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Created July 4, 2022 12:13
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Téléchargement et conversion en GPX de la BDCavité (liste des cavités souterraines du BRGM)
// Mode d'emploi : créer un répertoire vierge et lancer "php cavites.php"
const JSON_URL = '';
1 => 'LambertI',
2 => 'LambertII',
3 => 'LambertIII',
4 => 'LambertIV',
5 => 'LambertIIExtend',
6 => 'WGS84',
7 => 'Lambert93',
if (!file_exists('csv')) {
$json = file_get_contents(JSON_URL);
$json = json_decode($json);
foreach ($json->departemental as $key => $data) {
$target = sprintf('csv/%s.csv', $key);
if (!file_exists($target)) {
copy($data->lien, $target);
echo ".";
echo "\n";
foreach (glob('csv/*.csv') as $file) {
echo basename($file) . "...";
csv_to_gpx($file, sprintf('gpx/%s.gpx', str_replace('.csv', '', basename($file))));
echo "\n";
echo "\n";
function csv_to_gpx(string $src, string $target) {
$target = fopen($target, 'w');
$src = fopen($src, 'r');
fwrite($target, '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
version="1.1">' . "\n");
$i = 0;
$header = null;
while (!feof($src)) {
$line = fgetcsv($src, null, ';');
if (!$line) {
// Ignore headers
if ($i++ == 0) {
$line = array_filter($line, fn($a) => trim($a) === '' ? false : true);
$header = $line;
$line = array_slice($line, 0, count($header), true);
if (count($line) != count($header)) {
printf("Line %d: field count mismatch\n%s\n", $i, print_r($line, true) . print_r($header, true));
$line = array_combine($header, $line);
if (!isset($line['confidentialite'], $line['nomCavite'], $line['zOuvrage'], $line['xOuvrage'], $line['yOuvrage'], $line['lambertOuvrage'])) {
printf("Line %d: Missing mandatory field\n%s\n", $i, print_r($line, true));
if ($line['confidentialite'] != 'public') {
unset($line['confidentialite'], $line['raisonConfidentialite'], $line['organismeChxConfidentialite']);
$desc = [];
foreach ($line as $key => $value) {
$desc[] = sprintf('%s: %s', $key, trim($value));
$desc = implode("\n", $desc);
$name = $line['nomCavite'];
$latlon = convert_coordinates($line);
if ($latlon === null) {
printf("Line %d: Invalid ref: %s for %s\n", $i, $line['lambertOuvrage'], $line['numCavite']);
list($lat, $lon) = $latlon;
fwrite($target, sprintf('<wpt lat="%f" lon="%f"><sym>Tunnel</sym><name>%s</name><desc>%s</desc><ele>%d</ele></wpt>' . "\n",
$lat, $lon, htmlspecialchars($name, ENT_XML1), htmlspecialchars($desc, ENT_XML1), $line['zOuvrage']));
fwrite($target, "</gpx>\n");
function convert_coordinates(array $line) {
$ref = PROJECTIONS[$line['lambertOuvrage']] ?? null;
if (!$ref) {
return null;
if ($ref == 'LambertIIExtend') {
$c = new Convert($line['xOuvrage'], $line['yOuvrage']);
return $c->convert();
elseif ($ref == 'Lambert93') {
return lambert93ToWgs84($line['xOuvrage'], $line['yOuvrage']);
elseif ($ref == 'WGS84') {
return [$line['yOuvrage'], $line['xOuvrage']];
else {
return lambert2gps($line['xOuvrage'], $line['yOuvrage'], $ref);
* @author Florent Cardot
* Y = Latitude
* X = Longitude
$lon = 5802906.829;
$lat = 6453674.479;
$L = new Convert($lon, $lat);
class Convert
private $X;
private $Y;
private $Coord;
private $Cm;
private $n;
private $XSm;
private $YSm;
private $a;
private $f1;
/**Contructeur (initialise les variables qui doivent l'etre)**/
function __construct($X, $Y)
$this->Cm = 11745793.393435;
$this->n = 0.728968627421412;
$this->XSm = 600000;
$this->YSm = 8199695.76800186;
$this->a = 6378249.2000;
$this->f1 = 6356515.0000;
$this->X = $X - $this->XSm;
$this->Y = $Y - $this->YSm;
}//end function
public function convert()
return [self::convertY(),self::convertX()];
$this->Coord[0] = self::ConvertX(); //X
$this->Coord[1] = self::ConvertY(); //Y
return $this->Coord;
}//end function
public function ConvertX()
$longitude = atan(-($this->X)/($this->Y));
$longitude = $longitude / $this->n;
$longitude = $longitude * 180 / pi();
$constante = 2 + (20 / 60) + (14.025 / 3600);
$longitude = $longitude + $constante;
}//end function
public function ConvertY()
$latitude = sqrt(pow($this->X, 2) + pow($this->Y, 2));
$f = ($this->a - $this->f1) / $this->a;
