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Last active November 22, 2024 07:46
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Possible Solution for Azure Functions .NET Worker Issues

Possible Solution for Azure Functions .NET Worker Issues

Issues Encountered

Failed to restore /home/vsts/work/1/s/CarbonCopy.PI.Functions/obj/Release/net8.0/WorkerExtensions/WorkerExtensions.csproj This error is encountered during the build process of an Azure Functions project targeting .NET 8.0.

Related GitHub Issues

The workaround

  • performs nugets caching before the function is being build
  • can cache nugets from private vsts feed using the already included authorization
  • I've tried to use nuget+nugetauthprovider directly, didn't work on ubuntu, probably due to hardcoded mono msbuild version in the nuget (or auth) tool.

20-JUL-2024 - haven't tested it fully yet, just finished. But the main build process is reported as OK.

22-NOV-2024 - I have been using this workaround since 20-JUL-2024 without any notices from the backend team.

function Add-NugetAuthConfig {
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# Load the XML file
[xml]$nugetConfig = Get-Content $path
# Check if the packageSourceCredentials node exists, if not create it
if ($null -eq $nugetConfig.configuration.packageSourceCredentials) {
$packageSourceCredentialsNode = $nugetConfig.CreateElement("packageSourceCredentials")
$nugetConfig.configuration.AppendChild($packageSourceCredentialsNode) | Out-Null
else {
$packageSourceCredentialsNode = $nugetConfig.configuration.packageSourceCredentials
# Create the new package source credentials node
$newPackageSourceNode = $nugetConfig.CreateElement($key)
$usernameNode = $nugetConfig.CreateElement("add")
$usernameNode.SetAttribute("key", "Username")
$usernameNode.SetAttribute("value", $login)
$newPackageSourceNode.AppendChild($usernameNode) | Out-Null
$passwordNode = $nugetConfig.CreateElement("add")
$passwordNode.SetAttribute("key", "ClearTextPassword")
$passwordNode.SetAttribute("value", $pwd)
$newPackageSourceNode.AppendChild($passwordNode) | Out-Null
# Append the new package source credentials node
$packageSourceCredentialsNode.AppendChild($newPackageSourceNode) | Out-Null
# Save the updated XML back to the file
Write-Output "Updated nuget.config file saved to $path"
function Get-PasswordFromJson {
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# Convert the JSON string to a PowerShell object
$jsonObject = $JsonString | ConvertFrom-Json
# Iterate through the endpointCredentials array to find the matching endpoint
foreach ($credential in $jsonObject.endpointCredentials) {
if ($credential.endpoint -eq $EndpointUrl) {
return $credential.password
# If no matching endpoint is found, return $null
return $null
function Invoke-PackageEnumeration {
param (
$csProjFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path $csProjLookupDirectory -Recurse -Filter *.csproj
# Initialize the dictionary
$packagesDictionary = @{}
foreach ($file in $csProjFiles) {
[xml]$xml = Get-Content -Path $file.FullName
$packages = $xml.Project.ItemGroup.PackageReference
foreach ($package in $packages) {
$packageId = $package.Include
$packageVersion = $package.Version
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($packageId)) {
if ($false -eq $packagesDictionary.ContainsKey($packageId) ) {
$packagesDictionary[$packageId] = @($packageVersion)
else {
if (-not $packagesDictionary[$packageId].Contains($packageVersion)) {
$packagesDictionary[$packageId] += $packageVersion
# Return the dictionary
return $packagesDictionary
function Invoke-NuGetPackageCaching {
param (
[string]$config, # path to the nuget.config file, rel or abs
[string[]]$feedKeys, # keys of the feeds to cache packages, should exist in the nuget.config file
[string]$projectsDir = $null, # where to look for the csproj files, by default the directory of the nuget.config file
[string]$nugetExePath = "nuget.exe" # path to the nuget.exe
$nugetConfigPath = Resolve-Path $config
# check if projectsDir null or empty
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($projectsDir)) {
$projectsDir = Split-Path $nugetConfigPath
if (-Not (Test-Path -Path $nugetExePath)) {
Write-Host "Trying to resolve the nuget.exe path: '$nugetExePath'"
$nugetPath = (Get-Command nuget.exe).Source
Write-Host "Resolved nuget.exe path: '$nugetPath'"
$nugetExePath = $nugetPath
Write-Warning "Prerequisites:"
Write-Warning "nuget.exe should be installed on the machine (NuGetToolInstaller task)."
Write-Warning "NuGetAuthenticate task should be executed before this task."
# write the input parameters
Write-Host "The Function Input parameters:"
Write-Host " config: $config"
Write-Host " feedKeys: $($feedKeys -join ', ')"
Write-Host " nugetExePath: $nugetExePath"
Write-Host " projectsDir: $projectsDir"
# Get the NuGet global packages cache directory
$globalPackagesCache = & dotnet nuget locals global-packages --list
# Extract the path from the output
$cachePath = $globalPackagesCache | Select-String -Pattern "global-packages: (.+)" | ForEach-Object { $_.Matches[0].Groups[1].Value }
Write-Host "NuGet global packages list: $globalPackagesCache"
Write-Host "NuGet global packages cache directory (parsed): $cachePath"
$authProviderEnpoints = $env:VSS_NUGET_EXTERNAL_FEED_ENDPOINTS
Write-Host "VSS_NUGET_EXTERNAL_FEED_ENDPOINTS: $authProviderEnpoints"
try {
# Ensure the packages folder exists
if (-Not (Test-Path -Path $cachePath)) {
