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Created October 5, 2013 11:59
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Early Crunchy Owl Structured Text

#Crunchy Owl# ##a dawning of individual design##

Crunchy Owl is a small web design and development studio, the professional outlet for Brian Muenzenmeyer. I stay up late, long past office hours end, guarding against mediocrity and timelines. I get eyes on your goals, using a wise and agile process to take flight and bring your solution to new heights. Our destination? Not the same damn place.

##Hire Crunchy Owl##

I am passionate about:

  • Web Design
    • Content strategy
      • Modern workflow
      • Design
  • Web Development
    • HTML
    • CSS
    • Javascript / jQuery
    • Mobile first / responsive design

So whether you need a full-service webworker, an overnight fixer, or anything in between, Crunchy Owl can adapt to fly with your flock. I have flexible rates if you have flexible hours.

##Birds of a Feather## Each destination is a new challenge. Here's a selection of unique challenges I've worked with others to solve:

###Lakeshore CAP### Design / Development / CMS Integration

Case Study | Read how Lakeshore CAP worked with Crunchy Owl to turn an outdated, static web presence into one an informative, maintainable site that is a cut-above other local non-profits.

###Mexico Journey Design / Development

###MM Lunch & Catering Design / Development

##Ask a Question##

  • Hoot via email
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  • Scribe this form

Home | About| Work | Writing | Experiments

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