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(ns protohackers.challenge2-gloss
[aleph.tcp :as tcp]
[clojure.core.match :refer [match]]
[ :as json]
[clojure.math :as math]
[gloss.core :as gloss]
[ :as io]
[ :as s]))
bo-tato / challenge4.lisp
Created April 25, 2023 10:46
protohackers challenge4
(defpackage :challenge4
(:use cl usocket)
(:export main)
(:import-from flexi-streams
(:import-from serapeum
(defpackage :challenge5
(:use cl usocket))
(in-package :challenge5)
(defun replace-address (line)
(let ((address-matcher (ppcre:create-scanner
"# preceded by space or beginning of line
# address is 7 followed by 25-34 alphanumeric characters
(use-package 'sb-bsd-sockets)
(defparameter *socket*
(make-instance 'inet-socket :type :stream :protocol :tcp))
(socket-connect *socket* #(127 0 0 1) 1234)
(lambda ()
(loop for buffer = (socket-receive *socket* nil 1)
for c = (elt buffer 0)
(defpackage :challenge5
(:use cl usocket))
(in-package :challenge5)
(defun replace-address (line)
(let ((address-matcher (ppcre:create-scanner
"# preceded by space or beginning of line
# address is 7 followed by 25-34 alphanumeric characters
(defpackage logged-stream
(:use cl trivial-gray-streams)
(:import-from flexi-streams make-in-memory-output-stream get-output-stream-sequence)
(:export make-logged-stream get-input get-ouput))
(in-package logged-stream)
(defclass logged-stream (fundamental-binary-output-stream fundamental-binary-input-stream)
((stream :initarg :stream :accessor base-stream)
(input :initform (make-in-memory-output-stream) :accessor logged-input)
(output :initform (make-in-memory-output-stream) :accessor logged-output)))
;;; langs/sly-threads.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
(defun sly--fix-sexp-whitespace (&optional move-out)
"Fix whitespace after unwinding a threading form.
Optional argument MOVE-OUT, if non-nil, means moves up a list
before fixing whitespace."
(when move-out (backward-up-list))
(let ((sexp (bounds-of-thing-at-point 'sexp)))
bo-tato / irc-log-reader.lisp
Created September 26, 2023 16:59
#commonlisp irc archive reader
(in-package :ciel-user)
(use-package '(local-time periods))
(import 'periods::do-times)
(defconstant +last-date-file+ "~/.irc-log-reader-last")
(defun fmt-date (date)
(format-timestring nil date :format +rfc3339-format/date-only+))
(do-times (day (-> +last-date-file+ str:from-file str:trim parse-timestring)