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Created June 22, 2015 19:19
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Upload Assets with jQuery File Upload - see
namespace Craft;
class UploadsController extends BaseController {
* Process uploaded files
* @author Bob Olde Hampsink
public function actionProcess() {
// Disable devmode script log
craft()->config->set('devMode', false);
// Get given folder id
$folderId = craft()->request->getParam('folder');
// Process files for source
$response = craft()->uploads->process($folderId);
// Process files as assets
foreach($response['files'] as $key => $file) {
// Index file
$asset = craft()->uploads->index($file, $folderId);
// Add asset to array
$response['files'][$key]->asset = $asset->id;
// Return response as JSON
namespace Craft;
class UploadsService extends BaseApplicationComponent
// UploadHandler niet direct initialiseren
protected $initialize = false;
// Source settings
protected $settings = array();
// Extra opties voor UploadHandler
protected $options = array();
// UploadHandler error messages
protected $errorMessages = array(
1 => 'The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini',
2 => 'The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form',
3 => 'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded',
4 => 'No file was uploaded',
6 => 'Missing a temporary folder',
7 => 'Failed to write file to disk',
8 => 'A PHP extension stopped the file upload',
'post_max_size' => 'The uploaded file exceeds the post_max_size directive in php.ini',
'max_file_size' => 'File is too big',
'min_file_size' => 'File is too small',
'accept_file_types' => 'Filetype not allowed',
'max_number_of_files' => 'Maximum number of files exceeded',
'max_width' => 'Image exceeds maximum width',
'min_width' => 'Image requires a minimum width',
'max_height' => 'Image exceeds maximum height',
'min_height' => 'Image requires a minimum height'
// Verwerk geuploade files
public function process($folderId) {
// Include UploadHandler class that comes with jQuery File Upload
// Get source settings by ID
$sourceId = craft()->assets->getFolderById($folderId)->sourceId;
$this->settings = craft()->assetSources->getSourceById($sourceId)->settings;
// Stel opties in
$this->options = array(
'upload_dir' => $this->settings['path'],
'upload_url' => $this->settings['url'],
'image_versions' => array(
// The empty image version key defines options for the original image:
'' => array(
// Automatically rotate images based on EXIF meta data:
'auto_orient' => true
// Initialiseer UploadHandler
$handler = new \UploadHandler($this->options, $this->initialize, $this->errorMessages);
// Vang post requests op en return de response
return $handler->post(false);
// Indexeer geuploade files
public function index($file, $folderId) {
// Create new AssetFile Model
$asset = new AssetFileModel();
$asset->sourceId = craft()->assets->getFolderById($folderId)->sourceId;
$asset->folderId = $folderId;
$asset->filename = IOHelper::getFileName($file->name);
$asset->kind = IOHelper::getFileKind(IOHelper::getExtension($file->name));
$asset->size = $file->size;
$asset->dateModified = IOHelper::getLastTimeModified($this->settings['path'].$file->name);
if ($asset->kind == 'image')
list($width, $height) = getimagesize($this->settings['path'].$file->name);
$asset->width = $width;
$asset->height = $height;
// Index file
return $asset;
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Arrived at this gist from this post. Just wondering, how you were able to get this to work with a Sprout Form + Jquery File Upload?

I assume the above code would go inside a custom Craft plugin. I'm just unclear as to how you would handle calling fileupload from the front end with this solution.

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