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Created November 9, 2020 22:07
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SOSML snippets
"Anonymous function": {
"prefix": "anon_func",
"description": "An anonymous function declaration.",
"body": "(fn (${1:parameters}) => ${0:function_body})"
"String.^": {
"prefix": "String.^",
"description": [
"string * string -> string",
"Concatenates two strings together",
"and returns the result.",
"String.^(\"foo\", \"bar\") => \"foobar\"",
"(\"foo\" ^ \"bar\") => \"foobar\"",
"body": "(${1:first_string} ^ ${0:second_string})"
"String.^.full": {
"prefix": "String.^.full",
"description": [
"string * string -> string",
"Concatenates two strings together",
"and returns the result.",
"String.^(\"foo\", \"bar\") => \"foobar\"",
"(\"foo\" ^ \"bar\") => \"foobar\"",
"body": "String.^(${1:first_string}, ${0:second_string})"
"String.concat": {
"prefix": "String.concat",
"description": [
"string list -> string",
"Concatenates a list of strings",
"into a single string.",
"String.concat([\"foo\", \"bar\"])",
"=> \"foobar\"",
"body": "String.concat(${0:string_list})"
"String.explode": {
"prefix": "String.explode",
"description": [
"string -> char list",
"Explodes a string into a list",
"of characters that it is made",
"up of.",
"=> [#\"f\", #\"o\", #\"o\", #\"b\", #\"a\", #\"r\",]",
"body": "String.explode(${0:string})"
"String.implode": {
"prefix": "String.implode",
"description": [
"char list -> string",
"Implodes a list of characters",
"into a string made up of all",
"those characters.",
"String.implode([#\"f\", #\"o\", #\"o\", #\"b\", #\"a\", #\"r\",])",
"=> \"foobar\"",
"body": "String.implode(${0:char_list})"
"String.size": {
"prefix": "String.size",
"description": [
"string -> int",
"Returns the number of characters",
"in a given string.",
"String.size(\"foo bar\") => 7",
"body": "String.size(${0:string})"
"String.str": {
"prefix": "String.str",
"description": [
"char -> string",
"For a given character returns",
"a string consisting of just",
"that character.",
"String.str(#\"f\") => \"f\"",
"body": "String.str(${0:char})"
"String.substring": {
"prefix": "String.substring",
"description": [
"(string * int * int) -> string",
"Return a substring of string",
"starting at start (indexing",
"starts with 0!) and ends at",
"String.substring(\"string\", 0, 3)",
"=> \"str\"",
"body": "String.substring(${1:string}, ${2:start}, ${0:end})"
"Real.ceil": {
"prefix": "Real.ceil",
"description": [
"real -> int",
"Casts a real to the next",
"largest integer.",
"Real.ceil(3.6) => 4",
"body": "Real.ceil(${0:real})"
"Real.floor": {
"prefix": "Real.floor",
"description": [
"real -> int",
"Casts a real to the next",
"smallest integer.",
"Real.floor(3.6) => 3",
"body": "Real.floor(${0:real})"
"Real.fromInt": {
"prefix": "Real.fromInt",
"description": [
"int -> real",
"Constructs a real from",
"an integer",
"Real.fromInt(3) => 3.0",
"body": "Real.fromInt(${0:int})"
"Real.round": {
"prefix": "Real.round",
"description": [
"real -> int",
"Returns a rounded integer.",
"Threshhold is 0.5",
"Real.round(3.5) => 3",
"Real.round(3.51) => 4",
"body": "Real.round(${0:real})"
"Real.trunc": {
"prefix": "Real.trunc",
"description": [
"real -> int",
"Returns an integer that",
"is always rounded down.",
"Real.round(3.4) => 3",
"Real.round(3.99) => 3",
"body": "Real.trunc(${0:real})"
"Real.div": {
"prefix": "Real.div",
"description": [
"(real * real) -> real",
"Returns the quotient of",
"the two given reals.",
"dividend / divisor",
"3.0 / 2.0 => 1.5",
"body": "${1:dividend} / ${0:divisor}"
"List.@": {
"prefix": "List.@",
"description": [
"(α list * α list) -> α list",
"Append two lists together.",
"([1, 2, 3] @ [4, 5, 6])",
"=> [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]",
"body": "(${1:first_list} @ ${0:second_list})"
"[email protected]": {
"prefix": "[email protected]",
"description": [
"(α list * α list) -> α list",
"Append two lists together.",
"List.@([1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6])",
"=> [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]",
"body": "List.@(${1:first_list}, ${0:second_list})"
"": {
"prefix": "",
"description": [
"(α -> unit) -> α list -> unit",
"Applies the given function to",
"the list without returning anything.",
"fun callback x = print(x)",
" callback [\"foo\", \"bar\"]",
"=> unit",
"But also executes print(\"foo\")",
"and print(\"bar\").",
"body": "( ${1:callback_function} ${0:list})"
"List.foldl": {
"prefix": "List.foldl",
"description": [
"(α * β -> β) -> β -> α list -> β",
"Returns an accumulated value over",
"a list by applying the callback",
"function starting at the head",
"to the element and the accumulator,",
"writing the callback return to the",
"accumulator and continuing until",
"it arrives at the tail.",
"List.foldl (fn (x,y) => x + y) 0 [1, 2, 3]",
"=> 6",
"body": "(List.foldl ${1:callback_function} ${2:accumulator_initial_value} ${0:list})"
"List.foldr": {
"prefix": "List.foldr",
"description": [
"(α * β -> β) -> β -> α list -> β",
"Returns an accumulated value over",
"a list by applying the callback",
"function starting at the tail",
"to the element and the accumulator,",
"writing the callback return to the",
"accumulator and continuing until",
"it arrives at the head.",
"List.foldr (fn (x,y) => x + y) 0 [1, 2, 3]",
"=> 6",
"body": "(List.foldr ${1:callback_function} ${2:accumulator_initial_value} ${0:list})"
"List.hd": {
"prefix": "List.hd",
"description": [
"α list -> α",
"Return the head of the list.",
"List.hd([1, 2, 3]) => 1",
"body": "List.hd(${0:list})"
"List.length": {
"prefix": "List.length",
"description": [
"α list -> int",
"Returns the number of",
"elements in a list.",
"List.length([1,2,3]) => 3",
"body": "List.length(${0:list})"
"": {
"prefix": "",
"description": [
"(α -> β) -> α list -> β list",
"Applies the callback function",
"to the list and returns",
"a list of results.",
"fun callback x = x + 1",
" callback [1, 2, 3]",
"=> [2, 3, 4]",
"body": "( ${1:callback_function} ${0:label})"
"List.null": {
"prefix": "List.null",
"description": [
"α list -> bool",
"Returns true if the list is empty.",
"List.null([]) => true",
"List.null([1, 2, 3]) => false",
"body": "List.null(${0:list})"
"List.rev": {
"prefix": "List.rev",
"description": [
"α list -> α list",
"Returns a new list with all",
"the elements reversed.",
"List.rev([1, 2, 3]) => [3, 2, 1]",
"body": "List.rev(${0:list})"
"": {
"prefix": "",
"description": [
"α list -> α list",
"Returns the tail of the list.",
"[1, 2, 3]) => [2, 3]",
"body": "${0:list})"
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