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Redshift performance tuning-related queries
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-------------------- | |
-- Incorrect column encoding | |
-------------------- | |
SELECT database, schema || '.' || "table" AS "table", encoded, size | |
FROM svv_table_info | |
WHERE encoded='N' | |
ORDER BY 2; | |
SELECT trim(n.nspname || '.' || c.relname) AS "table",trim(a.attname) AS "column",format_type(a.atttypid, a.atttypmod) AS "type", | |
format_encoding(a.attencodingtype::integer) AS "encoding", a.attsortkeyord AS "sortkey" | |
FROM pg_namespace n, pg_class c, pg_attribute a | |
WHERE n.oid = c.relnamespace AND c.oid = a.attrelid AND a.attnum > 0 AND NOT a.attisdropped and n.nspname NOT IN ('information_schema','pg_catalog','pg_toast') AND format_encoding(a.attencodingtype::integer) = 'none' AND c.relkind='r' AND a.attsortkeyord != 1 ORDER BY n.nspname, c.relname, a.attnum; | |
-- Note that the first column in a compound sort key should not be encoded | |
-------------------- | |
-- Skewed table data | |
-------------------- | |
-- | |
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS temp_staging_tables_1; | |
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS temp_staging_tables_2; | |
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS temp_tables_report; | |
CREATE TEMP TABLE temp_staging_tables_1 | |
(schemaname TEXT, | |
tablename TEXT, | |
tableid BIGINT, | |
size_in_megabytes BIGINT); | |
INSERT INTO temp_staging_tables_1 | |
SELECT n.nspname, c.relname, c.oid, | |
FROM pg_namespace n, pg_class c | |
WHERE n.oid = c.relnamespace | |
AND nspname NOT IN ('pg_catalog', 'pg_toast', 'information_schema','pg_internal') | |
AND c.relname <> 'temp_staging_tables_1'; | |
CREATE TEMP TABLE temp_staging_tables_2 | |
(tableid BIGINT, | |
min_blocks_per_slice BIGINT, | |
max_blocks_per_slice BIGINT, | |
slice_count BIGINT); | |
INSERT INTO temp_staging_tables_2 | |
SELECT tableid, MIN(c), MAX(c), COUNT(DISTINCT slice) | |
FROM (SELECT t.tableid, slice, COUNT(*) AS c | |
FROM temp_staging_tables_1 t, STV_BLOCKLIST b | |
WHERE t.tableid = b.tbl | |
GROUP BY t.tableid, slice) | |
GROUP BY tableid; | |
CREATE TEMP TABLE temp_tables_report | |
(schemaname TEXT, | |
tablename TEXT, | |
tableid BIGINT, | |
size_in_mb BIGINT, | |
has_dist_key INT, | |
has_sort_key INT, | |
has_col_encoding INT, | |
pct_skew_across_slices FLOAT, | |
pct_slices_populated FLOAT); | |
INSERT INTO temp_tables_report | |
SELECT t1.*, | |
FROM pg_attribute a | |
WHERE t1.tableid = a.attrelid | |
AND a.attnum > 0 | |
AND NOT a.attisdropped | |
AND a.attisdistkey = 't') | |
THEN 1 ELSE 0 END, | |
FROM pg_attribute a | |
WHERE t1.tableid = a.attrelid | |
AND a.attnum > 0 | |
AND NOT a.attisdropped | |
AND a.attsortkeyord > 0) | |
THEN 1 ELSE 0 END, | |
FROM pg_attribute a | |
WHERE t1.tableid = a.attrelid | |
AND a.attnum > 0 | |
AND NOT a.attisdropped | |
AND a.attencodingtype <> 0) | |
THEN 1 ELSE 0 END, | |
100 * CAST(t2.max_blocks_per_slice - t2.min_blocks_per_slice AS FLOAT) | |
/ CASE WHEN (t2.min_blocks_per_slice = 0) | |
THEN 1 ELSE t2.min_blocks_per_slice END, | |
CAST(100 * t2.slice_count AS FLOAT) / (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM STV_SLICES) | |
FROM temp_staging_tables_1 t1, temp_staging_tables_2 t2 | |
WHERE t1.tableid = t2.tableid; | |
SELECT * FROM temp_tables_report | |
ORDER BY schemaname, tablename; | |
-------------------- | |
-- Queries not benefiting from sort keys | |
