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Last active November 7, 2022 16:52
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Atlanta BitDev Socratic Seminar #12 Topics

Atlanta BitDev Socratic Seminar #12

October 12, 2022 - TAB Conf Edition


  1. LDK signals support for bolt12 [link]
    • LDK merges support for onion messages
    • Onion messages are a precursor to bolt12 offers
    • Step towards deprecating support for bolt11 in favor of offers
    • What do onion messages do?
      • Simple messages sent btwn peers via onion routing (TOR)
      • Can be sent via blinded routes
      • Blinded routes offer more privacy to the recipient
      • Originally purposed for offers
      • OM + PTLC => async LN payments (receiver offline)
      • OM + ? => ?!?!
    • What are Blinded Routes?
      • Recipient (A) constructs “blinded” route to self for use by Sender (B)
      • A selects well-connected node (P) to route through
      • A constructs encrypted blobs for each node on route from A to P leaving the popular node id unencrypted
      • P node effectively becomes bridge between sender/receiver
      • Message destination could be any node within 2 hops of popular node
      • A provides blinded route data to B
      • B finds route to P
      • B constructed encrypted blobs for each node on route to P + blinded route to A (can include invoice)
    • What do offers do?
      • Allow for static invoices
      • Refund functionality: send invoice offer, receiver wallet sends invoice to vendor, vendor pays(e.g. ATM or refund)
      • Receiver privacy (don’t reveal node ID or UTXOs)
      • Subscriptions via offer extensions
    • What are async LN payments?
      • Mobile wallets need to be open in foreground
      • All mobile wallets likely using LSPs
      • OM allows sender LSP to hold payment until recipient LSP sends OM to sender LSP indicating that recipient is online
      • Only locked liquidity is senders
    • What about spam OMs!?
      • Can rate limit peers
      • E.g. few kilobytes of OMs per second
      • Can restrict fwd’d messages to channel peers only
      • Forces attacker to open channels to all nodes they want to DoS – expensive!
  2. LND/BTCD bug [link]
    • LND testnet error
    2022-10-09 22:20:06.866 [INF] LTND: Waiting for chain backend to finish sync, start_height=2350195
    2022-10-09 22:20:07.828 [INF] LNWL: Started rescan from block 0000000000000027e44f015d141df1aeff3794ac4b0b7303ca1039c6baa35a4c (height 2350075) for 0 addresses
    2022-10-09 22:20:08.093 [ERR] LNWL: Unable to complete chain rescan: readScript: script witness item is larger than the max allowed size [count 396669, max 11000]
    • LND mainnet error
    2022-10-09 21:56:48.549 [ERR] LNWL: Unable to process chain reorg: unable to get block 0000000000000000000400a35a007e223a7fb8a622dc7b5aa5eaace6824291fb: readScript: script witness item is larger than the max allowed size [count 33970, max 11000]
    • What happened?

    • Barak's tx has a witness stack that is too large to be parsed

    • What is a witness stack?

    • What does "too large" mean?

      • Post segwit introduced concept of block weight
      • Block size limit = 1,000,000 bytes (1 MB)
      • Block weight limit = 4,000,000 vbytes (4 MB)
      • On-chain blocks remain 1MB but virtual segregated witness data provides ability to scale up to 4MB vbyte blocks
      • 1 pre-segwit byte = 4 segwit vbytes
      • Segwit v0 max script size = 10000 vbytes (10 KB)
      • Segwit v1 (Taproot) max script size = implicitly bounded by new block weight limit or 4,000,000 vbytes (4 MB)
      • Defined in BIP-0341
      Script size limit: The maximum script size of 10000 bytes does not apply. Their size is only implicitly bounded by the block weight limit.[9]
      • btcd had a bug!

        • lnd uses btcd wire parsing library to deserialize raw blocks
        • segwit v0 of btcd included a consensus level check for witness size limits of 11000
        • btcd wire parsing layer had same maxWitnessItemSize = 11000 [link]
        • segwit v1 of btcd updated consensus layer to be inline with new 4MB block weight limit
        • wire parsing layer was not updated
        • wire parsing layer check included this limit as a "defense-in-depth" check
        • defense-in-depth?
          • infosec tactic
          • uses layered security controls
          • provides redundancy in case of security control fail or vulnerability
        • aka its a CYA check in case something weird happens -- ironic!


    • How did it get fixed?

      • BTCd PR fix: btcsuite/btcd#1896
      • update btcd wire parsing lib to the new weight limit of 4,000,000 image
    • LND PR fix: lightningnetwork/lnd#7004

      • update go modules to new btcd version image
    • LNsploit: (J)

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