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Last active November 18, 2022 20:32
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How to print full presenter notes without slides in Keynote - Answer to
global presenterNotes
tell application "Keynote"
open (choose file)
tell front document
do shell script "rm -f ~/keynote-notes.txt"
set num to 0
repeat with aSlide in every slide
set num to num + 1
do shell script "echo '-- " & num & " --' >> ~/keynote-notes.txt"
set slideNote to presenter notes of aSlide as text
do shell script "echo '" & slideNote & "' >> ~/keynote-notes.txt"
do shell script "echo '' >> ~/keynote-notes.txt"
end repeat
end tell
quit application "Keynote"
end tell
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Hmmm, I was able to successfully run the script on stackexchange and it dumped the notes onto the clipboard. I just copied it into ScriptEditor and hit the "run" triangle button. But the script here gives errors when I try to run it the same way, ScriptEditor result is:

error "Keynote got an error: sh: line 4: Advisory: command not found
sh: line 6: Always: command not found
sh: line 8: Explain: command not found
sh: line 9: Current: command not found
sh: line 11: Apology: command not found
sh: line 12: The: command not found
sh: line 13: We: command not found
sh: line 14: This: command not found
sh: -c: line 15: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `''
sh: -c: line 16: syntax error: unexpected end of file" number 2

Maybe the tbrk comment is the solution - but I don't know how to make the change? Thanks!

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