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Created July 16, 2010 05:28
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classList() method which provides the behaviour you would expect from a method implementation of the HTML5 classList property which is supported currently in FF 3.6
$(selector).classList() //returns an array of classnames
$(selector).classList('newclass') //replaces the current element's classes
$(selector).classList('new', 'class', 'names') //replaces the current element's classes
$(selector).classList(['new', 'class', 'names']) //replaces the current element's classes
classList: function( value ) {
if ( jQuery.isArray( value ) ) {
// An array was passed, join it into a string.
value = value.join(' ')
} else if ( value ) {
// A non array was passed (either a sing string or multiple stings),
// join them into a string single string.
value = arguments, ' ' );
} else {
// No arguments were passed, return an array of class names.
return this.attr( 'class' ).split( /\s+/ );
// Set class names and return the original jQuery object.
return this.attr( 'class', value );
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The thing is, that classList is a token list property of the html element and this is a method of the jQuery collection, so mapping the method to the native implementation might not make sense. But i'm going to think about it.

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You’re right, I should’ve looked more closely. Your jQuery classList does other stuff than HTML5 classList.

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