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Last active September 17, 2024 21:51
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  • Save bnonni/c3015a12cb9d8976bc36b7b31de7ba03 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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  • chat5 - application for unifying your chats
    • Allows users to store messages from different chat platforms in dwn protocol
    • Authenticates with did and accesses local /chat protocol to access all platforms available
    • Can encrypt messages at any level of the tree, etc.
    • Platforms get listed under the /chat protocol path like so
    • Telegram: /chat/telegram/{...}
    • Discord: /chat/discord/{...}
    • Slack: /chat/slack/{...}
    • Signal: /chat/signal/{...}
  • 5ocial - same idea as chat but for social media; unifying your social media profiles
  • no5tr
    • use nostr with a DID and DWN
    • Schnnor key => did:dht:schnnorpubkey => publish to DHT network
    • Post notes with the did:dht key as the signer, etc.
    • Attempt a way to run a more reliant relay that can keep state more efficiently & regularly for DID Doc updates
  • no5tr-relay-dwn - combine nostr relay + dwn => p2p relays
  • 5pender - personal budgeting app that doesn't sell your tx data
    • Create new protocol paths for different financial accounts service providers
    • Attach them to the app to get data
    • Financial categories get listed under a protocol path starting with /finance
    • Banking: /finance/banking/{checking,savings}/{sofi,jpmorgan,...}
    • CreditCard: /finance/credit/{discover,amex,chase,...}
    • Crypto: /finance/crypto/{coinbase,strike,fold,etc}
    • Investment: /finance/investment/{fidelity,robinhood,etc}
  • 5mtp - Web5 email client
    • DWN to DWN emails
    • Integrates a protocol path for payment
    • Can be a DAP
  • dwn-di5covery - DWeb Node Crawler
    • Aggregators pull together links to dids with DWNs that have public content for discovery
    • Seems like aggregators would relay heavily on individuals listing their dids/dwns on their site (inbound)
    • Outbound discovery would be valuable - how could we build an outbound discovery tool for dwn aggregators?
    • Possible implementation:
    • query DHT for did documents
    • filter out did docs without service endpoints or with bad urls (e.g. http:// or localhost)
    • query each dwn endpoint's protocols
    • filter for protocols with a record object that has "anyone can *" where * = create, read, update and/or delete
  • in5tant - Web5 version of
  • workout5 - workout tracker
  • util5 - suite of personal utilities - dwn protocol + app frontend
    • date5 - calendar app
    • note5 - notes app
    • reminder5 - reminders app
    • contact5 - contacts app
    • podcast5 - podcasts app
    • pas5man - passwords app
  • ver5ion-hub - github w/ web5 & dwns
  • med5 - web5 emr management tool
    • manage all your personal medical records in your dwn
    • encrypted by your keys
    • backed up to a remote, self-managed, permissioned, encrypted dwn
    • permission access adhoc
  • home5 - web5 enabled real-estate tool
    • like Zillow but you hold the data in your dwn
    • app front end pulls from open data sources (if possible) like NMLS, Zillow, Redfin, Realtor, Trulia, Homes, Opendoor
    • dashboard for showing all "saved" homes
    • metrics about the homes like price, property tax, etc.
    • ability to compare / contrast them
    • ability to estimate granular metrics like changes in cost of living by moving to a new zipcode
    • Example: currently living close enough to grocery store to walk, moving requires driving to grocery, calculate the increase in cost (time and money) moving will yield (i.e. driving 15 min each way 10x per month => $X in gas and X in time)
  • 5m5 - DWN protocol for SMS
    • DWN to DWN text messages
    • Could we figure out how to attach a phone number to a did??
    • Could the DWN POST to text messaging service to forward to users' phone?
    • Could this also be used in some capacity for phone calls?
  • re5ervation - dwn protocol for making restaurant reservations
    • Or really any type of reservation that requires a user to give some personal detail in exchange for saving a date/time
    • Could integrate a way to allow ppl to put $ down on the slot to ensure they show up
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bnonni commented Sep 10, 2024


DWA Feedback


TBD Discord huddle #tbdiscussions


Tuesday, September 10, 2024 @ 1400 ET


@LiranCohen @csuwildcat @bnonni, et. al.


  • chat5
    • would be a difficult first app
  • 5ocial (@LiranCohen +1)
    • would be much easier to start with
  • no5tr (@LiranCohen +1)
    • cant do a schnnor key
    • would need to be ed25519
  • no5tr-relay-dwn (@LiranCohen +1, would help; @csuwildcat +1)
    • dwn protocol definition with note path for nostr note
    • add $hook with relay url to have it forward to that nostr relay
    • push to the url: push the record or push the payload (actual nostr note) to a nostr relay
    • alt: don't use hooks, utilize subscriptions
      • existing nostr relay that supports dwns, looks for it, subscribes and
      • dwn aware nostr relay subscribes to the dwn
      • Create dwn-awareness plugin for nostr relay DWN and nostr relay are same, does translation between dwn and nostr
  • 5pender and med5
    • would be a lot of work, tough start
  • 5mtp (@csuwildcat +1, would help, recommendation)
    • really interesting
    • replicate the smtp features via DWN protocols
    • Daniel would collaborate
    • Use permission system to permission into certain threads or attachments etc
  • dwn-di5covery (@csuwildcat +1, would help)
  • DPM: decentralized package manager (@csuwildcat +1, would help, recommendation)
    • @csuwildcat idea
    • using dids to point to packages such that you never have broken link installs
    • modify npm or bun to look for a did and pull the package from the DPM site
    • software-packages protocol: everything for that package
  • ver5ion-hub (@csuwildcat +1, would help, recommendation)
    • github on web5
    • can and should be done
    • dwn protocol could look like
  • home5
    • would be hard but very cool as a NAS / "dwn on a stick"


Short list of "best" ideas based on criteria:

  1. biggest impact
  2. fastest development
  3. lowest complexity / easiest development
  • Dpm
    • dev focused, low hanging fruit, devs would adopt it quickly
    • uses the npm experimental loader
    • run the exp loader flag pointing to the loader script
    • e.g. --experimental-loader web5-loader.js
    • web5-loader.js file contains a resolution script and uses web5 to resolve imports for the local project by requesting data from the dids in the import statement
    • e.g. import { someFunction } from '';
    • Install them locally: npm install --experimental-loader web5-loader.js
    • Resolve them remotely during execution: npm start | run [script] --experimental-loader web5-loader.js
  • ver5ion-hub
    • dev focused, low hanging fruit, devs would adopt it quickly
  • 5mtp
    • dwn protocol for storage and permissions on "email" data
    • thread permissions
    • attachment permissions
  • util5-pas5man
    • would be a great personal app
    • only useful to others if shipped as part of utilities suite
    • util5 suite would take a lot of time
    • also progress is already being made on this idea

Post Mortem

I agree with the feedback. I think the 2 ideas I'm most interested in from the concluded short list are:

  1. dpm - personally, i like using the 5 naming convention, so i may call it that
  2. Ver5ionHub

Action Plan

  1. Start dpm and develop some basic poc by next week
  2. Collab with @csuwildcat and @LiranCohen
  3. Parallel process on Ver5ionHub requirments

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