$e² = 2 * $f - pow($f, 2);
$e = sqrt($e²);
$Latiso = log($this->Cm / $latitude) / $this->n;
$latitude = tanh($Latiso);
for ($i = 0; $i < 6; $i++)
$latitude = tanh($Latiso + $e * self::atanh($e * $latitude));
$latitude = asin($latitude);
$latitude = $latitude / pi();
$latitude = $latitude * 180;
}//end function
public function atanh($x)
$resultat = log((1 + $x) / (1 - $x)) / 2;
return $resultat;
}//end function
}//end classs
function lambert93ToWgs84($x, $y)
$b8 = 1 / 298.257222101;
$b10 = sqrt(2 * $b8 - $b8 * $b8);
$b16 = 0.7256077650532670;
$x = number_format(floatval($x), 10, '.', '') - 700000;
$y = number_format(floatval($y), 10, '.', '') - 12655612.0499;
$gamma = atan(-$x / $y);
$latiso = log(11754255.426096 / sqrt(($x * $x) + ($y * $y))) / $b16;
$sinphiit = tanh($latiso + $b10 * atanh($b10 * sin(1)));
for ($i = 0; $i != 6 ; $i++) {
$sinphiit = tanh($latiso + $b10 * atanh($b10 * $sinphiit));
return [
asin($sinphiit) / pi() * 180, // latitude
($gamma / $b16 + 3 / 180 * pi()) / pi() * 180, // longitude
function lambert2gps($x, $y, $lambert) {
$lamberts = array(
"LambertI" => 0,
"LambertII" => 1,
"LambertIII" => 2,
"LambertIV" => 3,
"LambertIIExtend" => 4,
"Lambert93" => 5
$index = $lamberts[$lambert];
$ntabs = array(0.7604059656, 0.7289686274, 0.6959127966, 0.6712679322, 0.7289686274, 0.7256077650);
$ctabs = array(11603796.98, 11745793.39, 11947992.52, 12136281.99, 11745793.39, 11754255.426);
$Xstabs = array(600000.0, 600000.0, 600000.0, 234.358, 600000.0, 700000.0);
$Ystabs = array(5657616.674, 6199695.768, 6791905.085, 7239161.542, 8199695.768, 12655612.050);
$n = $ntabs [$index];
$c = $ctabs [$index]; // En mètres
$Xs = $Xstabs[$index]; // En mètres
$Ys = $Ystabs[$index]; // En mètres
$l0 = 0.0; //correspond à la longitude en radian de Paris (2°20'14.025" E) par rapport à Greenwich
$e = 0.08248325676; //e du NTF (on le change après pour passer en WGS)
$eps = 0.00001; // précision
* coordonnées dans la projection de Lambert 2 à convertir *
$X = $x;
$Y = substr($y, 1);
* Conversion Lambert 2 -> NTF géographique : ALG0004
$R = Sqrt((($X - $Xs) * ($X - $Xs)) + (($Y - $Ys) * ($Y - $Ys)));
$g = Atan(($X - $Xs) / ($Ys - $Y));
$l = $l0 + ($g / $n);
$L = -(1 / $n) * Log(Abs($R / $c));
$phi0 = 2 * Atan(Exp($L)) - (pi() / 2.0);
$phiprec = $phi0;
$phii = 2 * Atan((Pow(((1 + $e * Sin($phiprec)) / (1 - $e * Sin($phiprec))), $e / 2.0) * Exp($L))) - (pi() / 2.0);
while (!(Abs($phii - $phiprec) < $eps)) {
$phiprec = $phii;
$phii = 2 * Atan((Pow(((1 + $e * Sin($phiprec)) / (1 - $e * Sin($phiprec))), $e / 2.0) * Exp($L))) - (pi() / 2.0);
$phi = $phii;
* Conversion NTF géogra$phique -> NTF cartésien : ALG0009
$a = 6378249.2;
$h = 100; // En mètres
$N = $a / (Pow((1 - ($e * $e) * (Sin($phi) * Sin($phi))), 0.5));
$X_cart = ($N + $h) * Cos($phi) * Cos($l);
$Y_cart = ($N + $h) * Cos($phi) * Sin($l);
$Z_cart = (($N * (1 - ($e * $e))) + $h) * Sin($phi);
* Conversion NTF cartésien -> WGS84 cartésien : ALG0013
// Il s'agit d'une simple translation
$XWGS84 = $X_cart - 168;
$YWGS84 = $Y_cart - 60;
$ZWGS84 = $Z_cart + 320;
* Conversion WGS84 cartésien -> WGS84 géogra$phique : ALG0012
$l840 = 0.04079234433; // 0.04079234433 pour passer dans un référentiel par rapport au méridien
// de Greenwich, sinon mettre 0
$e = 0.08181919106; // On change $e pour le mettre dans le système WGS84 au lieu de NTF
$a = 6378137.0;
$P = Sqrt(($XWGS84 * $XWGS84) + ($YWGS84 * $YWGS84));
$l84 = $l840 + Atan($YWGS84 / $XWGS84);
$phi840 = Atan($ZWGS84 / ($P * (1 - (($a * $e * $e))
/ Sqrt(($XWGS84 * $XWGS84) + ($YWGS84 * $YWGS84) + ($ZWGS84 * $ZWGS84)))));
$phi84prec = $phi840;
$phi84i = Atan(($ZWGS84 / $P) / (1 - (($a * $e * $e * Cos($phi84prec))
/ ($P * Sqrt(1 - $e * $e * (Sin($phi84prec) * Sin($phi84prec)))))));
while (!(Abs($phi84i - $phi84prec) < $eps))
$phi84prec = $phi84i;
$phi84i = Atan(($ZWGS84 / $P) / (1 - (($a * $e * $e * Cos($phi84prec))
/ ($P * Sqrt(1 - (($e * $e) * (Sin($phi84prec) * Sin($phi84prec))))))));
$phi84 = $phi84i;
return array($phi84 * 180.0 / pi(), $l84 * 180.0 / pi());
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