First, install Solaar to see the battery level on the taskbar
sudo apt-get install solaar
To remap the keys, install
sudo apt-get install xbindkeys xautomation
Then, launch xev to get the keyboard or mouse event to bind
# grep button
xev | grep -i button
Create the configuration file for xbindkeys
nano ~/.xbindkeysrc
Here is an exemple of this file that map the Back and Forward buttons to BackSpace and Return respectively
# thumb wheel up => increase volume and unmute
"amixer -D pulse set Master 4000+ unmute"
# thumb wheel down => lower volume
"amixer -D pulse set Master 4000-"
# backward button => previous song
"xte 'key XF86AudioPrev'"
# forward button => next song
"xte 'key XF86AudioNext'"
# Example backspace
#"xte 'keydown BackSpace'"
#"xte 'keyup BackSpace'"
# b:8 + Release
# Alt tab to previous app
"xte 'keydown Alt_L' 'key Tab' 'keyup Alt_L'"
To test your binding
xbindkeys -v
To start xbindkeys
To find key code
xbindkeys --key
// or
xbindkeys --multikey
If you change the key map, you have to restart xbindkeys by following command
killall xbindkeys && xbindkeys
Double thanks for pointing that out and attributing the work!