; Roto-life (rotozooming game of life, with blur -- in 256 bytes!)
; Game of life algorithms by INT-E
; Decyphering and adaptation of game of life, and everything else by Bonz
org 100h
; The first two lines of the matrix are filled with crap because of the
; algorithm, so we skip them when plotting the cells
NX equ 512 / 8
NY equ 272
EXTRA equ 128 / 8 + NX * 8 ; So many bytes are not displayed
CELLS equ NX * NY ; Also the origin of cells table
; Constants for the rotozooming table
table equ 01000h ; Pointer to base of table
tabentries equ 200h ; Number of entries in the table
tabsize equ tabentries * 4 ; Size in bytes of table
tabmask equ table | (tabsize - 1) ; Mask for addresses in the table
; Macro for referencing FPU constants
work equ 200h ; Base of work area
%define var(x) word [byte si+x-work]
; Setup video mode and palette -----------------------------------------
mov al,13h
int 10h
; The palette is set to a blue...white gradient with this setup:
; each bit represents whether the pixel was set 0..7 generations
; ago: bit 7 is set if a pixel appeared in the most recent generation
; and decreases the red and green components represents by 8,
; while bit 0 is set if a pixel appeared 7 generations ago and
; decreases the components by 1.
; This allows one to plot a pixel with a simple BT+RCR pair
; (BT on the game of life matrix, RCR on VRAM)
mov dx,03c8h
xor ax,ax
out dx,al
inc dx
mov al, 63
jns setpal2 ; SF has sign of AH
mov al, 40 ; If cell alive, draw it more blue
mov cl, 8
rol ah, 1 ; extract a bit into carry
jnc nodec
sub al, cl ; and accumulate the weight
loop bit
out dx, al ; Output red/green
out dx, al
mov al, 255 ; Setting AL=255...
out dx, al ; ...is the same as 63 (full blue)...
inc ax ; ...but INC AX increments AH!
jnz setpal ; Do next color
; Compute sines and cosines ------------------------------------------
mov ch, tabentries >> 8 ; 256 entries in the table
mov di, table ; Pointer to base of table
%if tabentries == work
mov si, cx ; Pointer to base of data
mov si, work
mov word [si], cx
fild word [si] ; ang
fldpi ; pi ang
fmulp st1 ; ang*pi
fidiv var(shift) ; ang*pi/128
fsincos ; sin cos
fld st0 ; sin cos cos
call calc ; sin cos
call calc ; sin
fstp st0
loop calctab
; Main cycle ---------------------------------------------------------
push word 0a000h
pop fs
pusha ; Save CX=0, DI=angle
mov bp, CELLS ; number of bytes in the cells matrix
mov di, bp ; di=cells matrix
lea si, [bp+di] ; si=workspace (at 2*CELLS)
push bp ; save count of remaining bytes
mov bp,NX * 2 ; start with the line below
mov al,byte [di+bp] ; Copy screen to buffer for
mov byte [si+bp],al ; next line
line: ; WARNING: black magic follows
mov ax,[si+bp-NX] ; read 16 cells from buffer
push ax
ror ax,1 ; AX=89ABCDEF 01234567
rcl al,1 ; -> 789ABCDE 01234567
call subtract ; do 16 subtracts in parallel
pop ax ; (8 for this byte and 8 for the next)
rol ax,1
mov ah,0 ; -> -------- 12345678
call subtract ; do 8 subtracts in parallel
sub bp,byte NX
jns line ; Work on the three neighboring lines
; Here is the Karnaugh map for the "cell is alive" function:
; CBA = ~count of neighbors, X=cell is alive
; XC \ BA | 00 01 11 10
; ----`---+-------------------
; 00 | 0 0 0 0
; 01 | _0___|1| 0 0 X' = C ~B A + X C ~B
; 11 | |_1___|1| 0 0 = C ~B (A + X)
; 10 | 0 0 0 0
; In the code, AL = X, CL = A, DL = B, BX = C
lodsb ; Decide destiny of these 8 cells
or al, cl ; according to the above formula
not dl
and al, dl
and ax, bx
stosb ; and store in the cells buffer
mov cl, 8 ; shift sums by 8 bits
shr dx, cl
shr bx, cl
shr cx, cl
pop bp
dec bp
jnz life ; do NX * NY times
and di, tabmask ; Constrain DI in the table
mov si, di ; For LODS
lodsw ; cosine in BP
xchg bp, ax
lodsw ; AX=sine, SI=new angle
xchg si, ax ; SI=sine, AX=new angle
xchg di, ax ; SI=sine, DI=new angle
; We don't need to zero out BX and DX because their
; values are constant across frames
xor di, di ; Base of VRAM
mov ax, 320 ; Common value
mov cl, 200 ; 200 rows
xchg cx,ax ; CX=320
push bx ; Save Y index
mov al, dh ; AL = X index
mov bl, al ; Combine Y and X in BX
and al, 7 ; Isolate bit index in AX
shr bl, 1 ; Discard it in bx
shr bx, 2
bt [bx + CELLS+EXTRA], ax ; bx = 00YYYYYYYY0XXXXX
rcr byte [fs:di], 1 ; Rotate cell status into VRAM
pop bx ; Pop Y index
inc di ; Next pixel
add bx, si ; Update for next column
add dx, bp
loop xplot ; and draw it
add di, ax ; Next line (AX=320)
sub bx, bp ; Update for next line
add dx, si
loop yplot ; and draw it
mov ah,1 ; ESC pressed?
int 16h
jz near frame ; If not, next frame please
mov ax,3 ; Else back in text mode
int 10h ; and use the RET from this subroutine
mov ah,9
mov dx,text
int 21h
; This routine subtracts the 16 bits in AX from sixteen 3-bit counters
; spread across CX, DX and BX.
; First of all, notice that even though 0-9 require 4 bits,
; we can get by with 3 because 0-1 and 8-9 neighboring cells
; have the same behavior (i.e. die)
; The formulas for subtracting X to CBA are very nice:
; A' = A ^ X
; B' = B ^ (X & ~A) = B ^ (X & A')
; C' = C ^ (X & ~A & ~B) = C ^ (X & A' & ~B) = C ^ (X & A' & B')
; (X & ~A implies X, but if X then A' = ~A; and similarly,
; X & ~A & ~B implies X & ~A, but if X & ~A then B' = ~B)
xor cx,ax ; cx: bit 0 counter
and ax,cx
xor dx,ax ; dx: bit 1 counter
and ax,dx
xor bx,ax ; bx: bit 2 counter
; Compute st1*(cos(angle)*30+50), assuming st0=cos(angle)
; Stack balance: -1
fimul var(scale) ; st1 cos*scale
fiadd var(base) ; st1 cos*scale+base
fmul st1 ; st1 st1*(cos*scale+base)
fistp word [di] ; st1
dw tabentries / 2 ; values for the math coprocessor
dw 30
dw 60
db 'LIFE!-Bonz$'
January 17, 2012 08:11
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Rotozooming game of life, with blur in 256 bytes
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