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Last active January 30, 2023 18:28
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Reconstructs Flickr library based on exported metadata (which factually has all the data but sucks as an offline backup)
# 17 jan 2023 - parsing downloaded Flickr data (image dumps and metadata) in order to restore the albums and re-date the images to original date
# import required modules
import os
import json
import shutil
import filedate
This Python script aims to recreate your Flickr library as you had it. It requires you to request an export of your account's data.
The created files will be a combination of your account data (just metadata files) and a collection of zips containing - more or less
randomly organized - the pictures and videos of you account.
When I did this in December 2022, it really annoyed me that all the images and videos were randomly organized. Plus, the date the photo was
created or uploaded was lost. However, in the provided 'account data' download all the knowledge is present, it just needs to be reapplied
to your downloaded collection.
In essence this script recreates the albums your images belonged to. It also changes the created date of the file to the original uploaded
- pip install filedate
Unzip all your downloaded files (account data and all images/videos zips) into one folder.
Below are a few variables that you will need to fill in manually as the naming on your end will be different than it was for me. See the
While running the script it will output a lot of output messages to the console.
I really don't know too much about Python. This script could most likely be x times more efficient.
I'm happy it worked for me and hopefully it will work for you too :)
# Directory containing all photo json files (look for files named 'photo_xxxxxxxxx.json' eg. 'photo_108214041.json').
directory = '72157721417080014_89350bcd6a9e_part1'
# List of all the the directories containing your images/videos. Flickr possibly multiple zips to download, hence the necessity
# for this. Adjust the number of items in this List to your needs
fileDirs = ['data-download-1', 'data-download-2', 'data-download-3', 'data-download-4', 'data-download-5']
# Output dir
outputDir = 'output-dir'
# You don't need to touch any of the script below, it should just do its thing.
print('Wait until finished, mmkay? 2200 files on a macbook pro m1 took about 15 seconds. You mileage may vary.')
# make sure the output directory exists
if not os.path.exists(outputDir):
print('output directory ' + outputDir + ' did not exist >> creating...')
# iterate over files in dir
for filename in os.listdir(directory):
# skip anything that isn't a 'photo_xxxxxxx.json' file
if not filename.startswith('photo_'):
# print('filename ' + filename + ' does not start with \'photo_\'')
f = os.path.join(directory, filename)
# checking if it is a file
if os.path.isfile(f):
# open file
_file = open(f)
# open as json file
data = json.load(_file)
# this works!
# if data['albums']:
# if (len(data['albums']) > 1):
# print('file ' + str(f) + ' is in more than 1 album')
# print(_file + ' >> ' + data['id'])
# print(str( + ' >> ' + str(data['id']))
# now iterate over the data dirs (where all the images are)
for _dir in fileDirs:
#loop over all files in the dirs
for _filename in os.listdir(_dir):
_f = os.path.join(_dir, _filename)
# checking if it is a file
if os.path.isfile(_f):
# check if the id is part of the filename
if str(data['id']) in _filename:
# copy image to albums, otherwise just to the root
if data['albums']:
for album in data['albums']:
# print('this photo is part of the album ' + str(album['title']))
albumdir = os.path.join(outputDir, album['title'])
dirExists = os.path.exists(albumdir)
if not dirExists:
# print('creating directory ' + album['title'])
outputString = shutil.copy2(_f, albumdir)
if outputString:
a_file = filedate.File(outputString)
if data['date_taken']:
created = data['date_taken'],
modified = data['date_taken'],
accessed = data['date_taken']
# date_imported
created = data['date_imported'],
modified = data['date_imported'],
accessed = data['date_imported']
outputString = shutil.copy2(_f, outputDir)
if outputString:
a_file = filedate.File(outputString)
if data['date_taken']:
created = data['date_taken'],
modified = data['date_taken'],
accessed = data['date_taken']
# date_imported
created = data['date_imported'],
modified = data['date_imported'],
accessed = data['date_imported']
# print('')
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