-------------------- | |
-- Note: Queries evaluated against a sort key column must not apply a SQL function to the sort key | |
SELECT database, table_id, schema || '.' || "table" AS "table", size, nvl(s.num_qs,0) num_qs | |
FROM svv_table_info t | |
LEFT JOIN (SELECT tbl, COUNT(distinct query) num_qs | |
FROM stl_scan s | |
WHERE s.userid > 1 | |
AND s.perm_table_name NOT IN ('Internal Worktable','S3') | |
GROUP BY tbl) s ON s.tbl = t.table_id | |
WHERE t.sortkey1 IS NULL | |
ORDER BY 5 desc; | |
-- | |
-- Return instances of table filter for all or a given table in the past 7 days | |
select trim(s.perm_Table_name) as table , substring(trim(info),1,580) as filter, sum(datediff(seconds,starttime,case when starttime > endtime then starttime else endtime end)) as secs, count(distinct i.query) as num, max(i.query) as query | |
from stl_explain p | |
join stl_plan_info i on ( i.userid=p.userid and i.query=p.query and i.nodeid=p.nodeid ) | |
join stl_scan s on (s.userid=i.userid and s.query=i.query and s.segment=i.segment and s.step=i.step) | |
where s.starttime > dateadd(day, -7, current_Date) | |
and s.perm_table_name not like 'Internal Worktable%' | |
and like 'Filter:%' and p.nodeid > 0 | |
and s.perm_table_name like '%' -- choose table(s) to look for | |
group by 1,2 order by 1, 3 desc , 4 desc; | |
-------------------- | |
-- Tables without statistics or which need vacuum | |
-------------------- | |
-- | |
SELECT substring(trim(plannode),1,100) AS plannode | |
,COUNT(*) | |
FROM stl_explain | |
WHERE plannode LIKE '%missing statistics%' | |
AND plannode NOT LIKE '%redshift_auto_health_check_%' | |
GROUP BY plannode | |
-- Determine tables that have stale statistics | |
SELECT database, schema || '.' || "table" AS "table", stats_off | |
FROM svv_table_info | |
WHERE stats_off > 5 | |
ORDER BY 2; | |
-------------------- | |
-- Tables with very large VARCHAR columns | |
-------------------- | |
-- Tables that should have their maximum column widths reviewed | |
SELECT database, schema || '.' || "table" AS "table", max_varchar | |
FROM svv_table_info | |
WHERE max_varchar > 150 | |
ORDER BY 2; | |
-- Determine true maximum width of column | |
SELECT max(len(rtrim(column_name))) | |
FROM table_name; | |
-- | |
-- Top 50 time consuming statements aggregated by its text | |
select trim(database) as DB, count(query) as n_qry, max(substring (qrytext,1,80)) as qrytext, min(run_seconds) as "min" , max(run_seconds) as "max", avg(run_seconds) as "avg", sum(run_seconds) as total, max(query) as max_query_id, | |
max(starttime)::date as last_run, aborted, event | |
from ( | |
select userid, label, stl_query.query, trim(database) as database, trim(querytxt) as qrytext, md5(trim(querytxt)) as qry_md5, starttime, endtime, datediff(seconds, starttime,endtime)::numeric(12,2) as run_seconds, | |
aborted, decode(alrt.event,'Very selective query filter','Filter','Scanned a large number of deleted rows','Deleted','Nested Loop Join in the query plan','Nested Loop','Distributed a large number of rows across the network','Distributed','Broadcasted a large number of rows across the network','Broadcast','Missing query planner statistics','Stats',alrt.event) as event | |
from stl_query | |
left outer join ( select query, trim(split_part(event,':',1)) as event from STL_ALERT_EVENT_LOG where event_time >= dateadd(day, -7, current_Date) group by query, trim(split_part(event,':',1)) ) as alrt on alrt.query = stl_query.query | |
where userid <> 1 | |
