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bmchild /
Last active September 18, 2018 23:56
Example of how to wire up a chunked response and how to consume it via angular.
@RequestMapping(value = "/runJobAndGetLogs", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public ResponseEntity<StreamingResponseBody> runJobAndGetLogs() throws IOException {
final InputStream inputStream = someService.runJobAndGetReportProgress();
StreamingResponseBody body = StreamingResponseBody body = (outputStream) -> {
try (BufferedInputStream br = new BufferedInputStream(inputStream)) {
// just copying to the outputstream
byte[] contents = new byte[1024];
int bytesRead = 0;
while ((bytesRead = != -1) {
bmchild / .bash_profile
Created January 3, 2017 22:33
function to zip text + encrypt, 2 params (text to encrypt, filename w/o extension). Add to .bash_profile
#function to zip text + encrypt, 2 params (text to encrypt, filename w/o extension)
function zipe() {
echo "$1" > $2.txt && zip -e $ $2.txt && rm $2.txt
String filePath = this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResource("folder/file.txt").getFile();
String fileContent = new String(Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get(filePath)), StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
bmchild /
Created August 31, 2015 14:57
A Nonfunctional way of chaining java 8 Predicates together of different generic types.
package com.bmchild.utils;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
* Non functional way of chaining predicates together
* @author brettchild
* @param <T>
public interface Employable {
String MY_CONSTANT = "value"
public class MyClass {
private String theConstant = Employable.MY_CONSTANT;
bmchild /
Created February 18, 2015 15:47
Custom Batch Save Repository
import javax.sql.DataSource;
import org.apache.commons.lang.Validate;
import org.springframework.jdbc.core.BatchPreparedStatementSetter;
import org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate;
* @author bchild
* Class used to filter the User entity
public class UserParameter {
private String userId;
private String lastName;
/* only last 4 digits */
private String ssn;
// getters and setters
select *
from User
userId in (:userIds)
-- Then we need an OR clause for each match we want
OR ( lastName = :lastName1 AND SUBSTRING(ssn, LEN(ssn)-3, 4) = :lastFourSsn1)
OR ( lastName = :lastName2 AND SUBSTRING(ssn, LEN(ssn)-3, 4) = :lastFourSsn2)
-- ...
public class User {
private String userId;
private String lastName;
private String ssn;
// other fields and getter and setters