Goal: obtain intimate low-level knowledge of git commands and understanding
- Exercise:
- Go to: https://learngitbranching.js.org/?NODEMO
- Type levels
- Choose the necessary level
- Intro
- Skip
- Branching - together
- Merge - everyone (4 mins) - happens merge commit that points to 2 commits in history; it's bad - harder to navigate in history; harder to revert; use rebase
- Rebase - everyone (2 mins) - rebase is preferable: one line of history commits, easy to reason about the project development
- Ramping Up
- Detach HEAD - together
- Skip
- Skip
- Revering changes - everyone - NEVER EVER do a reset on a master - always revert
- Moving around
- Cherry picking - everyone - when use ? UCR
- Interactive rebase - everyone - the pinnacle of git; when do we use it? - always, especially in merging branches
- A mixed bag
- Grabbing one commit - everyone
- Skip
- Skip
- Tags - everyone
- Advanced topics
- Rebase 9000 times
- Skip
- Branch spaghetti
- Git remotes