-- and (querytxt like 'SELECT%' or querytxt like 'select%' ) | |
-- and database = '' | |
and starttime >= dateadd(day, -7, current_Date) | |
) | |
group by database, label, qry_md5, aborted, event | |
order by total desc limit 50; | |
-- Pay special attention to SELECT * queries which include the JSON fragment column | |
-- If end users query these large columns but don’t use actually execute JSON functions against them, consider moving them into another table that only contains the primary key column of the original table and the JSON column | |
-------------------- | |
-- Queries waiting on queue slots | |
-------------------- | |
-- | |
-- Return commit queue statistics from past 2 days, showing largest queue length and queue time first | |
select startqueue,node, datediff(ms,startqueue,startwork) as queue_time, datediff(ms, startwork, endtime) as commit_time, queuelen | |
from stl_commit_stats | |
where startqueue >= dateadd(day, -2, current_Date) | |
order by queuelen desc , queue_time desc; | |
-- | |
-- Returns the per-hour high water-mark for WLM query queues | |
WITH | |
-- Replace STL_SCAN in generate_dt_series with another table which has > 604800 rows if STL_SCAN does not | |
generate_dt_series AS (select sysdate - (n * interval '1 second') as dt from (select row_number() over () as n from stl_scan limit 604800)), | |
apex AS (SELECT iq.dt, iq.service_class, iq.num_query_tasks, count(iq.slot_count) as service_class_queries, sum(iq.slot_count) as service_class_slots | |
FROM | |
(select gds.dt, wq.service_class, wscc.num_query_tasks, wq.slot_count | |
FROM stl_wlm_query wq | |
JOIN stv_wlm_service_class_config wscc ON (wscc.service_class = wq.service_class AND wscc.service_class > 4) | |
JOIN generate_dt_series gds ON (wq.service_class_start_time <= gds.dt AND wq.service_class_end_time > gds.dt) | |
WHERE wq.userid > 1 AND wq.service_class > 4) iq | |
GROUP BY iq.dt, iq.service_class, iq.num_query_tasks), | |
maxes as (SELECT apex.service_class, trunc(apex.dt) as d, date_part(h,apex.dt) as dt_h, max(service_class_slots) max_service_class_slots | |
from apex group by apex.service_class, apex.dt, date_part(h,apex.dt)) | |
SELECT apex.service_class, apex.num_query_tasks as max_wlm_concurrency, maxes.d as day, maxes.dt_h || ':00 - ' || maxes.dt_h || ':59' as hour, MAX(apex.service_class_slots) as max_service_class_slots | |
FROM apex | |
JOIN maxes ON (apex.service_class = maxes.service_class AND apex.service_class_slots = maxes.max_service_class_slots) | |
GROUP BY apex.service_class, apex.num_query_tasks, maxes.d, maxes.dt_h | |
ORDER BY apex.service_class, maxes.d, maxes.dt_h; | |
-- | |
-- Returns the high-water mark for WLM query queues and time queuing was last encountered | |
WITH | |
generate_dt_series AS (select sysdate - (n * interval '1 second') as dt from (select row_number() over () as n from svl_query_report limit 604800)), | |
-- generate_dt_series AS (select sysdate - (n * interval '1 second') as dt from (select row_number() over () as n from [table_with_604800_rows] limit 604800)), | |
apex AS (SELECT iq.dt, iq.service_class, iq.num_query_tasks, count(iq.slot_count) as service_class_queries, sum(iq.slot_count) as service_class_slots | |
FROM | |
(select gds.dt, wq.service_class, wscc.num_query_tasks, wq.slot_count | |
FROM stl_wlm_query wq | |
JOIN stv_wlm_service_class_config wscc ON (wscc.service_class = wq.service_class AND wscc.service_class > 4) | |
JOIN generate_dt_series gds ON (wq.service_class_start_time <= gds.dt AND wq.service_class_end_time > gds.dt) | |
