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Created February 22, 2023 15:17
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Bitcoin Socratic Seminar #15


  • P2TR txs taking off!

    • Almost no one was using P2TR before ordinals
      • context: TR = taproot
      • TR was the softfork added to bitcoin ~2 years ago
      • it was deemed so important and such an obvious win for bitcoin that it took precedence over other BIPs
      • it was, arguably, rushed through the approval process using speedy trial only to not be adopted much for 2 years
      • TR provides lots of benefits: multiple spending paths (MAST), schnorr sigs (efficieny gain)
      • These primitives provide benefits like: key tweaking, coin recovery, complex spending scripts, taro, ordinals, more privacy, etc.
      • BUT! noone was using it, soooooo ... ??
      • Now, P2TR txs are skyrocketing which begs the question: Are ordinals bad for bitcoin?
  • Ord has benefits for bitcoin! (whoa 🤯)

    • Casey spoke to ODELL in a Citadel Dispatch couple weeks ago
    • In the episode he made many interesting points:
      1. ord requires a full node, but what exactly is a "full node"? historically, this is an area of much debate
      • full node, pruned node, archival node
      • how Casey expained it:
        • Pruned node = verify txs, but doesn't save all data (i.e. no witness data)
          • not fwd compatible w/ segwit nodes
          • can receive new tx and block data, and validate it all, but missing witness data
          • no witness data => cannot create new txs since it does not have full, validated UTXO set w/out witness data
          • if it does attempt a send (new tx), it will effectively create a new coin (not bitcoin)
          • segwit nodes will not accept the tx
          • implies that txindex=0 (i think)
        • Archival node = Assume valid is unset or set to something other than 0
          • doesn’t check txs "buried deep in chain"
          • aka syncs block headers and stores block + tx data
          • does not validate every tx + block from genesis to current tip
          • implies that txindex=0 (i think)
            • By default -txindex=0 when running bitcoin core
              • if you do not set txindex=1, bitocin core wont maintain robust tx-level data
              • it will, however, store tx data about:
                • txs in the mempool or relay set
                • txs pertinent to addresses in your wallet
                • txs pertinent to your "watch-only" addresses
              • so it wont validate and store global tx data
        • Full node = assumevalid=0, txindex=1, segwit v2 (TR) enabled
        • More nodes online? good for bitcoin
        • More FULL nodes online? very good for bitcoin
        • Is this a good externality of ord? 🧐
      1. ETH NFT "Degens" Moving to Bitcoin
        • created a new feature for ord called teleburn
        • lets you burn a NFT on ethereum and create an equivalent one on bitcoin
        • can prove ownership of bitcoin one bc you use your keys to create
        • eth "burn" means you send it to an address that you can cryptographically prove has no private key
        • no priv key == no ownership (aka no one owns it, its "burned" in affect)
        • Is more bitcoin adoption from the ETH / alt chain crowd a good thing for bitcoin? 🧐
      2. Blocks are full, fees are up
        • Was this not the point of segwit v1? Blocks with 4 MB weight, 1 MB size => more space for txs
        • Drove fees down initially until blocks fill, but did blocks fill? 🧐
      3. Don't have to adopt ordinal theory
        • ordinal theory is opt-in
        • while the data does live on-chain, and if you run a segwit v2, full node, you will store that data
        • however, you do not need to adopt ordinal theory and index, number and inscribe your sats
        • if its not universally adopted, does that make it "real"? 🧐
        • its a philosophical question
  • Anythony Towns proposes an alternate method where data is stored off-chain

    • To me, this is the same idea as taro
    • Create arbitrary assets offchain, submit to chain via tx as origin point, all verification data lives with users
    • In this case, you're swapping one open source protocol (tarod, tarocli) for another (nostr)
    • Personally, I think this would be a downgrade as compared to taro because its not clear to me that nostr is here to stay
    • However, Lightning Labs has a stake, from a company perspective, in seeing that taro comes to life on mainnet
    • Aka I would bet SATs that taro gets implemented and adopted by LND nodes; I would not make the same bet on nostr
    • Ordinals has taken off BECAUSE it is onchain, at least that's the thinking given the failed past off-chain nft projects (list)
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