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Forked from blahah/
Created April 18, 2017 19:57
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easily find retracted papers in PubMed, using only bionode-ncbi and jq
# you'll need:
# - bionode-ncbi (
# - jq (
# count the number of retracted papers
bionode-ncbi search pubmed "\"Retracted Publication\"" \
| jq -c 'select(.pubtype[] | inside("Retracted Publication"))'
| wc -l
# get DOIs for all the retracted papers
# note that not all retracted papers have DOIs - those without DOIs will be left out of this list
bionode-ncbi search pubmed "\"Retracted Publication\"" \
| jq -c 'select(.pubtype[] | inside("Retracted Publication")) | .articleids | .[] | select(.idtype == "doi")| .value' \
> pubmed_retracted_DOIs.txt
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