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Created April 27, 2023 13:53
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(defpackage :challenge5
(:use cl usocket))
(in-package :challenge5)
(defun replace-address (line)
(let ((address-matcher (ppcre:create-scanner
"# preceded by space or beginning of line
# address is 7 followed by 25-34 alphanumeric characters
# followed by a space or end of line
:extended-mode t)))
(ppcre:regex-replace-all address-matcher line
'(0 ; the space at beginning if present
(defun mitm-stream (in out)
(loop with line and missing-newline-p
do (setf (values line missing-newline-p) (read-line in nil))
until missing-newline-p
do (write-line (replace-address line) out)
(force-output out)))
(defun handler (stream)
(with-client-socket (socket upstream "" 16963)
(let ((upstream-thread
(lambda ()
(mitm-stream upstream stream)))))
(mitm-stream stream upstream)
(bt:destroy-thread upstream-thread))))
(socket-server "" 5839 'handler nil :multi-threading t)
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