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Last active November 17, 2018 23:30
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UI5 Tool: "Where used" Logger
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
window["sap-ui-config"] = {
libs: "sap.ui.core, sap.m, sap.ui.mdc",
preload: "async",
async: "true",
"xx-async": true,
<script id="sap-ui-bootstrap"
<script id="boghyon-where-used" src="whereUsed.js"></script>
<h1>Check out the console</h1>
* Note: This is barely an MVP and hardly optimized.
* TODO: Put things in the worker thread since the iterator doesn't need DOM.
* _________________________________________________________
* # What it does:
* Invokes a function that logs all modules with the search results appended accordingly.
* Sample log after searching for "sap.m.Button": `
* In sap.m.ActionSheet ...
* A>/buttons/type: sap.m.Button
* E>/beforeClose/appData/origin/type: sap.m.Button
* E>/afterClose/appData/origin/type: sap.m.Button
* `
* Or after searching for "styleClass": `
* In sap.m.Column ...
* P>/styleClass/name: styleClass
* In sap.m.FlexItemData ...
* P>/styleClass/name: styleClass
* `
* Whereas
* P === Property
* A === Aggregation
* E === Event
* z === Association
* x === Special settings
* _________________________________________________________
* # How to use
* Just open any UI5 application, open browsers console, copy-paste and run this snippet.
* Or run this Gist in here:
* Adjust the `regex` as you wish.
sap.ui.getCore().attachInit(() => sap.ui.require([
], function(ControlIterator) {
"use strict";
const regex = /\bsap.m.Button\b/; // Example: Which module makes use of thze type 'sap.m.Button' and where?
function _search(regex) {
return regex ?, controlClass) {
console.log(`In ${controlName} ...`); // Currently it just logs out. TODO: Return proper result objects
run(controlClass.getMetadata().getAllSettings(), regex)
}, {
includeElements: true,
includeNonInstantiable: true,
excludedLibraries: [
// Deprecated libs
}) : null;
function run(obj, regex, path = "") {
.filter(key => key[0] !== "_")
function log(key) {
const currentValue = obj[key];
const fullPath = `${path}/${key}`;
if (typeof currentValue === "string") {
regex.test(currentValue) && console.log(` ${fullPath}:`, currentValue);
if (isObject(currentValue)) {
const constructorName =;
const path = constructorName !== "Object" ? `${constructorName}>${fullPath}` : fullPath;
return run(currentValue, regex, path);
function isObject(obj) {
return === "[object Object]";
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