"
set zh_hk to "繁體中文化文件(香港),尚未收录"
set tlocal to "本地语言文件"
set iinput to (choose file with prompt "选择您的 Telegram Native Swift 程序。" of type {"app"} default location "Applications") as string
set tgpath to POSIX path of iinput
set fp to open for access file (iinput & "Contents:Info.plist")
set infopl to read fp
close access fp
if infopl does not contain "ru.keepcoder.Telegram" then
display alert "您选择的 Telegram 版本有误。请选择正确的 Telegram Native Swift 程序。" as critical
error number -128
end if
set source to (choose from list {zh_cn, zh_tw, zh_hk, tlocal} with prompt "请选择需要应用的语言文件。" default items "None" OK button name {"确定"} cancel button name {"取消"})
if (source is equal to false) then
error number -128
end if
set source to source's item 1
-- error number -128
if (source is equal to zh_cn) then
do shell script "mkdir \"" & tgpath & "Contents/Resources/zh_CN.lproj\" &" with administrator privileges
do shell script "curl \"\" -o \"" & tgpath & "Contents/Resources/zh_CN.lproj/Localizable.strings\"" with administrator privileges
-- do shell script "curl \"\" -o \"" & tgpath & "Contents/Resources/zh_CN.lproj/MainMenu.strings\"" with administrator privileges
else if (source is equal to zh_tw) then
display alert "尚未完成" as critical
error number -128
else if (source is equal to zh_hk) then
display alert "尚未完成" as critical
error number -128
else if (source is equal to tlocal) then
tell application "Finder"
do shell script "mkdir \"" & tgpath & "/Contents/Resources/zh.lproj\" &" with administrator privileges
do shell script "cp \"" & POSIX path of (choose file with prompt "选择您的 Telegram 语言文件 Localizable.string" of type {"strings"} default location alias ((path to home folder as text) & "Downloads")) & "\" \"" & tgpath & "Contents/Resources/zh.lproj/Localizable.strings\"" with administrator privileges
do shell script "cp \"" & POSIX path of (choose file with prompt "选择您的 Telegram 语言文件 MainMenu.string" of type {"strings"} default location alias ((path to home folder as text) & "Downloads")) & "\" \"" & tgpath & "Contents/Resources/zh.lproj/MainMenu.strings\"" with administrator privileges
end tell
end if
display alert "汉化成功,请重新启动 Telegram。
脚本:Eana Hufwe"
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bao3 commented May 8, 2017


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