If you have ever had to deal with Promise heavy code, and in particular deep data structures you will likely be familiar with code like the following:
const body = await (await fetch(url)).json()
This has a LHS RHS interchange that causes non-linear edits while writing code (especially with autocomplete):
fetch(url) // LTR
await fetch(url) // RTL, never seen autocomplete LHS await
await fetch(url).json() // Don't get autocomplete, don't .json(), BUG TO GO LTR need towrap
(await fetch(url)) // BOTH
(await fetch(url)).json() // LTR
await (await fetch(url)).json() // RTL
Compare with an eventual send approach of postfix based processing:
let body = fetch(url)~>.json()~>await
// completion provider can give/discover .json -> ~>.json
// completion provider can give await completion