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Created March 14, 2022 17:01
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#@ UIService ui
#@ DatasetService ds
* Happy Pi Day 2022
* This visualizes the bifurcation diagram for the "standard circle map"
* (and its parameters are expressed in terms of pi)
* John Bogovic
* This script was written for Fiji / ImageJ2.
import net.imglib2.type.numeric.integer.*;
import net.imagej.axis.*;
import ij.*;
import ij.process.*;
import net.imglib2.img.array.*;
import net.imagej.*;
pi = Math.PI;
pi2 = 2 * pi;
nsamples = pi*pi*pi*pi*pi*pi as long;
nCircleSamples = pi*pi*pi*pi*pi*pi as long;
step = pi / (pi*pi*pi);
omega = pi / (pi*pi);
startK = pi / 2;
endK = 4 * pi;
def circleMapOrbit( net.imglib2.RandomAccess ra, double omega, double K, long nsamples ) {
t0 = 0.0;
while( t0 < pi2 ) {
t0 += step;
tht = t0;
(1..nsamples).each {
tht = tht + omega + (( K / pi2 ) * Math.sin( pi2 * tht ));
tht = tht % pi2;
if (tht < 0 ) {
tht += pi2;
p = ((tht * nCircleSamples ) / pi2) as long;
ra.setPosition( p, 0 );
img = ds.create(new ImgPlus( ArrayImgs.unsignedShorts( nCircleSamples, nsamples )));
ra = img.randomAccess();
for( int i = 0; i < nsamples; i++ ) {
println ( "i: " + i );
ra.setPosition( i, 1 );
K = startK + ( endK - startK ) * i / nsamples;
circleMapOrbit( ra, omega, K, nsamples );
} img );
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