Write-Host "Creating the NuGet global packages cache directory at '$cachePath'"
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $cachePath
# ensure the nuget.config file exists, exit with error if not
if (-Not (Test-Path -Path $nugetConfigPath)) {
Write-Error "NuGet config file not found at the provided path '$nugetConfigPath'"
return 1
# parse the nuget.config XML file to get all the feeds
$cfgFeedsDic = @{}
$xml = [xml](Get-Content $nugetConfigPath)
$xml.configuration.packageSources.add | ForEach-Object {
$cfgFeedsDic[$_.key] = $_.value
# add auth info to the nuget.config file
foreach ($key in $cfgFeedsDic.Keys) {
$authPwd = Get-PasswordFromJson -JsonString $authProviderEnpoints -EndpointUrl $cfgFeedsDic[$key]
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($authPwd)) {
Write-Host "The password for the feed '$key' is not found in the provided credentials. Skipping the feed..."
Add-NugetAuthConfig -path $nugetConfigPath -key $key -login "vsts" -pwd $authPwd
# print the nuget.config file
Write-Host "NuGet config file:"
Get-Content $nugetConfigPath | ForEach-Object { Write-Host $_ }
$cfgFeeds = @()
# print the feed URLs and keys
Write-Host "Exctracted feeds from the provided config:"
foreach ($key in $cfgFeedsDic.Keys) {
Write-Host " $($key): $($cfgFeedsDic[$key])"
$cfgFeeds += $cfgFeedsDic[$key]
$includedPackages = Invoke-PackageEnumeration -csProjLookupDirectory $projectsDir
Write-Host "Used packages:"
foreach ($ipKey in $includedPackages.Keys) {
Write-Host "Package: $($ipKey):"
foreach ($ipv in $includedPackages[$ipKey]) {
Write-Host " - $($ipv):"
foreach ($feedKey in $feedKeys) {
$feedUrlToCache = $cfgFeedsDic[$feedKey]
Write-Host "Getting all the packages list from the feed: '$feedKey' - '$feedUrlToCache"
# List all packages from the feed
if ($IsWindows -eq $true) {
$packages = & $nugetExePath list -Source $feedUrlToCache -ConfigFile $nugetConfigPath -NonInteractive -verbosity detailed
else {
$packages = mono $nugetExePath list -Source $feedUrlToCache -ConfigFile $nugetConfigPath -NonInteractive -verbosity detailed
Write-Host "Caching packages from the feed: '$feedKey"
foreach ($package in $packages) {
Write-Host "Processing package: '$package'"
if ($package -match "^(\S+)\s(\S+)$") {
$packageName = $matches[1]
$packageVersions = @($matches[2])
# if we dont have this package in the used one, we skip it
if ($false -eq $includedPackages.ContainsKey($packageName)) {
Write-Host "!!! The package '$packageName' not found in the included packages! Skipping it from caching..."
$includedVersions = $includedPackages[$packageName]
if ($includedVersions.count -gt 0) {
$packageVersions = $includedVersions
# caching all the listed package versions
foreach ($packageVersion in $packageVersions) {
Write-Host "Downloading package '$packageName.$packageVersion'"
if ($IsWindows -eq $true) {
& $nugetExePath install $packageName -Version $packageVersion -OutputDirectory $cachePath -ConfigFile $nugetConfigPath -NonInteractive -MSBuildPath $msbuildPath -verbosity detailed #-Source $cfgFeeds
else {
mono $nugetExePath install $packageName -Version $packageVersion -OutputDirectory $cachePath -ConfigFile $nugetConfigPath -NonInteractive -MSBuildPath $msbuildPath -verbosity detailed #-Source $cfgFeeds
catch {
Write-Error $_.Exception.Message
return 1
finally {
$env:VSS_NUGET_EXTERNAL_FEED_ENDPOINTS = $authProviderEnpoints
# Invoke-NuGetPackageCaching -config "C:\src\CarbonCopy.API\nuget.config" -feedKeys @("company-shared") -nugetExePath "C:/src/nuget.exe"
Juts in case
  	<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.Azure.Functions.Worker"
  		Version="1.22.0" />
  	<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.Azure.Functions.Worker.Extensions.Http"
  		Version="3.2.0" />
  	<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.Azure.Functions.Worker.Extensions.ServiceBus"
  		Version="5.20.0" />
  	<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.Azure.Functions.Worker.Extensions.Storage.Queues"
  		Version="5.4.0" />
  	<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.Azure.Functions.Worker.Extensions.Timer"
  		Version="4.3.1" />
  	<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.Azure.Functions.Worker.Sdk"
  		Version="1.17.4" />
  	<PackageReference Include="ClosedXML"
  		Version="0.100.3" />
  	<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.Azure.Functions.Extensions"
  		Version="1.1.0" />
  	<PackageReference Include="Azure.Messaging.ServiceBus"
  		Version="7.17.5" />
  	<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.Azure.Functions.Worker.Extensions.Storage"
  		Version="6.4.0" />
  	<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions"
  		Version="7.0.0" />
  	<PackageReference Include="Newtonsoft.Json"
  		Version="13.0.3" />
- task: UseDotNet@2
displayName: 'Install .Net SDK version'
packageType: sdk
version: 8.x
installationPath: $(Agent.ToolsDirectory)/dotnet
- task: NuGetToolInstaller@1
displayName: 'Use NuGet 6.9.1'
versionSpec: 6.9.1
- task: NuGetAuthenticate@1
nuGetServiceConnections: 'company-shared'
- task: PowerShell@2
displayName: Cache nuget packages
targetType: "inline"
pwsh: true
script: |
$psPath = Join-Path ${env:PIPELINE_WORKSPACE} "s/.vsts/shared/Invoke-NuGetPackageCaching.ps1"
. $psPath
$configPath = Join-Path ${env:PIPELINE_WORKSPACE} "s/nuget.config"
Invoke-NuGetPackageCaching -config $configPath -feedKeys @("company-shared")
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