WHERE wq.userid > 1 AND wq.service_class > 4) iq | |
GROUP BY iq.dt, iq.service_class, iq.num_query_tasks), | |
maxes as (SELECT apex.service_class, max(service_class_slots) max_service_class_slots | |
from apex group by apex.service_class), | |
queued as ( select service_class, max(queue_end_time) max_queue_end_time from stl_wlm_query where total_queue_time > 0 GROUP BY service_class) | |
select apex.service_class, apex.num_query_tasks as max_wlm_concurrency, apex.service_class_slots as max_service_class_slots, max(apex.dt) max_slots_ts, queued.max_queue_end_time last_queued_time | |
FROM apex | |
JOIN maxes ON (apex.service_class = maxes.service_class AND apex.service_class_slots = maxes.max_service_class_slots) | |
LEFT JOIN queued ON queued.service_class = apex.service_class | |
GROUP BY apex.service_class, apex.num_query_tasks, apex.service_class_slots, queued.max_queue_end_time | |
ORDER BY apex.service_class; | |
-------------------- | |
-- Queries that are disk-based | |
-------------------- | |
q.query, trim(q.cat_text) | |
FROM (SELECT query, replace( listagg(text,' ') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY sequence), '\\n', ' ') AS cat_text FROM stl_querytext WHERE userid>1 GROUP BY query) q | |
JOIN | |
(SELECT distinct query FROM svl_query_summary WHERE is_diskbased='t' AND (LABEL LIKE 'hash%' OR LABEL LIKE 'sort%' OR LABEL LIKE 'aggr%') AND userid > 1) qs ON qs.query = q.query; | |
-------------------- | |
-- Commit queue waits | |
-------------------- | |
-- | |
SELECT w.query | |
,substring(q.querytxt,1,100) AS querytxt | |
,w.queue_start_time | |
,w.service_class AS class | |
,w.slot_count AS slots | |
,w.total_queue_time / 1000000 AS queue_seconds | |
,w.total_exec_time / 1000000 exec_seconds | |
,(w.total_queue_time + w.total_Exec_time) / 1000000 AS total_seconds | |
FROM stl_wlm_query w | |
LEFT JOIN stl_query q | |
ON q.query = w.query | |
AND q.userid = w.userid | |
WHERE w.queue_start_Time >= dateadd(day,-7,CURRENT_DATE) | |
AND w.total_queue_Time > 0 | |
-- and q.starttime >= dateadd(day, -7, current_Date) | |
-- and ( querytxt like 'select%' or querytxt like 'SELECT%' ) | |
ORDER BY w.total_queue_time DESC | |
,w.queue_start_time DESC limit 35 | |
-------------------- | |
-- Using explain plan alerts | |
-------------------- | |
-- | |
-- Return alerts from past 7 days | |
select trim(s.perm_table_name) as table , (sum(abs(datediff(seconds, coalesce(b.starttime,d.starttime,s.starttime), case when coalesce(b.endtime,d.endtime,s.endtime) > coalesce(b.starttime,d.starttime,s.starttime) THEN coalesce(b.endtime,d.endtime,s.endtime) ELSE coalesce(b.starttime,d.starttime,s.starttime) END )))/60)::numeric(24,0) as minutes, | |
sum(coalesce(b.rows,d.rows,s.rows)) as rows, trim(split_part(l.event,':',1)) as event, substring(trim(l.solution),1,60) as solution , max(l.query) as sample_query, count(distinct l.query) | |
from stl_alert_event_log as l | |
left join stl_scan as s on s.query = l.query and s.slice = l.slice and s.segment = l.segment | |
left join stl_dist as d on d.query = l.query and d.slice = l.slice and d.segment = l.segment | |
left join stl_bcast as b on b.query = l.query and b.slice = l.slice and b.segment = l.segment | |
where l.userid >1 | |
and l.event_time >= dateadd(day, -7, current_Date) | |
-- and s.perm_table_name not like 'volt_tt%' | |
group by 1,4,5 order by 2 desc,6 desc; |
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